people say dat tyme is not waiting after us..but im waiting for the tyme..
bcoz tyme will tell everything, aiyte?~
biarkan waktu waktu hapus aku..~
t.h.e t.y.m.e
nice article!
hey buddy..take a look dis link..~
i hope, i will not fall..
but will have a great life n always b happy.. :)
uwaaa. uwaa.uwaa~~
but sumhow, i do agree wif u..(T__T) i wonder.. shud i keep it, let it be or juz left behind??
please, wake me up from dis dream..~
L i F e
hidup ni indah! indah lg kt 'sane' nnt. insyaAllah.
pls.., hold me, guide me and bring me to d right path..
what a blast.. :)
tq for d rezeki yg Kau berikan harini..:) tq so much mummy! me loveee u! :D tq for entertain, accompany n pinjamkn money to buy a new heart for me..huuu~ juz go away d old one..u xsyg i, so i pon xsyg u dh..wekk~
btw.. i dun really understand what's going on around me rite now..layan je la.. n tq for u-know-who-u-are coz give me a courage, d advice n not to forget, d book! :D really appreciate it. thanx v muchy! :) semoga Allah membalas kebaikan kalian dengan beribu ganda.amin.
TSB_TEAM BUILDING 2011's almost 3 weeks dh berlalu..~ but nmpknya kenangan team building d kalumpang resort, rawang masih hangat diperkatakan oleh warga TSB..hihii~
im d one of d committee. n yes, im really give a full commitment for this event, smpi my boss perli baikk punya coz lebihkan preparation on this camp dr wat keje die.hihii~ sorry boss. (=.=!) sumhow, agk terkilan for d certain things..hmph..~
alhamdulillah..everything's going pretty well.. err..i guess so, even ade dgr sok sek sok sek sane cni..~ we, d committee had do our best for dis 1st TSB_Team Building Camp. :) if ade sbrg slh n silap harap dimaafi..~ (>_<)
There is a several pics spjg TEAM BUILDING_"Flames oF Success" ini berlgsg..~
i have a great tyme there.. :) but, i think sum of d memory have to fade away..~