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stuff we forgot when grew up..

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true. i have no right.

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how am i supposed to react? (o.O) ? (=.=!) ? (-.-) ? (T_T) ? (X_X) ? (^_^) ? (^^,) ????

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nasibla jadi org tengah. but what a funny when u give ear to both side. X) 
hidup ini klakar..ak hanya mampu ketawa..

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1# even though it is not meet my expectation.. but thank you.

2# thank you Allah for grant and sending me the lovely and nice persons surrounding me.. be apart of my life.. im really appreciated their concern, advice, sweetness, kindness and accept me as i am..

3# pls forgive my sins, their sins and give all of us Your blessing. 

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precious moment..

how sweet when you found a man yg offer himself to be a babysitter n sanggup tlg jagakn bdk kecik on behalf, while we (woman) about to sleep.. X))

you will be sweet daddy someday lil bro. muahh seposen.. :D

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thank you for d trust. im so glad. i dont know how to express how grateful i am. :)

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Life is no more than a big game. Who will play which move? how will their move change my move? a puzzle of sorts. and we fit  right into it. what happened had happens.. but the mind replays what the heart cant delete..

yang baik-baik itu tidak semestinya hanya pada yg indah-indah.. jika kita yakin pada kasih dan rahmat Dia, setiap musibah juga akan dipandang indah.. 

aku yang dulu bukan yang sekarang.. 

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kn dh kate dunie ni kecik jer.. pusing2 kot mana pon, sumthing cant be hidden kalo Dia xizinkan. hmm.. No wonder..~ 

im juz hope..semoga Allah permudahkan urusanku..

btw all d best HQ team! Goodluck for tomorrow! risau gak ni if kna interview esk. need to study la nmpknye mlm ni.. (-.-)

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nothing much to say.. THANK YOU!! :)

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im juz..

i just want all d things back like before..


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oh ayah.. mlm semalam mimpi ayah.. suddenly rs rindu yg amat.. :'( hope you're juz fine.. org kata..klo mimpi org dh meninggal, means arwah minta kita doakan dia.. might be Nadia xbyk berdoa utk ayah. im so sorry coz not b your good daughter..~ 

but you are always b in my heart ayah. n i'll always pray for you.


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sandiwara cinta

what a sad song ever. but i dunno why i cant get over from it. might be d rhythm so nice to hear.. why la must have drama like dis. if u like dat guy/girl.. juz go for it. no need to chase anyone else. tamak? but lastly have to choose either one jgak kn. i really hate drama. trying to avoid since i know what is love.. since i saw what's my frens goin' through.. d sadness n pain.. dats y im tryin' not to b in relationship till im ready to get married. Like my late father said.."ape gune bercinte kalo xnk kawen?".. but who know what's goin' on in d future..? 

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1 Hundred 50 Mil Only :p

while im busy with d tons of work.. suddenly d radio plays my fav song, that keep me thinking n reminisce sumone special for me.. :)

                                                                       imysm <3

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nothing happen.. juz nk gtau.. tarikh cantik arini..~ sekian X)

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Good Morning world..

Wat a boring day today.. ak org yg terawal smpi opis. even kluar umah lmbt giler, but i manage to punch card before 830am.. yeayy for me.. hihii~

babywee xdak kwn arini.. ;(

annddd.. today is a special day to my dear sweet annoying man. X) HB d! :) May Allah bless you and may all ur dream will come true! Happy 'to b a wiser man' too. ;) 143!~

~wif lots of  <3

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haha.. while my family members sibuk nk p beraya, im enjoying myself by watching muvie at cinema.. trukk btuii! :p :p :p 

today is not really a bad day to me.. ;) even several bad thing happened suddenly n make me pissed off, but im still enjoy my day. :) the road is super duper clear. easy to get parking. and even ramai giler beratur nk bli tix, but i manage to get my seat rite on time before the movie start. :D and and i manage to grab the thing dat i seeking for too. weee. xsia2 tawaf 10x. alhamdulillah :D :D :D

oh well.. RIPD review.. cerite yg x terjangka dek akal.. ade kaitan dgn dunie akhirat.  the story begin by a policeman (Nick Walker) had been murder by his colleague (yg sbnrnye dh mati jugak). before d judgment day, Nick have a chance to join d Rest In Peace Department. i guess sbrnyer motif die nk balas dendam dkt pembunuhnye, but suddenly, berkait plak dgn misi roh2 jahat bersembunyi di antare manusia yg ingin melarikan diri dr judgement day. they all need to build some monument by  pieces of gold to make a medium pembalikkan dunie, which is org2 mati ni akan hidup semula dan opkoz la dh name jahat..misi dorg nk menakluki dunie dgn kuase jahat dorg. as a newby, Nick berganding dgn veteran sheriff, Roy ape ntah nme die. credit to action and hilarious scene. *thumbs up* And as usual muvie ending, at last both of them manage to save d world. 

rupe veteran Sheriff Roy and Nick d dunia manusia

i dont believe the story at all.. juz enjoying my day with d movie dat i most wanted to watch before start to work tomorrow. oh my holiday will be end in a couple of hours..~ (=.=!) oh nooo!~

hallo mr monday ! pls be nice to me ok..*hugs*

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im juz tired..

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a day before syawal..

 today's activity while waiting untill 1pm.. X)

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dh xde mood bekerja. feeling lazy to come here dis morning.. huarghhh~
p/s: Alhamdulillah.. rezeki hari ini..~ thanx boss. byk gak tu.. weee~

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alhamdulillah.. hujan rahmat di subuh penghujung ramadhan.. i love d feeling..tenang..nyaman.. :) sambil sambung baca buku 'motivasi'.. hihii

hmm..tidurku diganggu dgn msg bertalu2 dr group Archyvist girls.. msg2 bercerita how suddenly dorg dh x passion dlm archy field.. kalo tnya ak.. dh lama dh ak xde minat yg mendalam.. selepas incident di sebuah archy firm yg ak mls nk sebut namenye.. im not dat lucky..mcm kwn2 lain.. eventhou xdela pndai sgt kerja (opkoz la kn sbb newby) but dorg dpt environment yg memberi smgt n kekuatan.. ak? hanyut dlm mimpi ngeri..smpi ak xsggup nk teruskan lg..

bab sambung blaja satu hal.. many thing happened to my life.. detik dan ketika itu.. so, itu antara punca2 ak xteruskan niat nk jadi seorang arkitek, which is i desire to be satu ketika dahulu.. mak opkoz la membebel..sbb byk habes duet kt study ak dlu..hihii..sorry. (-.-!) but i do follow ur advice to b a teacher like u..but nasib xmenyebelahi.. d zaman ak masih confuse, mencari2 identiti ak ketika umur 17tahun.. ade je apply maktab perguruan, at d same time apply senibina.. but alhamdulillah, ak diterima masuk ke dlm program senibina UiTM Seri Iskandar, setelah melalui sesi temuduga dan drawing exam dgn jayanye.. Arwah ayah yg byk bg sokongan moral utk ak amik pengajian ni..

Life is so unpredictable. susah nk expect ape akan jd..xsemestinye berjaye dlm pelajaran, akn berjaye d luar sane.. xsemestinye ape yg kite nk dpt, kite akan bahagia.. alhamdulillah..setelah ak melarikan dri dr bidang archy, ak still survive what. dpt beli ape ak nk.. mampu berkereta. mampu tersenyum d setiap hjg bulan even gaji xseberapa..wahahaa. n plg penting rs seronok utk dtg kerja.. yeay!

stress mne2 pon ade..samada kite mampu handle atau tidak. even ak xkeje bidang archy, tp darah seni still ade. boss bagi sepenuh kepercayaan dkt ak utk design mcm2 artwork. utk ofis use, personal die.. ak rs proud dgn diri ak, sbb dpt serve people n secara xlgsg im gain d trust from them. boss ak jenis xpuji dpn2 sgt..but wat i heard, he is really appreciated my talent n opkoz myself.. alhamdulillah.bkn sng nk dpt boss yg ngam. :D ak happy keje bhgn management.. n d best part is, org2 atasan kate, ak wat keje laju n efficient. sbb tula my worklife, hari2 dganggu dengan adhoc tasksssss. sometimes rs annoying, but most of d time ak masih mampu tersenyum, coz im capable to handle it dgn jayanye plus i gain more trust from them.. and opkoz ade hikmah ak beralih bidang. antara penyebab sesuatu yg terjadi.. byk sgt hikmah yg ak xmmpu nk jelaskan dgn kate2. :) ak juz harap everything goes well.

So, kalo nk dgr ckp org..mcm2 org boley ckp.. tp yg merasainye kite. DIRI KITE! dont listen too much what others say. sbb kite yg tentukan hala tuju hidup kite. nk ke hidup under others thumb smpi bile2? org lain juz ley bg nasihat, share dorgnye opinion, show their sympathy..but if love urlife, jgn bg dorg wat keputusan utk hidup kite.. you'll bear all d burden in future. not them.

Kalo nk cerita 1001 malam pon xkan abes.. psl kerjaya, life, cinta, even diri sendiri.. skg ni..ak juz fokus hidup ak.. teruskan ape yg ak ada skg.. sbb ak pon xpasti ape yg akan terjadi, n akan hidup smpi bila.. could be xsampai umur 30an, ak dh xde kt muke bumi ni.. selagi ak mampu bertahan hidup dgn gaji yg boleh la tahan ni, ak stay.. if not ak move on tukar angin plak. apa yg terjadi semuanya dh tertulis.. even i have doubt at first, but alhamdulillah ak jenis berfikir, sit down n muhasabah diri, nk kate kecewa, tentula ade..but i dont bother sgt. ckit2 tetap ade..:p im still a human.. punye hati dan perasaan.. punye impian dan harapan..

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what a blast.. Thank you!

Thank you Mr D for the duet raya! yeay!

Thank you Pn S for the nice baju kurung! :)

Thank you Mr S for the gift from London! :D

Thank you Mr ZK for the gift from London too! X)

Thank you Mr F n Mr V for the collagen soap, souvenir from Labuan! (^^,)

Thank you company for d Perf. Bonus dis year..~ ($_$)

Last but not least..Thank you Allah for the breath until today.. For the healthy skin day by day..
and for giving me a chubby, sweet, cuteness and most of d time annoying soulmate. ahaks~ ily!

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a week nk raye..

tibe2 suasane hari raye kian terase.. si pejual kueh dh bwk stok.. ;p lagu raye bersilih ganti berkumandang.. :D duet raye dh tukar.. rezeki makhluk2 kecil.. (^^,) excited plak gua nk beraye..hihii~ but..sedeyh juge..ramadhan bakal berakhir.. lg setahun nk jumpe balik, insyaAllah jika berkesempatan.. 

my raya progress? besela..last minute preparation..hope everything will run smooth.. ayuh, kite mulekan kerja sis!  X)

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