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d confrontation has begun again.. and over again.. when we need is JUST your advise or opinion, you give a shit on that. when all thing settleD, what we got is a 'very niceeeee word' from you. :) huhh. thanx a bunch for your support!~ 
p/s: dh tu..xreti2 naik bus lain ke?

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..it is only a matter of time..~ 
*but, i dont know why i cant wait! waaa~ ;p

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hoWt isSue!

when you suddenly show yourself in front of sumone and they're tellin' you dat..
" ... panjang umur..~" hmmph, what comes cross in your mind? 

but sureeee.., they're talking bout you!.. ouchh, so howt huh, till be their subject of d topic..~ *by d way, thanx for d doa. amin.. :)

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a moment to reminisce.. :D

have a great time chitchatting wif my buddy td.. :) thank you AWAK for cheer up my gloomy night. ;)

oh well, dh lama sbrnyer nk share dis story..tp xberkesempatan nk write in dis blog.. 

Last month, Mizi, Naja n me have to go to a course of Non Technical Proffesionals for Power Generation. Sounds very good n interesting for me at first, make me cant wait to attend d course n since the place also so easy to find cause i had been there once before..

Day 1, hmm.. i felt lyke wanna to go home to have a very nice sleep or maybe better i go back to d office, at least i can cuci mata to stalk my crush over d window in my boss's room.. haha.

what the heck laa.! feel lyke im in a lecture room at dat time, cant use my cellphone to pick up call or texting (he's very sensitive you know), and teach 9 of us like we're his student.. n yeah..many funny thing/ moment happen for the 2-boring-lecture-dayszZzZzZz.. one of us called him a Professor, sje usik die.. haha. n ya, it's true! but d way he teach us like he know everything but the fact is he dont know everything pon sbb setiap kali ade some of us tnya, asyik nk keep d question for tommorow la, kejap lagi la.. ntah pape.. i really not satisfied with his performance, and seriously maybe i just got 15% from d knowledge that i've suppose to know.

He is originally from India and his english so so so unacceptable. i cant understand what he's trying to say. doesnt mean i want to demoralized him as he's almost 30th years in this field if im not mistaken, but seriously.. my heart dok menjerit2 bila la nk abes niiiiii! dok bebel je all d time n bagi soklan agak mcm nk tercabut la jantung ak ble kna panggil nama to answer. english ak pon berterabur, kalo x, mmg dh lama ak kenakan die balik.. ;p

what a funny lg, he called my name as umi-yey as i wrote my name at d name tag on the table as 'UMIEY'.. "You shud called me 'UMI' la..not umi-yey,,chaitt!!"  n my colleagues, he called miDzi (as he wrote as midzi - d pronunciation tu yg penting, how nice if i can say it in this blog! ;p), and naZa (as she wrote as Naja)..hahahaha. hadoyy.. asik dok gelak n senyum sorang2 teringat all moment mse course sepanjang perjalanan dlm monorail to star lrt titiwangsa..mesti people ingat ak dh gilaa. haha. masa on d way blik on d last day, ada mamat pakistani tegur..maybe dok tgk ak senyum sorg2 kot, ingt ak ramah sgt ke bertegur dgn stranger..haih..layan gak la, even english die pon tunggang langgang mcm ak, tp fhm la jugak..! cuma ak rs ak lg terer la sbb die xpndai reply soklan yg ak tnya.ha tergagap2, tadi nk sgt sembang, tnya lebih2 xreti lak nk reply.hehe.

anddddddddddd.. the most incident yg make me nk gelak sgt2 is.. d part when ade mamat indian ni (malaysia indian) nk jd 'best sudent' professor td.. seriously exactly same mcm dlm cter 3 idiots yg i post before. kahkahkah!! 

Professor yg tgh2 tu, on the right is his best student! :D

what a day.. ok la..even rs cm xdpt apa dr course tu, at least ade la moment to cheer me up when i reminisce it.. ;) but, CEO give a high expectation on this course, he thougt i gain something.. sorry la boss,consider it as my bad la. :'(

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what a nice date.!~ :)

HAPPY ANNIVERARY dad <3 mom! SWEET 30th! :))

Once got back from night market wif sister..
me    : alahaii..celebrate anniversary mkn satay from pasar malam jer.. jomla mkn kt luar.. :)
mom : ok la tu.. ayah hg celebrate minum susu je.. dlm tiub pulak tu..
me    : ...... *cian ayah* cry

Ayah.. hope you will get better soon, n pls be strong! WELOVEYOU :'|

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