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beware guys!

eeeeiiiii!! sakitnye hati ni!! nape la ak berjumpa, face n know dgn org yg menyakitkan hati ni!! 
why?? why?? why?? xsudah2 penipu mai enter my life! make my family live in pain n suffer! dh la tu, xsedar diri! berlagak suci giler. kite yg teraniaya plak nmpk bersalah! 


when karma slap ur face, baru kau tau langit tu tinggi ke rendah. baru kau tau janji Allah tu benar! 
argghhhh. im stress! (T__T)

Ya Allah, makbulkan la doa org2 teraniaya anak yatim, isteri kehilangan suami, dan berikanlah rezeki kepada ank kecil yg baru lahir ni.. AMIN.

berhati2 dgn syarikat penipu yg paling berjaya d abad ini!

(ofis dekat Taman Samudera belakang Giant Batu Caves)

kononnnnnnn bisnes maju, tp xdak duet bayar monthly to d bank utk kete yg diSEWAkn seperti dlm PERJANJIAN.. how pity u  org tua xsdr diri ARIFF pe ntah nama ko.. ko xckup ARIF dlm bisnes lg. dok berlagak, ckp besar, buat bisnes mcm2, pegang beratus2 buah kereta. itula dia.. melayu mkn melayu. Ofcoz he is a Muslim. He is d kelantanese. dh xkenal dosa pahala, aniaya org.. ank yatim, ibu tunggal, bapak tunggal, org susah n etc. 

kalo pemberi sewa xsusah, xdenye nk bg kete kt ko. mmg mangkuk tingkat, muka talam xtau malu. xbyr monthly, owner tender notis xmao bagi  kete jugak. alasan beribu alasan. kna tggu smpi kete tu lingkup bwh jagaan ko. owner kena ikut agreement, die xperlu. mcm kuasa ko besar sgt ek? xpe, karma will slap ur face!

Alhamdulillah.. segalanya dh berakhir. opkoz TAK DAPAT balik kereta tu in a GOOD CONDITION! makan lah hak org smpi muntah darah!

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HaPpy BirtHday Ms.uMiey!! (^^,)

ALHAMDULILLAH.. dh 25tahun bernafas, berdiri, berjalan, menikmati kehidupan di bumi Allah ni.. what a blast. thank you everyone for d kind wishes. so sweet n im so touched. thankyou! thankyou! thankyou!

nk wish utk diri ini jugak!..;p semoga diri ini menjadi lebih baik dr sebelumnya n all my dream will come true. insyaAllah. :) amin.

p/s: tp cukup time lg ni.. lahir 11 May 1987 - 6.45pm.. have to wait for a several hours more..~ (=.=!)

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Bulan tolong katakan..
Bintang bantu bisikan..
Kepada dirinya..
Kalau aku mau..
Jadi kekasihnya..~

p/s: ooo-emmm-geee.. ensyem nye sumeorg dlm vid clip ni..!~ but im melting most wif d guitarist/netball player! <3

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puzzle completed

nk percaya 100% pon xley gak.. tp benarlah tafsiran mimpi tu.. maybe kebetulan.. hanya Allah jer yg tau.. bertimpa2 dugaan demi dugaan yg kena harungi.. try to b stronger by day to day even diri ini masih diragui kemampuaanya lg.. sbr je la wahai diri ini yg sbnrnyer kuat dlm kelemahan..! people dont see until they lose it..

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sudah cukup sudah..~

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26.03.12 (3 Jamadil Awal 1433)

Lebih kurang 11-12t/h.. (i dunno d exactly time).. ayah menghembuskan nafasnya yg terakhir.. innalillahi wa innalihairojiun.. daripadaNya kita dtg.. kepadaNya kita kembali..

Ayah tiba2 jatuh sakit teruk on (17 Dec 2011) lebih kurang pukul 11-12t/h jugak.., 100 days before his death.. Lama jugak ayah admit, lebih kurang 2 mggu.. after discharge, condition xworst sgt, tp.. he's seen abnormal..not like those days.. i dont want to admit that, because i know ayah is fine, very fine. he juz confuse since there was a blood block in his brain. 

Ayah dh start buat bnda pelik2. smpi kakak xtahan sgt dgn ayah's behavior. Nk jaga syamir lagi..bwk budak in her tummy lagi.. Mmg kesian. ak pon xmenang tangan nak bantu. Ayah did something scary to see n even to hear, 40 days before his death. suratan or kebetulan.. wallahualam.

Ayah masuk hosp lagi, buat kali ke5, lps dh start xmau makan, minum.. baring jer, tapi sekejap kt lantai, sekejap mengesot dkt pintu.. segenap ruang tamu dan dapur die mengesot nk tidur. 

Masa at emergency room, i saw ayah mengalir air mata.. ayah looked at me n mom, n smiled.. ya Allah.. sedeyh sgt, xhenti2 air mata me n mom mengalir sama.. susah nk ckp kenapa kami sebak, sdgkn org nmpk ayah ok, mcm xsakit, tp keadaan dia yg lemah xmcm dlu yg menyentuh perasaan kami. Sebelum ni, if ayah demam or sakit, die xde tunjukkan yg dia sakit..

Me n mom bring down d bed dari bilik adeq..Nasib baik katil tu ringan n boley lipat, which is we even notice bout that!.. Sediakan katil utk ayah dgn harapan at least xbagi ayah kena jangkitan kuman kt paru2 lagi since ayah suka lie down kat lantai. Mula2 ayah agresif, so kna la ikat kaki n tgn mcm kt hosp.. 

on 25th March..
i juz got back from Penang at almost 10pm. d person that i met 1st was ayah.. Ayah nmpk lain sgt. im felt a lil bit worry. rs sebak tgk.. Muka sgt cengkung, badan sgt kurus.. Tp ak pujuk hati ni, insyaAllah everything's fine. n on dat nite, i decided juz to proceed wif my AL even mom said we're not bring Ayah to hosp for his appointment on d next morning. hati xtenteram, n felt like wanna stay at home to take care of ayah. mom asked me to find ayah's equipment like tilam/katil khas for patient, wheel chair etc after school.

26th March..
reached at home around 8am, after sent mom to school,n saw kakak bagi ayah minum. But she said ayah refuse. I juz stayed at living hall wif kakak n syamir, not as always which is stayin' at my room all d time.. Every 30mins-45mins i'd checked ayah's condition. His breath so loud, i can hear clearly.. 

Kakak realized there was no breath from ayah..She asked me to check ayah's condition n started crying. i dont know what to do, id touched ayah's neck wif my palm.. still hot.. i asked kakak to call mom n said that ill fetch her immediately. On d way to her school, suddenly my tear drop like a waterfall. i cant stop myself from crying until reach at mom's school. 

when i reached at home, i ran quickly entered d house n saw aini's mom ajar ayah mengucap..but no response. me n kakak rushed to d nearest clinic n medical centre but unfortunately there was no doctor available/ have a service to come to d house. im so frustrated and asked mom to call d ambulance.

the paramedic checked ayah wif their equipment. twice. no response. Ayah dah xde.. I cant stop myself from crying again. mom started crying too..

alhamdulillah.. rezeki ayah. urusan pengebumian ayah berlaku dengan pantas tanpa sebarang masalah. ramai yang datang membantu menghulurkan bantuan dari segi kewangan, tenaga, masa..im so touched. thanx everyone for your kindness and condolences. semoga Allah membalas jasa baik yang diberikan.

Xtau la kenapa, rs nak sgt jumpa ayah dlm mimpi. dan semalam dimakbulkan.. ayah nmpk sihat. :) semoga ayah baik2 di sana.. insyaAllah, bila tiba masa kami semua akan pergi ke tmpt ayah pergi juga. semoga doa dari kami utk ayah smpai d sana..we miss you so much.

(13 Rabial'akhir 1372 - 3 Jamadil'awal 1433)

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ouchh.. mummy say sumthing make me smile till d ears.. hehe. amin. insyaAllah, mudah2an cmtu la.,coz im thinking d same way too! (^^,) hopefully what i had dream last nite adalah petunjuk n petanda yang baik on sumthing yg ak cari selama ni.. :)

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Dear who may concern,

Kindly let me live my life freely without sit under your thumb. 

Thank you.

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d confrontation has begun again.. and over again.. when we need is JUST your advise or opinion, you give a shit on that. when all thing settleD, what we got is a 'very niceeeee word' from you. :) huhh. thanx a bunch for your support!~ 
p/s: dh tu..xreti2 naik bus lain ke?

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..it is only a matter of time..~ 
*but, i dont know why i cant wait! waaa~ ;p

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hoWt isSue!

when you suddenly show yourself in front of sumone and they're tellin' you dat..
" ... panjang umur..~" hmmph, what comes cross in your mind? 

but sureeee.., they're talking bout you!.. ouchh, so howt huh, till be their subject of d topic..~ *by d way, thanx for d doa. amin.. :)

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a moment to reminisce.. :D

have a great time chitchatting wif my buddy td.. :) thank you AWAK for cheer up my gloomy night. ;)

oh well, dh lama sbrnyer nk share dis story..tp xberkesempatan nk write in dis blog.. 

Last month, Mizi, Naja n me have to go to a course of Non Technical Proffesionals for Power Generation. Sounds very good n interesting for me at first, make me cant wait to attend d course n since the place also so easy to find cause i had been there once before..

Day 1, hmm.. i felt lyke wanna to go home to have a very nice sleep or maybe better i go back to d office, at least i can cuci mata to stalk my crush over d window in my boss's room.. haha.

what the heck laa.! feel lyke im in a lecture room at dat time, cant use my cellphone to pick up call or texting (he's very sensitive you know), and teach 9 of us like we're his student.. n yeah..many funny thing/ moment happen for the 2-boring-lecture-dayszZzZzZz.. one of us called him a Professor, sje usik die.. haha. n ya, it's true! but d way he teach us like he know everything but the fact is he dont know everything pon sbb setiap kali ade some of us tnya, asyik nk keep d question for tommorow la, kejap lagi la.. ntah pape.. i really not satisfied with his performance, and seriously maybe i just got 15% from d knowledge that i've suppose to know.

He is originally from India and his english so so so unacceptable. i cant understand what he's trying to say. doesnt mean i want to demoralized him as he's almost 30th years in this field if im not mistaken, but seriously.. my heart dok menjerit2 bila la nk abes niiiiii! dok bebel je all d time n bagi soklan agak mcm nk tercabut la jantung ak ble kna panggil nama to answer. english ak pon berterabur, kalo x, mmg dh lama ak kenakan die balik.. ;p

what a funny lg, he called my name as umi-yey as i wrote my name at d name tag on the table as 'UMIEY'.. "You shud called me 'UMI' la..not umi-yey,,chaitt!!"  n my colleagues, he called miDzi (as he wrote as midzi - d pronunciation tu yg penting, how nice if i can say it in this blog! ;p), and naZa (as she wrote as Naja)..hahahaha. hadoyy.. asik dok gelak n senyum sorang2 teringat all moment mse course sepanjang perjalanan dlm monorail to star lrt titiwangsa..mesti people ingat ak dh gilaa. haha. masa on d way blik on d last day, ada mamat pakistani tegur..maybe dok tgk ak senyum sorg2 kot, ingt ak ramah sgt ke bertegur dgn stranger..haih..layan gak la, even english die pon tunggang langgang mcm ak, tp fhm la jugak..! cuma ak rs ak lg terer la sbb die xpndai reply soklan yg ak tnya.ha tergagap2, tadi nk sgt sembang, tnya lebih2 xreti lak nk reply.hehe.

anddddddddddd.. the most incident yg make me nk gelak sgt2 is.. d part when ade mamat indian ni (malaysia indian) nk jd 'best sudent' professor td.. seriously exactly same mcm dlm cter 3 idiots yg i post before. kahkahkah!! 

Professor yg tgh2 tu, on the right is his best student! :D

what a day.. ok la..even rs cm xdpt apa dr course tu, at least ade la moment to cheer me up when i reminisce it.. ;) but, CEO give a high expectation on this course, he thougt i gain something.. sorry la boss,consider it as my bad la. :'(

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what a nice date.!~ :)

HAPPY ANNIVERARY dad <3 mom! SWEET 30th! :))

Once got back from night market wif sister..
me    : alahaii..celebrate anniversary mkn satay from pasar malam jer.. jomla mkn kt luar.. :)
mom : ok la tu.. ayah hg celebrate minum susu je.. dlm tiub pulak tu..
me    : ...... *cian ayah* cry

Ayah.. hope you will get better soon, n pls be strong! WELOVEYOU :'|

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Apalah ada pada pandangan manusia.. kerana pandangan Allah lebih utama..~ :)

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im feel so bad.. :( and d unwanted feeling suddenly come across into my heart. :'(((

benarlah bagai di kata..~ a friend of mine told me before.. bile kite berserah pada Allah, Dia akan tunjukkan pd kita tentang sesuatu benda that we're looking for.. He will show and convince us whether it is good or not.. nthahla. i cant describe how sad im feel rite now.. maybe im easily jump into d conclusion.. but im believe wif my instinct.. and my instinct bout it is not good for me at all.. :'(((((

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"voluntary b a falling apple.. but thought like we're d same brand?" .. pity..~ imnotthatcheap* :)

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