i have try..
i have try to remain in control, and to stay cool under pressure when others are frantic. But, despite those positives, i’ve started to view my crying as an encumbrance. i am a deeply sensitive person, but doesnt mean i wanna cry like a baby.. the truth is, i just have loose tear ducts.
have a blast!
dear k zuey..
u looked stunning today. i love ur wedding reception. good place. good food. good bridal bed decoration. everything's awesome.
xsgka.. perkenalan kite yg singkat around year 2007 di sebuah archy firm, d mana ak menyebokkn diri di ctu, membawa kite ke persahabatan yg sgt erat. till family knal each other. even thou we're not really do keep in touch all d time, but u're always there for me..when i was down, in pain, sadness, gloomy n not to forget, we also had been through the happy moment together too. ;) thanx for ur care n encouragement. i really adore yourself because u know-wat-i-mean. very struggle n independent woman dat i ever know.
xsgka jgak..perkenalan u n Luq yg singkat akhirnye smpi ke jinjang pelamin.. :) Luq really want to be a part of ur life.. n he's seem a good man. funny and kind. Allah know best for u sis.. well, as what we had been 'talk over' before, u deserve it! i xnk lgkah bendul.. hahaha. i really hope both of u will live happily till jannah. amin.
i love u dunya n akhirah. my unbiological sister, buddy n best supporter. doakan adik u ni pulak k.. :D
tryin' to understand.
Just because someone doesnt love you the way you think they should, doesnt mean they dont love you with all they are..~
Wajah Rahsia Hati
lovely memories built from those days to reminisce n deeply embedded in my mind.. :)
d best things..
"im really dissapointed..!"
ya.. people dont see d brightness side.. pity to everybody.. nothing much to say because too tired to hear dis n dat. when d war has begin.. let's see who will win n who will lose.. nice game isnt it?
so when d battle will be start?
its a half year!
Adooyyyyyy.. sakit pulak hati kite.. suddenly feel like dis.. d unwanted feelin'.. wut d helll is goin' on??
this world isnt mad.. but d people who live in it! huh. be strong selfie. dont waste d tears!
patience is not d ability to wait, but d ability to keep a good attitude while waiting..
cry me a river..
People cry for a reason..You may cry because you are too happy or too sad. Some people cry when they are very angry too. Letting your tears flow freely gives you a sense of freedom to be true to your feelings and to yourself. It is a surrender to your emotions that remind you that you are human and you are entitled to your emotions, whether they are pleasant or not..
BUT.. (i cry of the translating documentations in Malay to English version since this morning until now) and what the hell of this computer resolution effect!! it's juz because of you TechnoGulf! huwarghhh~ a very good evening everybody . pls have a day without tears..~ (-.-!)
im not Ms Octopus
maaf.. aku bukan seekor sotong.. (-.-) boleh siapkan 8 keja dlm satu masa.. harap maklum.
Happy Anniversary!!
be strong!
yup.. so true.. i can feel u.. But. wat to do.. berat mate memandang.. berat lagi bahu memikul.. be strong guys! :'(
I'd miss tomorrow..
when i look back on the days gone by, i know i drown ,but there's no reason to cry for.. i'm wiser now than in those early days, because i saw the error of my ways.. and my mistakes, i just can't dread, since they helped me grow and get ahead.. and i won't waste the day, revisiting yesterday's sorrow for if regrets claimed my time, i'd miss tomorrow..
No words to say except Alhamdulillah.. :)
im really happy for you my dear.. at last.. after all ups and downs..
Congratulations Mimie and husband (and actually he is my cousin's bff)!! BarakAllahulakuma. Semoga perkahwinan ini dilimpahi rahmatNya and wish you guys live happily ever after.. InsyaAllah. Life is so wonderful isnt it?
It's only a matter of time.. :')
not too soft nor too hard
i have no knowledge to screw you up? pls.. dont easily overestimated me.. might be you're right. and might be you're totally wrong. might be my knowledge not higher than you. im not smarter like or than you. but im sure i know something that you dont and vice versa.
im fiercely? X) no im not.. im firm. i didnt mean to hurt anyone feeling. or to show how good i am. might be sometime im too much without conscious. im so sorry.. as i said.. i wanna be a good people. not a 'good-good' people. oh Allah..pls forgive my sins n accept my repentance.. :'(
im only a human being.. juz an ordinary gurl.. but have extraordinary character dat u wouldnt see in anyone..
friDay feVer
♪♫ Kau tabur racun yang berbisa ♪♫
♪♫ Dibelakangku di tertawa dan hina.. ♪♫
arghhh~ feeling lazy.. cant wait to meet my Mr. Offday. (-.-)
terlebih suda..
haa.. tula.. kalo ckp kt org xhengat.. xpk pon perasaan org tu. bile kena kt diri sendiri tau sentap. :)
malay shire? malay asia?
macam-macam pendapat.. nilai la sendiri.. hanya Allah SWT lebih mengetahui kebenaran sebenar..
“Dialah Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir, Yang Dzahir dan Yang Bathin; dan Dia Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu” (QS Al Hadiid [57]:3)
“Tiada satu bencanapun yang menimpa di bumi dan (tidak pula) pada dirimu sendiri melainkan telah tertulis dalam kitab (Lauhul Mahfudz) sebelum Kami menciptakan-Nya. Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu adalah mudah bagi Allah.” (QS. Al-Hadiid: 22)
i am..
haih.. xfhm ak.. gigih sungguh give a GOOD explanation. msg2 ade opinion kn.. so, why bother? u can believe what u want to believe and so do i!! i never doubt your choice. there is nothing wrong in both side, because both is imperfect! you are not God or even Angel know who's better!
sebarang provokasi tidak dilayan.