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freakin' me!~

'Pain'ball. This is my 1st time experience. hurghh~ gerun giler ak rs.. when my turn to play d game, saw d people full cover from head to toe, standing and walking in front of me and i dont know their attention, whether want to shoot me or 'sympathy' wif me.. bahahaha. 

Sebelum berperang.. meeting with partner in crime dulu.. hikhik

in d 1st games, i have (not really but i think i should (^^,!)) to cover my boss's daughter. since we both only d ladies in dat group. kesian die, too panic, menjerit2 when she heard d noise of shots. oh adek..~ and dat was d last game she play. hikhik~ on dat round,  i has been shot on my knee. damn! sape lah punye keje tu! hurghh~ waaa!! sakitlah!

d 2nd game, i has been shot on my face. dkt dahi ngam2 atas mata woyy! ak rs ni keje abg ku sorg tu! huh. but naseb baik im okay.. haha. terasa la 'darah' msuk dlm mulut. yerk.. dat minyak sayur 'enak' rsnye.. (T__T)  even, menyorok belakang pokok, but i really felt insecure! dis round really make me want to pengsan. dpn mata, kiri knn ade musuh. erkkss. mcm mana la agaknye peperangan betul2. hurrghh~ im not really iron lady laa rasenyer to angkat senapang pegi berperang. (-.-!) 

after dat, we went to perkampungan orang asli to give some groceries and donation to d orang asli clan. d activity is a part of our company CSR and vision. Hope there is more activity like dis in d future. my wish, i will and trying hard to give d best for everyone (internal and external people) as long im still standing here. 

and thank you my dear colleagues for being a part of dis program. spending time and energy to make dis program running smoothly. You guys rock!


ive a lot of FEAR FREAK. ak takot ketinggian, kedalaman, kecederaan, kepanikan dan ke ke watever lah.

actually i dont really like extreme /outdoor game. huhu. feminin kan...nnt rosak la kuku, n kulit terbakaq. :p i still remember, at PLKN, ak mengelat join Flying fox. haha. kan gayat. xsanggup ak panjat menara yg tinggi tu, merentasi tasek, tmbh2 tgk ade seorang pelatih wanita tersangkut ngam2 tgh tasek. 

another one, regards mandi sungai. dulu mmg suke kot main2 air sungai until Jan 2004, my class trip, several of my classmates lemas dpn mata. 5 of 6 were safe.. lagi sorang cacat seumur hidup. after d incident, her condition is like a baby and she is alive until now. kesian die..  but i know, Allah loves you more.

and since dat day, im afraid to go to waterfall. berpiknik bagai.. (T__T) i hope, d fear wont last long. 

walaupon begitu.. ak xdelah takot sampai xpenah join outdoor game lgsg kn. d games dat i had done were abseiling, games ala2 tentera yg kena merangkak, doing monkey rack etc, naik cable car, *extreme la jugak :p* (d langkawi one, really make me feel sick!), solero shock (ni ak rs, jantung ak tertinggal kt atas, mase solero turun ke bwh dgn lajunyee), ice skating (my thinking on dat time was, i will falling down n d shoe's blade will harm my hand. huhu. but its not happened. fuhh), rollercoster, riding horse, cave craving, water rafting, banana boat (cuak weyh,, kena terbalik tgh laut), paintball, panjat bukit (85*-90* baq hang. xsanggup tgk blkg. ade part tu,  kena turun bukit, tanah licin giler.. ade la several guy jd penahan d sepanjang bukit utk kami berpaut. erkks. naseb baik im juz okay while my collegues siap terkoyak seluar bagai. dgn luke nye, sakit nye.. maluu jgn ckp la. (-.-)).. and hmm. wat else. hah! byk la gak kirenye kan. ketakutan ku dpt d atasi jua! :D

 tqs to Allah n people yg pernah bwk ak merasai all dat. and more to come, insyaAllah.

d games dat im looking for, ala2 new year resolution la ni.. (^^,)

1. ATV!
2. Paragliding!
3. Air Balloon!
4. Snorkeling! 
5. Taman Negara activities! seem interesting to me. So, kena plan teambuilding kt sana la mcm ni. ~
and etc2..

Cukuplah kalo sekali seumur hidup jer dapat rasa aktiviti duniawi ni.. dats enough for me. (^^.!)

and beside all dat, i have a 'drive freak' also. haha. ikut my mom la neh.. but alhamdulillah, now i dont anymore! lg laju ak bwk ade lah. full of confidence is a must! huhu~ 

i miss my dad whom dat have a confidence on me. Satu ketika dahulu.. even at dat time i cudnt drive yet eventhou i already have a license, i told him.. "ayah, nadia rs nadia tak mampu pon bwk kete nnt, coz im afraid when i see a lots of car passing by me."

"no you will, nadia. ank ayah mesti boleh! but please take care of urself.." *sambil bg tips2..*
how i miss those days..~

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new chapter

Tahun 2015

all brand new. weehuuu! 

Harini im feeling excited. Keadaan ofis baru sgt mengujakan kuuuu~  Looks like so exclusive for me. Tak gunapakai idea ak utk buat tema ala2 dlm boiler, (ceyh) tapi its good in corporate look! So marilah wahai clients2, supplier2, consultant2 dan visitor2, oh dan tak lupa rakan2 cawangan plus ank2 syarikat yg lain utk dtg to our new crib!  

Lepas ni, sapa yg rasa2 malas nk balik umah, tdo lah di opis dgn keadaan yg sgt selesa! (kalo komplen gak, taktau lah ak). Siap ada blik mandi woyy! (khas utk org2 project yg dok pulun tender tu yer. hihi)

even masih lagi tak siap sepenuhnya, mgkn dlm 85% jer dlm pengamatan ak (dr kaca mata seorang arkitek pencen awl), but so far so good! d progress a bit delay, coz shud be we all dah pindah masuk mggu ni. (-.-!)

Herewith beberapa gmbr suasana ofis baru.. bercampur2 tingkat 1 dan 2 and ak xbaper ingat location gabungan department setiap floor. Nampak agak padat, but when you stand over there, its juz nice. kot la kalo mereng kejap dgn keje, bolehla hgpa nk melompat, pusing2 360* atau berlari ke sana sini.. all built in cabinet + everyone got their own mini cabinet in their workstation.

ade dept yg bakal dikurung (hahahaha) atas tujuan P&C i guess. lihatlah pintu2 kaca itu..

hah! ni mmg buat khas utk satu dept tu yg rajen bebenor buat meeting nye. harap dah xberebut2 bilik bermeeting dating hendaknye..

bilik-bilik manager yg slalu outstation.. kawasan yg mgkn agak sunyi sepi skali sekale.. huhu~

view from abah's room. syokla die.. ;)

for me.. ni pon d best part of architecture dat our contractor had implement in dis renovation project. i like his idea on double volume store room. gunapakai seluruh ruang yg hado sebaiknye. sebagai ex archy uitm, im so proud of you super seniorku! hihi. hmm, but some people dont like it in terms of safety katenye. ala2 penjaga keselamatan la sgt, but you SHOULD NOT split out d harsh word!!! kot nnt, kata2 ko mkn tuan. nauzubillah min zalik. hurgh!

yg ni bilik GMD. opcoz super duper nyummy! ade own mini bar, modern toilet appliances and bilik suluk (ke ape ntah nama die ;p) kalo bos tdo kt opis, so kite taulah kenapa. hehe. 

ni plak, lobby area.. siap 60% jerr. (-.-) so, cant share how exactly it will look like. dalam 3D drawing perspective cntik giler. modern type, siap ader water element. (^^,)b Hope, yg existing lagi cantikk laaa hendaknye.

dis is d water element will be located. you will see d mini fountain before you enter d conference room or if you wanna go to d upstair. fengshui la kire ni? huhu~

dis is conference room. can occupy till 30 pax. so, seminar/awareness program etc will be in house starting next year. katenye laa. salah angle plak amik.. nmpk kecik here but actually ruang mmg besaq la baq hang. siap acoustic wall lg. (n tahan bau skali i guess.. (^^,!) sebab seblah conference room, btul2 kedai mamak.)

and last but not least.. my dept! one and only department in dis floor! sombong kan kitorg tak nak bercampur dgn org. nk kwn dgn visitor yg dtg jer.. bahahaa. 

hish, sebok jer si gemok ni nk jd ala2 contractor explain d progress. :p eventhou, bos said you'd failed to handle dis project coz of d slow progress, but then surely dey will appreciate your effort and contribution in dis 'project' after all in order. ;) surely i bet!

my bos's room. xsiap lgsg! puikk. takde meja, glass wall. ape ni SO. lembs sgt ni.. :p 

next to my bos's room is discussion / interview room. bakal2 'jenazah' eh, tak.. bakal new comer sekalian.. :) welcome in advance! ;) more recruitment will be coming in soon. terutama my budak! hey boy, come faster. lots of work to do. (-.-!)

oh..another one lupa plak.. dis is our facade. signboard jer tak naik lg. so dari jauh, can see wording TECHNOFIT at Duke highway from KL to Karak. 

beside TECHNOFIT is Fit Wheels (House of DP Sdn Bhd) one of our subsidiaries. mai la pakat ramai2 tukaq tayaq moto hgpa n buy motor's accessories di sana, okayy.. harga kautim2 la dgn bos. ;)

sampai2 jer ofis lama :p, i cant wait to pack my things! hihuu. since nk bercuti pjg dah ni, better kemas awl2. (hahaha. alasan munasabah kn kn..)

Ni dah masuk kali ke 3 berpindah tahun ni. from PA's desk to CA Dept. 'gadoh' dgn bos, kuar blik dok meja luar plak. hehe. then, move out to Selaseh Commercial Centre. ofis baru nnt, kalo hangin xbaik dtg, ak bwk kusi meja dok kt kedai mamak seblah. boleh tgk org kuar masuk gym. usha abg2 sado. erkss. :p

tahun dpn, rumahku dgn ofis bukan ala2 tepi hidung dh.. jauh skit, hujung2 kaki mgkin.. hakhak. tp time balik dekat jer rs. itu yg kite mahuuu!! tak menyabo nk balik umah. wehuu~

tadaaaa. skit jer kn. (^^,) hadoyy.. mcm mana laa agaknye time ak nk kluar trus dr company ni nnt (lalalaa), mcm pindah umah ak ghaser. :p hak2. 

oh, tqs in advance for d helps (for whom yg angkat brg2ku nnt. huhu)..

Sekian saje laporan dr sy untuk anda.. zass~

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Bila Tuhan membukakan rahsianya..
Terasa seperti Dia sedang bercakap dengan kita.. 
Terasa seperti Dia sedang menunjukkan sesuatu pada kita.. 

Tentang sesuatu benda yang kita tertanya tanya..
Tentang sesuatu yang agak mengujakan untuk dicerita..
Setiap yang tersurat pasti ada yang tersiratnya..

Terima kasih kerana berkongsi rahsia itu, Tuhan..
Yang maha mengetahui setiap sendi kehidupan..
Yang maha bijaksana mengaturkan perjalanan..


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self reminder

Looking at a photograph, wishing you could relive that moment, over and over again. Sometimes it's not the person you miss, it's d feeling you had when you were with them.

Keep strong. it wont last long, perhaps.. lets d nature be as is it.. Allah tak membebankan hambaNya di luar kemampuan mereka bukan..? Trust to His plan. Keep trust. and put trust more. Tak mudah untuk melupakan sesuatu yg terpaksa kita lepaskan.. indeed.

Bukankah Allah sebaik-sebaik perancang..?

Teruskan melangkah, biar payah berkali rebah. kerana hidup tak pernah menjanjikan yg mudah mudah.

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i saw you

i saw you.. 
standing in front of my eyes.. you seem healthy and good..
but i know you dont want to meet me and notice how do i look like as at current anymore.. 

i saw you.. 
but im juz can only watching you from here..
coz i know you will not turning back to see me anymore.. 

i saw you..
talk with them. but not to me.. like before..
and i know you dont want to talk to me anymore..

i saw you..
seem nice to them.. but i cant able to join you.. 
hoping you to hold me tight and seeking dat you will asks me whether im okay or not.. 
and i know you dont care how do i feel anymore..

i saw you..
but i cant tease you.. call your name from up there..
spend time with you.. like what we did before.. when everytime you're here..
and i know you gonna leave me.. maybe dis is d last time im able to see you and there is no more anymore..

1 year 9 months 1 day.

suddenly i felt sad.. im feel bad. it's happen sudden. i dont know how to describe d feeling.. 
i want to ignore it, im forcing myself to do so, but i cant. my eyes just cant hold the tears.. anymore. 

i saw you.. 
without doing nothing..

i saw you..
walking away.. left me behind..

im just saw you..

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Boleh tahan cantik la tarikh harini.. hihi~

Pagi2 lagi, abah bg tazkirah.. psl manage keje (based on issues raised up as at currently but ak malas nk amik pusing, buat stress jer dgr) and psl ekonomi negara nowadays.. (dis is interesting!) 

Dikatakan ekonomi negara d tahap kritikal. company2 bsr pon dh start buang staff untuk kekalkan margin syarikat. TECHNIP, TABUNG HAJI, MEDIA PRIMA, etc, oil & gas company pon hold their production and all..

Menurut boss ak, (erkk, sumhow best jugak sembang dgn org tua ni (^^,!) ), kejatuhan ekonomi telah dijangka.. ia akan berlaku setiap  fasa pusingan.. (ak lupa dh tentang fasa die ckp. ;p)

kejatuhan ekonomi berlaku since 1930an refer to dis link. tahun kelahiran ak, 1987 pon tak terkecuali. huhu. mak pon ada cter, mak takde duet nk buy susu tepung for me, so sejak dr kecil, i dah minum susu pekat (yg dicairkan) ok. kau ade? :'( mak kata mase tu rasa susah sgt, perit sgt. ayah takde keje coz syarikat die lingkup. so, masa ak kecik, ayah was my babysitter! while my mom dh jadi cikgu masa tu (alhamdulillah), keje gomen xde effect.

Then tahun 1997-98, dikatakan kadar pengganguran yg tinggi. kejatuhan ekonomi Malaysia yg paling terburuk berlaku. mase ni ak baru darjah 4, so ak tak rs pon impact nye. my family pon seems ok.. takde plak mak ak catu makan ke ape. siap buy kete lg mase tu.. hihuu~ 

and now, 2014-2015.. Haaa. ni la dia.. baru nk rs.. since i manage my financial by my own. mak dh tak amik kesah mkn pakai ak lg, ade duet ke tak.. :(

"kalo pinjam byr balik aa", kata mak (-.-!)

Hurghh.. kata abah, 

"korang blum rs lagi keperitan bile takde keje.. mcm kwn sy ni hah, (yg bakal join our company real soon) takde keje.! experience 16thn, you name it ape jer cert, sume ader.. master bagai. Triple 3 (ape nth lg - site requirement) Mase freelance dulu, boleh kutip RM XX, XXX skg ni merayu mintak sy carikan keje even gaji RM X, XXX. nk keje permanent. Awk lahir dan dibesarkan dh senang. tak mcm zaman mak2 ayah2, zaman sy. Takpelah.. awk rs nnt, baru awk tahu. dgr la ckp pakcik korang ni yob.."

hmm.. yer. sy dgr la ni pakcik. huhu. Semoga kesempatan ak berada di sana nnt, dpt mendoakan rezeki dan kesenangan korang sume skali di Multazam (di bahagian Kaabah yg dijaga 70 000 malaikat yg mengangkat doa ke atas (Allah) tanpa hijab), insyaAllah. 

Allah adalah sebaik2 perancang.

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Get Ready!

Fuhhhh. lama tak study mcm ni.~ buat notes sendiri, tagging2, and sumhow 'teaching'2 others (^^.) tak jemu rs. feel excited to do dat and dis. i love to feel dis way. learning and earning d knowledge. kalo faham best la, kalo masih tak faham tu, dok ulang byk kali baca dan baca masih juga tak faham2 yg buat ak jd gile sekejap. fedup! geram. n rs nk tdoq jer. hihuu.

Sedikit sebanyak.. persiapan umrah buat ak sedar byk perkara. tentang solat harian yg masih tak sempurna mana. apetah lg kalo xbuat. fuhh~ #deep. Alhamdulillah, Allah masih bg peluang untuk ak menimba ilmu ukhrawi ni secara tak langsung. masih lg diberi kesempatan untuk memperbaiki kekurangan diri ini. masih lagi diberi harapan agar dapat hidup dengan cara yg dianjurkanNya.

Sebagai manusia yg lemah, ak turut leka dgn dunia. masih mengejar nikmat dunia yg tak lama mana. rs takut dan resah tentang masa depan setiap kali menjengah di logik akal minda. Namun ak sedar, kekuasaan Dia mengatasi segalanya..! Allahuakbar.

Ak tak suka bercakap tentang agama too much, coz i know im not too religious. Mgkn dikategori kan sebagai muslimah d tahap sederhana. Namun tak pula ak terlalu jahil tentang agama. dan tak pula ak hanya tahu tanpa mempraktikkannya. Tahu dan buat. itulah yg sebaikknya.

Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become. #Islam


Mula2, tak rasa excited pon bila mak meng awal kn jadual kami 3 beradek untuk pergi umrah. Hal ni sebab mahram kami, my only one bro nk abeskan cuti tahunan die. sbb tahun dpn, insyaAllah xde aral he have to accompany my mom to hajj (insyaAllah). Jadi waktu kelapangan die dah terhad. Dugaan nk register umrah pon tak terkecuali. Because our dad has passed away, kena bwk pakcik belah arwah ayah angkat sumpah bagai to declare kami adik beradik kandung yg sah. mahram kena pegi wisma putra dapatkan kebenaran dr kementerian. takes a month jugak nk setel dgn kekangan masa sume org. Alhamdulillah, kesulitan yg telah dipermudahkanNya. 

Then, i was thinking that, adek is my precious 'thing' now. since ayah passed away.. He is my 'ayah'. My guardian, my care taker, my wali.! oh my my.. But if bersalam, u have to salam and cium my hand as always k. adek tetap adek! c(;

A few days to come.. InsyaAllah xde aral, me and my sibs will go to Madinah n Mecca. as at currently, im feel excited and fear a bit. (muttawif dh pesan jgn nk seronok sgt! pls bear in mind dgn consequence or anything yg bakal berlaku nnt.)

Dato' Haji Md Daud Bin Che Ngah
Mantan Pengurus Besar Lembaga Tabung Haji 
yg kini Pengerusi Eksekutif Andalusia Travel & Tours

one of penceramah regards umrah. do see his face. he was teaching jemaah umrah lelaki memakai kain ihram, tp tali pinggang die pakai ketat, sangkut kt perut. (ofcoz everybody laughed at dat time) haha. a funny man wif funny thought. kadang2 merepek sampai ke laut..! but im enjoying his tazkirah and talks. Nice to know you sir. Alhamdulillah. 

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soul speaking~

Hujan yg tak berenti dr semalam seolah2 menzahirkan rs jiwaku.. eceyy.. bermadah plak. hikhik.
haihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ rs nk keluh panjang.. tp untuk apa? pada siapa? (T__T)

When i woke up today, i felt like im heartless. there is no soul in myself. im looking back what i've been go through lately.. Ya Allah.. there are so many difficulties i've been through. and Alhamdulillah i manage to sort out d problems. regards family member matter, personal problem, urusan2 itu ini.. 

29 Nov 2014

Ujian pada hari itu, my lil bro got in an accident. Mula2 mmg rs nk marah sgt kt die. org dh kata jgn naik moto! jgn! jgn! jgn!tapi die nk jugak. hurghh~ but when you saw people injured and in pain, what do you feel? sure tak smpai hati kan.. huhu. im crying. even air mata dh tak byk untuk menangisi kisah duniawi ini. Lg perit rasanya kalao takde air mata, bila rs nk nanges, menjerit2, menghamburkan segala rasa yg terpendam. perit di jiwa yg tak mampu nk luahkan. hah! mcm mana?? (T_________T) i saw mom crying too. but she's ego to show it. eley, kesat2 mata, mcm la Nadia tak nmpk. hihuu~

      hurghhh. i dont like to be at this place. :(

HASIL daripada kejadian ini.. he lost 2 tooths and kena jahit atas kening kiri. calar2, kulit tersiat sane sini jgn ckp la. enak kan. nyumms. 

I felt dat, mungkin ini adalah antara dugaan sebelum kami ke tanah suci. Semoga ujian2 ini (yg ak xmampu nk bebel lg tentang hal2 itu, layan ragam manusia ni.. FENATTTTTT) sebagai kifarah dosa kami yang lepas2.. :( sebelum bertemu denganNya, kena bersihkan jiwa dan rohani sebaiknya. isnt it?

Alhamdulillah, ak bersyukur ke hadrat Ilahi. In d middle of 27 years old, ak diberi kesempatan untuk menunaikan ibadah umrah. Di saat rakan sebaya sebok untuk berumah tangga, menunggu kelahiran zuriat dariNya, sambung pelajaran atau bercuti di luar negara, ak pula dberi kesempatan untuk lebih dekat denganNya. Dengan dugaan bertimpa-timpa datang. kadang2 rs hampir gila bila terlalu fikirkan. Alhamdulillah. i manage d problem well, i guess. tak mampu ak ceritakan dengan penulisan sbb terlalu byk dan adakalanya  i felt that terlalu remeh untuk diceritakan pd org. coz i know everyone have own problems dan mgkn malas nk melayan kisah2 sedeyh n menyakitkan hatiku ini.. sapa peduli? huhu~

i felt that im stronger enough sometimes. be d leader of d family is not easy. you need to have a very wise thinking to make a decision(s). ak ni kuat sgt ke Ya Allah? Actually, in my thought, im believe dat i have and need to rely on someone else (which is i refer to my zauj if He grant me soon, perhaps) to live d life in dis dunya. Tapi ujian yg datang seolah2 menyatakan..,

"No, you are not weak, Nadia. You're stronger than you think."

Ayah.. kalao ayah masih hidup dan sihat, mesti ayah cakap mcm ni kan.. :D

yes.. im not anymore.(sometimes kot. hihi)but  im not so weak like you know me before. mak pon akui, Nadia lagi kuat dari siblings yang lain. (tunjuk muscle ckett) 

Tanah Suci Allah. semoga apa yg bakal ak hadapi d sana nnt baik2 saja. Mixed feeling ofcoz. Sebagai hambaNya yg lemah, ak tak lari dari buat silap. Semoga ibadah kami 3 beradik diterimaNya. dan segala hikmah yg tersembunyi akan kami rasai nnt.

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i want to be wif you!

Be the person you want to meet. What kind of person would you like to be with (as a spouse, or friend)? I would imagine you want someone kind, easy going, forgiving of your mistakes. Someone who smiles easily, prays on time, loves Allah, and knows how to tell a good joke now and then. Someone who exercises, eats well, and cares about your feelings.

Somehow, something is hard to describe. EVEN how many times we had try to convince, it's wouldn't enough. How hard we try to keep sabr with d situation, d things will completely ruin your life so many times.

Question over question will come across to our head. d repeat question mark will spoil your mood. Literally. No one will undertand you but Allah. Its easy to say but hard to accept with logically thought.

"Oh Allah. pls dont make me harm my life with dis dunya matter. I have learnt to accept that there are my plans and also Allah's plan for me. My plans are according to Your infinite wisdom. I need to trust You with all my heart and remember that You knows what is best for me always. "

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cute creatures!

aaaaaaaaa!~ why u guys so damn cute!! 
nak bela sekoqq!

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Jumaat ini.. jumaat yg terakhir.. Hari ini.. hari yg terakhir.. tahun yg bakal ditinggalkan.. tahun yg takkan berulang.

Begitulah juga harapan.. harapan agar ianya akan berakhir seiring waktu.. ianya takkan lagi berulang.
Semoga lembaran tahun baru, membawa episod baru.. cerita yg indah2.. kisah yg menggembirakan..

Selamat Tahun Baru. 1436H

" Hari ini duka, esok pasti bahagia. 
Hari ini susah, esok pasti senang. 
Hari ini tangis, esok pasti senyum."

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k a w a n

maafkan ak.. 

di mana. selama kita berkawan..

diri ini terkasar bahasa
diri ini mengguris hati
diri ini tersilap bicara
diri ini melampaui cara
diri ini melawan tak semena
diri ini menyusahkan tak terhingga
diri ini hanya insan biasa. yg xlepas dr membuat dosa..

we all have that friend that we may not talk to everyday, but they understand us more than anyone else in the world. You know they're always there for you in your time of need. to that friend, i just want to say THANK YOU. 

i love all my frens so much.

THANK YOU for being there for me when i need sumone to talk. 
THANK YOU for helping me to going through d upside down of life moment. 
THANK YOU for calming me down when im drowning to no where. 
THANK YOU for accepting me as i am.
THANK YOU for accepting my bad.
THANK YOU for being my friend.

im glad i met and be friend with you guys.


Every 23rd is my 'cantwaitdate' to wish a special word or quote to my special friend. but i believe, he forget it at all. there is nothing left for him. there is only me and my feeling dat not yet fade away.. even its has been past a year! time takes so slow to heal everything. i still cant forget everything. THIS is evil. it is so evil to me. why i have to face all dis? why im d only who feel dat bad? why im d only who feel dis way? alone..

i hope, if i have fate to get marry wif my soulmate, i will easily forget him and what he had done to me. but if im not get a chance to have a family in dunya, i hope i have a beautiful life dat makes me forget everything that i had before. i dont eager to have even an enemy. i dont looking for a problem wif human. im juz.. dont searching all dat at all. no i dont. im sorry for my out of control emotional. literally.i didnt meant to hurt anyone feeling.. is it worth to say all dis..?

life is a challenge. and it is so challenging me..

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It's a good thing to remember about the person you hated. Remember them as the person you don't want to be.

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left untold

Kebelakangan ni.. diri ini bagaikan longlai. ibarat daun kering yg berterbangan mengikut arah angin.. ke kiri ke kanan.. ditolak ke hadapan.. and sumhow ke belakang.. *can u imagine dat?*

Ntahlah.. apelah yg perlu dikeluhkan lagi.. it is juz a human being i guess.. bukan xcuba utk memujuk diri sndri.. bkn xcuba melawan rs hati. bukan xcuba menyibukkan diri. bukan xcuba mendekatkan diri padaNya. bukan xcuba menjadi kuat. it is juz a human being.. 

ak cemburu. 

mcm mana lah sesetgh org dpt hidup gembira dan tenangnye setelah ape yg dikatakan 'buruk' yg telah terjadi. tlg lah ajarkan diri ini. tlg lah bantu diri ini. tlg lah ak ini. yg rs xberdaya mengharungi hari2 yg mendatang. tolonnnggggggggggggg!!!! i wonder how my life will go on..

if i can expected what happens to me rite now, ofcoz i dont want to involve on dat feeling. NEVER. i swear. 

im not blaming d qadr. it is just.. hmm.

sepanjang mana pon coretan, takkan ada mana2 manusia pon akan faham. even mcm2 cerita.. mcm2 cth tauladan. mcm2 versi. mcm2 nasihat. mcm2 ckp. mcm2 laa. 

"pasti ada jalan keluar."  

thanks for d calm word. thanks coz trying hard to convince me it is worth.

and im begging. pls show me d way real soon my Creator.


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