tiMe FLies..~
30.12.2011. alhamdulillah.. di penghujung tahun 2011, dpt rezeki terpijak lg! hihii. thank you mummy! i love u so muchyy! ;) ho yeahhh! lets rockin' d world wif me baby-Wee!~ :)
31.12.2011. Happy Birthday ayah! Hope ayah getting better by day to day, time to time. May dis year be filled with dreams and good madness to u.
01.01.2012. Time flies so fast. Goodbye 2011. :'( Hope 2012 may bring a full of joy n happiness to my family and yours! ;)) insyaAllah.
02.01.2012. Happy holiday everyone!
(for those who have not to go to work today. ;) Ho yeahh!! no Monday blues for d opening year..:p
03.01.2012. Happy Anniversary to me!~ ;) 1st year wif TECHNOFIT. alhamdulillah. im glad to be a part of TECHNOFITIAN! yeay! :)
04.01.2012. ouchhhh. counting d daysss.. cant wait! XD
05.012.2012. still cant cant wait for it. ;)
06.01.2012. Goodbye Malaysia!! and here i come Jakarta and Bandung!! wehuuuu!~
3 idiots
inspiring movie ever! cerita yg sgt padat dgn pengajaran dlm kehidupan. nice story and great ending. byk scene spontan yg klakar and not boring. yeah, sumone should be what he/she wanna be.. apa2pon, restu from parent pon sama penting. im agree wif the message yg pengarah filem ni cube smpikan, which is, pendidik/master-ji shouldnt overestimate their student, yg mana akan berjaya or not. ;) i really2 love this movie! :) 10 per 10 star! and..and.. amir khan so handsome and adorable! u make me melt like an iceberg on the sea..oucchh~
All is well! thanx TV3! ;)
makin ditegur makin menjadi.. hukum dipermainkan. xtaula kenapa. protes mgkn. but terpulanglah.. diri sndri yg rugi. saham untuk di sana abes juz like dat. nk nasihat lebih2, kna hentam balik. yer la, mmg diri ni belum cukup sempurna, tp si penghentam pon sama jer..sempurna sgtkah awk..?? boley plak berkata n nasihat org lain lebih2, dan kepada yg diperkatakan tu, xnk lak awk nasihatkan dia, sekurang2nya jadi better dari diri ini.
xfhm.. syg kena pada haknya dan berpada2. kalo xnk org mengata/bz body, xyah la wat drama bersiri. it's juz between you-you and Allah. lps tu, nk bg tazkirah 3 hari 3 mlm bila org lain buat silap pon boley sgt2 .. sbb awk cukup sempurna di mata kami yg berlagak baik ni. eyh2.. sape ntah sbnrnya yg berlagak baik tp terang2an buat bnda xbaik ni..?ish2 :I xmau bersubahat, tapi xterdaya nk menegur dan menghalang..
yup,btul la tu awk.. im not good enough! neither pretending that im 'good2', juz masih waras untuk membezakan yg mana baik dan buruk..yg mana pahala dan dosa..
ya Allah.. besar sungguh dugaanMu yg dtg kali ni.. dh kering air mata nk menangisi nasib yg xsudah2 dirundung duka.. tahun demi tahun.. waktu demi waktu..
Hari ini, genap 3 hari ayah di hospital. ak sedeyh sgt tgk keadaan ayah.. :'(((( xtergambar cm mana sedeyhnya hati ak n sayu tgk mak bergenang air mata which is i know she's ego to show her feeling in front of us. ya Allah.. kasihanilah ibu bapaku seperti mereka kasihankan ak sewaktu ak kecil dahulu.. ak xsanggup tgk mak sedeyh cmni.. tgk ayah dlm keadaan mcm tu.. ayah.., ayah kena kuatkan semangat. harap sgt ayah kuat dr segi mental n emosi, sbb segala2nya depends on that.. nadia tau ayah ok, insyaAllah..
ya Allah, kurangkanlah kesakitan yg dia alami, ak sanggup ambik alih beban kesakitan dia sbb ak xsanggup tgk die mcm tu.
ak percaya setiap yg berlaku ada hikmahnya..i can see a several of its.. n hopefully Kau jadikan ak seorang yg tabah mengharungi hidup ini smpi penghujung usiaku.. dan berikanlah kesejahteraan dan keberkatan terhadap keluargaku dunia dan akhirat.
have a great time yesterday.. even xplan properly, but im lovin it! jumpa new fren, a fren of my bestie.. dunia ni kecik jer, pusing2, jumpa jua..:p n we're related!! rumah dekat, penah keje d tmpt yg sama but lain waktu.. n bru smlm dipertemukan..itula org2 tua ckp, 'if jodoh, xkn ke mana aih..' ;p jumpa hari2 pon, xsemestinya jodoh, kalo xpenah jumpa, then suddenly bump into in sumwhere, d right place d right time, kalau dh jodoh..;p ishh..apela dok cter psl jodoh2 jer ni??(o.O) huahuahua. d person yg i met smlm a gurl la.. :p very nice gurl. :) dpt adek bru lg..yay! ;))
yesterday, got a msg from my buddy, k zuey ku.. she ask me for teman-ing her to k balkis'sister wed,(polis kawen polis, best la reception dorg..esccort dgn motorbike, berarak bwh pedang lg you..;) d pelamin pon so cntik!! ala2 taman but its not greenery, but chocolate n gold theme! sgt cntik, mcm autumn gitu.. pelamin pon lain dr lain which is menghadap serong, not like typical pelamin yg mngadap straight jer.. ;p yg rs funny skit, elok sgt la, ak plak pki kebaya gold,k zuey punya kaler baju pon lebih kurang la ngn ak, dh mcm tuan umah lak..'mai jemput mkn..~' hehehe..
then, after that, we're shoot to shah alam, k zuey nk jumpa d lil gurl dat i mention above.. cik ninie namanya..dlu amik archy kt poli merlimau if im not mistaken, then, praktikal+keje kt RMA (archy firm yg i penah praktikal dlu ;p), n now she continues her study in Interior Design at UiTM Shah Alam, which is my university that i'd study before.. ;) masa p amik die kt kolej anggerik (my-hostel-that-i-used-to-live-before) teringat kenangan2 lama.. miss those day.. xbyk sgt berubah, juz bgnn yg sdg dibina, masa ak study dlu, dh siap.. haih..kesian la warga anggerik, kurang privasi skit, but kalo gatai, bestla dpt cuci mata usha budak chemist. engineering.. hmm, nnt sapa usha sapa nth..~ ;)
then, k zuey brought us to Jusco Bkt Raja..borak2, layan movie twilight, then antar cik ninie balik hostel.. dak kecik xley blik lewat sgt..design pon memanggil2 dh tu..;p our journey xberhenti di situ.. k zuey got msg dr her colleague, Mr Azam, ajak tgk MAS vs BHR kt NZ w maju.. actually azam is my ex-colleague at firm-yg-xley-disebut-namanya :p haih..kecik kn dunia ni..penat la if nk cerita betapa keciknya dunia ni..;p then smpi w maju around 9.00pm, terlepas pulak tgk Nazmi jaringkan gol, but im so happy heard MAS win 1-0 at dat tyme.. Azam tkr venue sbb NZ ramai kot, then smpi jer restaurant yg die ckp tu, we xjoin him, k zuey ckp die nk jerit2, kalo ade guy die kenal die segan..haha..so, layan bola kt another table. hmm.. so frustated jugak sbb dlm masa 6min jer, BHR berjaya meragut kegembiraan kami!! warghh..mrh benar la sy..but, ape kes la nk gaduh2 kn.. duniawi jer suma ni..kalah menang adat pertandingan.. bese la kan..blik umah, buka fb, baca blog sana sini, ade plak manusia2 yg mcm xbertamadun n ckp ikut sdp tekak..kalo hgpa terer sgt, p la masuk SHM. kritik bkn main hebat. ;p pk2kn la..semua yg terjadi ni atas kehendak ilahi.. kun fa ya kun.. so, juz chill n enjoy d game. :)
hmm..n woke up this morning, dgr pulak crite menyakitkan hati.. bru sebut psl kun fa ya kun kan.. sbr je la.. kalo ikutkan hati, nthla..xtau la what im gonna do. geram! marah! lepas satu, satu mslh mai..but kna sbr je la.. harungi semua pahit getir ni.. Ya Allah..jauhila perkara yg xdiingini berlaku.. :'(
what a dayy.. im so tired!! have to go here and there.. morning till evening. plus felt a lil bit resentful n annoyed like bluerghhhhhhhhhhhhh~~
hmm.. xpela. hari ni hari awk.. no sweat! thanx a bunch for ur 'concern n help'.. yes, im seeking and really need your help SOMETIMES, but i think u dont seek/need my help..NEVER. owh. really?? it's oklah like dat..when it's come to you soon, juz remember what u did to me. b ashamed brahh..~ at dat time, it's maybe very important to you, but its not mine at all..there is no consideration dat i have to make, juz like what u think n did for my business. :)and..and.. neither not in my priority/waiting list too~ ahhh.. juz like what u did. again. :) when its come to ego, d thing will b ruin juz like dat..what a nice eyh.. senyum xperlu kata apa2. :)
**hotties juz for hotties.. and im cool..oh yeah.. i see..i see..~
whoahh.. im feel so tired but thanx Allah for give me d good time n wonderful memories last weekend. im feel so blessed. :) met my kak wanis n family, having chit chatting like crazee n went to IB d next day to watch Badai Semalam.. aaron aziz, jasmine hamid, izara aisyah, emelda rosmila, datin paduka umie aida, fizz fairuz, artis budaya IB n last but not least, erra faziraaa.. u guys super damn howt. i like all of ur acting. good job n keep it up! :)
besi benar!~
alhamdulillah. im blessed. thank you Allah for d good time juz now..!~ dr xtau nk watper, terisi juge holiday sy hari ini..:)) punyalah ramai org, dgn parking full smpi upper carpark season dbuka. haih..c'mon la u all, bgla chance kt me yg jarang kuar ni space.. yg sume sibuk nk kuar arini pe kess..?~ ;p and what a blissful day too coz terjumpa member, junior, senior university and sekolah..~ rs cm i ni artist pulak, ade jer yg menegur..hehe.. jodoh kite berjumpa arini.~ :D
not to forgettt~~ thanx to ms cma, coz bwk i cuci mata kt OU td.!~ ;D dpt gak grab 1-2 things. ;) and d very best part is, what an awesome muvie ever!!REAL STEEL superhowt!! im lovin it.. mse tgk muvie td, rs cm nk jerit2 jer join skali bg semangat to mr atom to beat mr zeus.. ;) nasib baik xlupa diri n masih berpijak d alam nyata..hehe~ waaaa.. best2. d kid in d story pun comeyl jer tgk.. i loike all of u you guys, d actor(s) n actress(es)! :) i guess mesti ade REAL STEEL 2. hopefully ada la coz xpuas hati ending win-win situation! ;p but rating review for dis muvie i give 5star out of 5! ;) superrbbb!~ realllyyy!! xrugi tgk! :D
d poster..~
us~ :))
ms cma and ms ct :))
i hate to see, coz im not agree at all.
i hate to hear, coz its make me uncontrolled to split it out.
i hate to speak, coz no matter how good i tell, its never help.
think again, feeL deeper~
tanjat boboy.. this morning, tidurku yg lena dikejutkan oleh "o-m-d-why-u-called-me-in-this-early-morning-?" (=.=) haih, walaupun rasa malas tahap dewa ke 19, terpaksa jugak ku menggagahkan diri bersiap n go to "a-place-that-i-used-to-go-everyday-except-weekend-should-be" quickly. waaa~ and what a nice day, boley pulak, tertinggal brg yg i should bring. cheyy~ :((
but yeahh. i made it! feel lyke im a superwoman now! ;) not supermak coz im totally not married and even having a baby yet.. haha. haih.
p/s: mcm2 la awk ni. :p
Raya 2011
Pelayan tetamu on dat day.. ;D
Our guest..~
and i keep hittin' re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat. LOL ;p
boredom :( :( :(
waa... im so bored! dont know what to do.. satgi kuar p sumwhere, dan2 la boss cari..;p ble duk saja, xdak plak call say hi ke ape.. hee~ i wish i could be at several places at the same time .. XD
i wanna my own room pleasee.., boley jugak lie back/sleep. muahahaha. oo-em-gee~ what i shud do.. :(
there is no appreciation at all? just know to blame others for d bad. its happen when people dont see d bright side of what's goin' on. peoples!~ can u just sit back and relax. u'll granted for your worksssss soon. coz im still work on it. chill! ;) hmmph, but i guess, if u know this, i bet u wont like it at all tooooooooo coz it's not 'fun' as u think/expect..!~ very! haihh. shud i say that u're not a grateful person? i hope u're not. prove me wrong. :) my bad!
what can i say anymore.. mgkn dh xde rs malu dgn sekeliling, termasuk yg di atas sana.. hope x di uji dan dijauhkan dr bnda2 sebegini.., coz i guess i couldnt stand to face it.. :(
reBorN ;)
im very not agree wif this 'adult' thinking, where as, advise us dont be childish! for me, what we do, not a childish, but it is more like.. juz wanna feeling good about self and life! my trainer, ms Anita Shanmugan said, you should being a child again. like nobody care, because it's a good therapy for decrease your tension and feel young! ouchh..~
oh dear..~
Lagi poWer, Lagi beSt?? (o.O!)
waaa... whyla!! whyla!! dh macam handphone/computer/IT gadget! improvise like day to day?!! im fallin love wif this very very very new series of perodua myVi!
6ixth sense? :O
its funny when i keep reminisce..'they know what im thinking of them!'
errr.. did you read my mind? (o.O!) but, actually im lovin it! life isnt hard as i thought.. ;)
im feel so happy met my long 'lost' schoolmates and university mates. :D even, im not bump into everyone, but most of them that i'd met, make me smile and yes, im very happy for their life now! kerja bagus, further study deg/master/phd, fly to oversea, getting engaged/married/having a baby! oh Allah.. thanks for this warm and lovely feeling.. :) eventhou im a lil bit jelousy wif them for all the things that id mention above. ;( ;| ;p
**opps, im SOOOOO sorry boss and a few buddies,coz i couldnt make it to attend 'eat-your-yummy-foods' session.im so 'busy' wif them, having chit-chattin like crazy, from HOUSE to HOUSE.. tasktasktask. sorry once again (>.<)
its good to know nothing rather know something. its annoying me. pls be invisible in front of me. thanks!~ ♥
coPycAt?! MeOwW~
sebenarnya dah lama perasan, if ak p mana2 mesti ade sumone yg mcm pernah ak jumpa, tp dimana yaa..;p like, budak kt opis la ni, ade jer cm my ex officemate kt firm XXX ni.. org yg ak kenai kt universiti, mcm yg member yg ak kenai kt sekolah dlu.. some sort of like dat lah.. dr segi karakter@perwatakan and rupa! (o.O) hehe~
d world is small aiyte..~