'Pain'ball. This is my 1st time experience. hurghh~ gerun giler ak rs.. when my turn to play d game, saw d people full cover from head to toe, standing and walking in front of me and i dont know their attention, whether want to shoot me or 'sympathy' wif me.. bahahaha.
in d 1st games, i have (not really but i think i should (^^,!)) to cover my boss's daughter. since we both only d ladies in dat group. kesian die, too panic, menjerit2 when she heard d noise of shots. oh adek..~ and dat was d last game she play. hikhik~ on dat round, i has been shot on my knee. damn! sape lah punye keje tu! hurghh~ waaa!! sakitlah!
d 2nd game, i has been shot on my face. dkt dahi ngam2 atas mata woyy! ak rs ni keje abg ku sorg tu! huh. but naseb baik im okay.. haha. terasa la 'darah' msuk dlm mulut. yerk.. dat minyak sayur 'enak' rsnye.. (T__T) even, menyorok belakang pokok, but i really felt insecure! dis round really make me want to pengsan. dpn mata, kiri knn ade musuh. erkkss. mcm mana la agaknye peperangan betul2. hurrghh~ im not really iron lady laa rasenyer to angkat senapang pegi berperang. (-.-!)
and thank you my dear colleagues for being a part of dis program. spending time and energy to make dis program running smoothly. You guys rock!
ive a lot of FEAR FREAK. ak takot ketinggian, kedalaman, kecederaan, kepanikan dan ke ke watever lah.
actually i dont really like extreme /outdoor game. huhu. feminin kan...nnt rosak la kuku, n kulit terbakaq. :p i still remember, at PLKN, ak mengelat join Flying fox. haha. kan gayat. xsanggup ak panjat menara yg tinggi tu, merentasi tasek, tmbh2 tgk ade seorang pelatih wanita tersangkut ngam2 tgh tasek.
another one, regards mandi sungai. dulu mmg suke kot main2 air sungai until Jan 2004, my class trip, several of my classmates lemas dpn mata. 5 of 6 were safe.. lagi sorang cacat seumur hidup. after d incident, her condition is like a baby and she is alive until now. kesian die.. but i know, Allah loves you more.
and since dat day, im afraid to go to waterfall. berpiknik bagai.. (T__T) i hope, d fear wont last long.
walaupon begitu.. ak xdelah takot sampai xpenah join outdoor game lgsg kn. d games dat i had done were abseiling, games ala2 tentera yg kena merangkak, doing monkey rack etc, naik cable car, *extreme la jugak :p* (d langkawi one, really make me feel sick!), solero shock (ni ak rs, jantung ak tertinggal kt atas, mase solero turun ke bwh dgn lajunyee), ice skating (my thinking on dat time was, i will falling down n d shoe's blade will harm my hand. huhu. but its not happened. fuhh), rollercoster, riding horse, cave craving, water rafting, banana boat (cuak weyh,, kena terbalik tgh laut), paintball, panjat bukit (85*-90* baq hang. xsanggup tgk blkg. ade part tu, kena turun bukit, tanah licin giler.. ade la several guy jd penahan d sepanjang bukit utk kami berpaut. erkks. naseb baik im juz okay while my collegues siap terkoyak seluar bagai. dgn luke nye, sakit nye.. maluu jgn ckp la. (-.-)).. and hmm. wat else. hah! byk la gak kirenye kan. ketakutan ku dpt d atasi jua! :D
tqs to Allah n people yg pernah bwk ak merasai all dat. and more to come, insyaAllah.
d games dat im looking for, ala2 new year resolution la ni.. (^^,)
1. ATV!
2. Paragliding!
3. Air Balloon!
4. Snorkeling!
5. Taman Negara activities! seem interesting to me. So, kena plan teambuilding kt sana la mcm ni. ~
and etc2..
Cukuplah kalo sekali seumur hidup jer dapat rasa aktiviti duniawi ni.. dats enough for me. (^^.!)
and beside all dat, i have a 'drive freak' also. haha. ikut my mom la neh.. but alhamdulillah, now i dont anymore! lg laju ak bwk ade lah. full of confidence is a must! huhu~
i miss my dad whom dat have a confidence on me. Satu ketika dahulu.. even at dat time i cudnt drive yet eventhou i already have a license, i told him.. "ayah, nadia rs nadia tak mampu pon bwk kete nnt, coz im afraid when i see a lots of car passing by me."
"no you will, nadia. ank ayah mesti boleh! but please take care of urself.." *sambil bg tips2..*
how i miss those days..~