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Everybody knows how to love, but few people know how to stay in love forever with one person.
It's always nice to have someone in your life who can make you smile even when they're not around..

"Cinta adalah rezeki. Bak kata Nabi s.a.w tentang isterinya Khadijah: "Aku telah direzekikan cintanya" (Riwayat Muslim). Apabila ada orang mencintai kita itu merupakan rezeki kerana bukan semua orang dicintai. 

Seseorang yang beristeri ataupun bersuami belum tentu mendapat nikmat 'dicintai' ataupun 'mencintai'. Apabila kita mempunyai isteri ataupun anak yang cinta dan kasih kepada kita maka bersyukur atas rezeki cinta itu.

Apabila ada orang tampil menyatakan cinta dan kasih kepada kita, maka kita bersyukur. Mungkin kita dapat membalaskan kembali cintanya dalam bentuk ikatan tertu, mungkin juga tidak. Namun rasa cintanya kepada kita amat kita syukuri kerana ramai orang tercari-cari cinta dan kasih sayang di sana-sini tidak berjumpa sedangkan kita memperolehinya. Apa yang penting urusan cinta dan kasih itu dikendalikan dengan cara yang betul.

Apabila seorang sahabat memberitahu Nabi s.a.w bahawa dia menyayangi seseorang kerana Allah. Nabi s.a.w menyatakan: "Beritahulah dia". Lalu orang itu memberitahunya: "Aku mencintaimu kerana Allah". Lelaki itu menjawab: "Moga Allah mencintai engkau yang mencintaiku keranaNYA". (Riwayat Abu Daud)." - Dr. Maza

# hallo.. 'few' people.. where are you?

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What is the difference between giving up and surrendering? 

Giving up means you will no longer do your best and will no longer expect  a specific great outcome.

Surrendering means that you will continue to do your best, but will no longer be expecting  a specific great outcome. 

You realize that d world works in mysterious way that no one can predict, but welcome all experiences, knowing everything will work out  in it's own way, in it's own time.

We're all in d same game,
Just different levels,
Dealing wif d same hell,
Just different devils.

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Surprise yg xbrapa surprise~

Mr. S: Me..*silent for a while* alamakk.. sy terlupe plak nk ckp ape dgn u td..
Me    : Ape die boss? psl ur schedule lg? or pending works? hihi
Mr. S: Haih.. really xingat.. haa..xpela.. 
Me    : Ok boss.. nnt dh ingat tell me ya.. by d way, dh bc kn email sy td.. jgn lupe yer, ptg ni ade HQ dinner. 
Mr S: *he smile* haihh.. u ni.. pndai haa.. pttla smlm beriya tnye schedule i. *grinface*
Me   : eh.. mmg keje i kn boss, tnye ur schedule.. hahaha. bos, why u keep smiling ni? im juz arrange our office dinner as usually.. :p
Mr. S: hmm.. ye la tu.. ok.. *big smile. grin*

hahahaadoyy la boss. ur smile make me wanna smile too~ gelihati pasaipa xtau.~ maybe coz he looks a lil bit shy :p
i love to make a surprise anyway..!! coz i can see d happiness in people. :D hmm.. but im not really good in it huh. (-.-!) 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY korg sumee yg lahir bln 2! Have a blast one! *mcmla dorg bc entry ni kn. haha* 
rezeki che awa.. celebrate 2x ea.. it's a pleasure anyway. . tetamu jauh join our lil gathering.. hihuu

sorry plan xbape nk menjadi.. org restoran ni la ni.. slow btul prepare d cakes.
nsb baik nitrogen ice menjadi penyelamat. kire mmg surprise abes la d way me n my clique bwk kek kluar dr dapur. berasap2 gituu. ak dok bc mantera kot. abeslah korg kena mandrem :p hihii~

 what a sporting boss kn.. sebok nk join selfie jugak.. haha. 
somehow im feel funny when i see d 'senior citizen' perangai mcm baya kite2.. X)


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mom  : halo.. nadia.. hg dh mkn ka?
me     : hi mak. not yet.. awat?
mom  : mak kt kafe blkg ofis hg ni.. jom lunch.
me     : haa? nadia kt luaq la mak.. nk beli brg ckit.. nnt mkn kfc jer kot, dpt voucher ni.
mom  : laa.. ye ke.. nk mkn kfc ke? oklah..
me     : err.. ye la kot.. huu~
mom  : ok2.. xpe. bye.

sweet jgak mak ak ni.. ajak mkn lunch same2 plak.. haha. dh jd cikgu pencen ni, byk la masa nk spend time dgn cheq naa~ :D

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Love for the sake of Allah continues in Jannah. #supplication

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Life experience..

haha.. funny wif dis words..

"huh.. kirenye ko ni byk jgak pengalaman yer.. interesting.."

hahaiihh.. ye la.. hidup dh 26 thn.. sure la byk experience.. compare dgn adik2.. :p even xsehebat experience org lain.. tp pengalaman hidup semua org kn xsama.. bkn sume org merasai betapa peritnye menjaga org tua yg sakit. yg xmampu berbuat apa2 malah diri sndri pon xterjaga. bkn sume org merasai kehilangan seorg ayah ketika diri mmg btul2 xbersedia mengharungi perjalanan hidup ni.. andai ayah masih hidup dan yg penting sihat hingga kini.. im sure kitorg satu family lebih happy now. 

Bila difikir2kan balik agak funny la.. and when i looked back, im feel blast n relief sbb berjaya melalui saat2 sukar.. dr study smpila dh masuk alam kerjaya.. haha.. dgn nervous interview nyer. nk masuk study dulu pon kena interview bagai kot. find new clique(s) at uni and office. bila dh abes blaja, time to decide hala tuju kehidupan. some people kata ak bodoh sbb xmasuk line study field ak dlu. oh, anyway, ak lebih tahu dmana talent ak. :D lps tu, dh masuk dunie korporat lg lah jgn ckp. masa awl2 dlu..bkn xpenah org tegur n advice me regards everything. gaya pakaian, cara ckp, knowledge etc2.. (-.-!)

i love to share and hear others experience. pengalaman hidup sesuatu yg menarik utk dikongsi bkn.. yg elok kite jadikan teladan..yg xelok kite jadikan sempadan giteww~

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harsh words

juz to be remind. dis is harsh words. suddenly.. cross in my mind dat i think i wanna wrote down at my own territory place.

i dont know y.. whats goin on around me.. since past few months n now.. im trying to be strong.. strong enuff. but i cant. is like im denying whats im feel at d moment.. ak sdg menipu dri sndri? nmpk dri happy.. tp sbnrnyer.. tak. seriously im not. serabut memikirkan mcm2. kenapa membenarkan sumenye terjadi. bodohnye ak. begitu sng dipermainkan. juz like dat. n now u can laugh at me. gelak puas2. canang satu dunie.. cerite kt buddies yg sehidup semati tu. terutama at ur fav girl yg u shared a lot of story of urlife. "im done! ak berjaya memperbodohkan another naive girl"

i dont get it and i dont understand it. why there's some people to be born juz to make others feel bad? "ntah2.. i ni hadir dlm hidup u.. utk menguji keimanan u jer.. " kalo dh tau dri tu jahat.. jgnlah nk merosakkn hidup org lain!! their dream n desire!! you dont know how they feel n what dey will do. u dont know what dey has been going through before wif u! kalo dri dorg dilahirkan cukup kuat utk hadapi dugaan melanda.. lucky to u. but if not? xrs berslh ker seumur hidup? kuat nye dri tu smpi dh xde hati perut. mana sifat kemanusiaan, at least. bab agama rsnye sumeorg arif.. cume xmao ambil berat jer. i dont know im strong enuff or not. whether i can forgive or not.

forgive sounds good but forget im not sure i could.. what a bad of me.

if im lucky.. tomorrow will b my very 1st year of serious relationship wif d man dat i accept good n bad of him. and we can plan a better future life soon.. but.. im not lucky enuff. i had wasted my very 1st love to d man who r not appreciate me at all. my effort..my dream.. even myself. my Creator still want me to be in dis unwanted feeling like at d moment before i can have d happiness life soon.. perhaps.

so here we go.. another sad day have to be go through.. feel bad n crying again n again. dear You. at d moment.. i dont want anything except pls keep me to be strong n more stronger than now..

dear stalker. thanx for dropin' by here. hot story isnt it.

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im juz d way i am..

i am juz a normal human being..

wif a normal heart and soul. Sometimes i may do something dat's wrong, please show me the right path. But if what i'm doing is just wrongly seen in your eyes only but not the eyes of the DEEN, please open up your hearts and look into the path, once...Please, don't let me and your own selves be misunderstood.

i love being called pretty, but i'll never believe it. im not always right, but hate admitting im wrong. im almost always smiling, but it's not always real. i can be read like an open book, but hide so much. i work hard at things, but dont always get what i deserves..

as a one person, i cant change d world but i can change d world of one person.

i am juz a normal human being..

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better plan..

oh Allah, You have seen all dat has happened in my life and i know You have a greater plan that i can’t understand yet. Please make it easier for me to accept what You have written and give myself over to You.

i want a perfect ending. Now i've learned, d hard way, dat some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking d moment and making d best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

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xsemua persoalan mendapat jawapan.. sesetgh perkara tak terungkap dgn kate2. i dont know why there's something keep bother my mind and make me keep thinking over n over again. im trying hard to b like there's nothing happen. it's really hurt me.. day by day. i dont know until when i've been keep to b like dis.. only He know d best for me. d saddest kind of sad is dat tries not to be sad.

"it is more easier to smile even if you're hurting inside, than to explain to d whole world why you're sad."

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hihii.. pg ni.. terasa gelihati teringat insiden yg mencemaskan kt jakarta last week.. gatal sgt nk berjalan sendiri dlm kompleks tanah abg.. kononnye nk window shopping dkt kedai2 berdekatan..

"mak.. nadia jln2 p depan tu skit ea.. boring la duduk cni.."

"haa.. jgn p jauh2 sgt.. kang sesat plak.."

"alaa.. xdenyer.. nadia jln straight jer.."

sampai satu simpang... cetus dlm hati.. "ok.. td jln straight.. ni belok kiri jer..ingat2" *dgn confident nyer...

"ok.. xde ape dh yg best.. patah balik la.. belok kanan blik.. then straight jer.."

"err.. alamak.. apsal xjumpe plak kedai td ni.. mampus ak.. tmpt ak lalu ni mcm xfamiliar plak.. Ya Allah ya tuhanku.. permudahkan lah urusan ku.. dh la nk blik KL ptg ni.. (T__T)" *about to cry :p *

then.. dlm keadaan nervous.. terdgr suara riuh my aunty.. feuhh~~

"haa.. lama nya.. p mana? ingat hg sesat td..!"

"xdela.. xsesat pon..kah3.. ha'ah la mak oii.. sesat sat td.. seb bek dgr suara riuh cik hajar ni.. hihii"

"haa.. tula.. dh habaq. galak nk jln sndri. kalo hilang td.. ingat nk wat announcement jer.. kehilangan ank gadis lewat 20an.. jika terjumpa..sila bawa ke 'kaunter pertanyaan ini' segera"

and all d people kt kedai tu laughed at me. thanksss~~ (-.-)

my mom and my aunt yg suke sgt buat muke if amik gmbr.. (-.-)
@tanah abang, jakarta

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inspires me!

accidentally or coincidentally. but i love to read what i had read. :D inspirational indeed.  and it is lucky enough to find this person who so positively builds my confidence and sense of self, then 'you' are quite an inspiration to me.


and this..


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Dear mates,

whatever comes..  even thou you're not strong enuff, juz pls.. pls stay strong!!

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dear everyone..

Not all will love you. There will always be someone who hate you for no reason or without even knowing you. Thus is life. Smile and move on.

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my 1st.

Kalo nk diikutkan.. events that i had handle, sumenyer adalah kali pertama dlm sejarah company. it is a growth organization.. mase ak baru join dlu..around Jan 2011, overall staff ade dlm 40 cmtu jer.. skrg ni..dkt HQ saje dh ade 30 staffs. total all regional and subsidairies dlm 100++ permanent staffs. what a rapid growth. so.. as a catalyst to make d company firm in d future, penat 'skit' la to be d 'acting'.. 

well, you name it d event(s) dat id handle, teambuilding, openhouse for raya (involve clients,suppliers, bankers & others external), annual dinner, company trip, family day.. and last but not least, my baby project and actually my 1st experience too.. corporate exhibition! 

mase study dlu, id always got involved in archy day and workshop. lebih kurang la.. ade exhibition, ada program dis n dat. tp.. alam kerjaya punya agenda is a lil bit different.. tambah2 lg bile dh involve dgn dunia korporat.. so cetusan idea pon kna la matang dan lebih progresif katenye.. (-.-)

alhamdulillah.. dlm mase xsmpi seminggu, sempat lagi ak curi time utk berjalan2 ke sane sni sinun.. *hihii* my 1st baby exhibition berjalan dgn lancar walaupun ade sedikit mslh berlaku.. alhamdulillah i have good team mate! thank you so much on your, your and your helps buddies! and make d thing going smoothly. yeayy for everyone! 

thanx also for d trust given, sir! without your trust, i cant reveal my capability kn.. haha. merungut keje byk tu bese la kn.. :p tp dr sudut positive, i accept it as a challenge anyway! so dat, if lps ni dh melangkah kaki dr sni..i have a bunch of experience and idea dat i can share n give. and as a credit for my career too. tee hee~

and what's so surprisingly me, 

colleagues  : mi.. jom p depan skit.. clear ckit amik gmbr boss nnt..
me              : ok, jom..
emcee         : ".... Anugerah Kontraktor G7.. THYTHORN (ke ape ntah nama dia..yg pasti bkn technofit)"
me              : errr.. ak rs segan dh ni.. 
colleagues  : err.. tula. xpela mi.. kite amik je la gmbr winner ni.. cover2.. adoy (gelak2)
emcee         : dan inilah masa yg dinanti2kan.. mcm akademi pula rsnyer.. Anugerah Perdana Kontraktor Terbaik G7 
                     2013... TECHNOFIT!"
me              : ok.. ni dh x rs malu dh.. jom p depan lg weyh.. hahaa  

*tepukan gemuruh gilerr.. dan opkoz terutama dr team technofit yg diketuai en Azri.. semangat btul.. :D* 
after dat.. d minister and all VVIP came n visit our booth. 

my company won d prime award on dat day. nmpkla boss happy skit, even thou on dat day he suffered with d bell palsy symptom again. 

and what a bless too, we got a compliment regard d booth. alhamdulillah.. d last minute design for d booth xmengecewakan aiyte.. :p a good start for d year 2014! 

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"When the right time comes Allah will send your gift to you in unexpected ways."

yup.. indeed! Alhamdulillah. im glad d opportunity dat You gave me. unexpected getaway.. unexpected moment.. unexpected rezki.. unexpected happiness and joy. im blessed! im happy to be happy! a great expression and momentum dat i need to live in dis unfair world. 

thank you for d every precious moment and breath dat i take at d end of my 26th ages. hope d good things will come more n more. kindly get rid of d dirt and negative surround me. 2014, please b very nice to me. 

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psychotic disorder!

Some people listen because they want to hear. Some people listen with the intend to reply. If you can't be nice, juz be quiet. i wasn't put on this earth to please you.

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A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is rain.

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a thought

"Sometimes we must get hurt in order to know. Sometimes our vision clears after our eyes are washed away with tears"

" ...and once the storm is over, u wont remember how u made it through, how u managed to survive. U wont even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain, when u come out of the storm, u wont b the same person who walked in!"

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