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Dunia ni klakar..? atau kejam? atau isi dunia yg klakar dan kejam..? i dont get it.. n i dont understand it. d people dat we're trust or known he/she is d very secrecy and trusted people pon sbnrnye xboleh pakai!! yup! XBOLEH PAKAI!! share d P&C matters wif his/her cliques but claim he/she is d most truthworthy person! if his/her non cliques asking dis n dat, ada plak barrier yg kononnye xley nk split d news out! *sarcasm*

haihh.. but its ok.. i dont mind if d things related to mine u wanna share wif ur fav people. i know u guys wanna know my hot news (erkks) and find my faults. as a human being.. opps! i did it! yeahh! :D

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am i?

am i re-directed to something better? - feeling bless :)

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Kau Pergi Jua

Adam Ahmad. 

Nama sebenar dia actually Omar Mohamad. beliau sinonim dgn lagu hitsnye Kau Pergi Jua. dan akhirnya kau pergi jua, uncle.

He is my dad's cousin. tgk rupa pon tau kn darah mamak. (>.<) Last jumpa if xsilap mase wedding my cousin.. i saw him wif his wife. kesian uncle adam. i dont know wat to say. d fahamkn bhw die sakit.. kna buatan org. dan mcm2 lg rumours. i didnt know him in person. but arwah ayah does know him well. boleh kata close jgak dgn his cousin ni.

My relatives said, mereka dh berjumpa la tu d sana.. kehidupan yg bakal kite lalui jugak nnt. kehidupan yg kekal abadi. erkk.. ak dah bersedia ke ni? huhu. i admit.. im afraid when thinking of it. Apsal ntah ak slalu terpk2 tentang keadaan kehidupan abadi tu. haih.. ntahlah. moga2 diri ini tergolong dlm penghuni syurga lah hendaknye. mase kebumi arwah ayah, im feel so bless. sng jer urusan dia. mase kebumikan arwah adam ahmad pon. ramai org dtg ziarah. Bahagian ak..? blom tau lagi. Ak harap mudahlah urusan ak nnt. dan menjalani kehidupan yg abadi tu.. hmm.

Perjalanan kehidupan ak kt dunia ni blom berakhir. penat, jerih, perit, sakit hati sumhow happy, feel bless n mcm2 feeling ak masih dpt rasai. saat ni. selagi bernafas dan boleh gelak ketawa nanges sume, kire blom berakhir la kn. xtau lah smpi bila. I hope i'll die when i achieve what i want.. what i desire. n what i dream for.. it is juz a hope.. insyaAllah. kun faya kun. kalo Dia izinkan.

Semoga roh ayah dan uncle adam dan saudara mara kita yg lain termasuk my lil twin bros dicucuri rahmat dan di tempatkan d kalangan org2 yg beriman dan beramal soleh. Al Fatihah.

"Perkara yg paling dekat dgn kita adalah mati.."

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Al-Ankabut, verse 2-3

"org yg beriman mmg selalu diuji."

"sy bkn lah beriman sgt.. but thnx for d word.."

"org Islam wajib beriman. Yg jd tu semua ketentuan Ilahi utk menguji hambaNya yg taqwa.."


"Bahagia itu cuma dihadapan.. Hanya kita yg menyimpang ke arah lain.."

"La ilaha illa subahanaka inni kuntu minaz zalimin.." Hindarilah diri ini dari d zalimi.

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a report card

hanya masing2 jer yg tau niat masing2. goodluck everybody in akhirah nnt.  
wish me luck too!

oh fynn jamal. sebut psl report card, trus teringat cikgu! Selamat Hari Guru buat sume guru2 yg rs diri die guru. haha. n specially wishes to my very 1st cikgu, d sekolah mahupun d rumah! :p oh Pn M, u're rockkk! XD

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kite yg buat die..

"kite yg buat dia.."

sejak ak keje cni.. ayat ni la yg slalu senior2 sebut. hahaha. cth kalo ak stress keje ke ape, dis words is like as a motivation utk ak abeskan keje tu. susah. renyah. payah. bluerghh.. rs nk mengamokk jer! kahkahkah~ tp bila siap, 

"i cant believe it!"

"wow.. m feel like im a superwoman. bhahhahaha"

ok. yg neh ak nk cter psl company program. ikutkan, dis is not my task. not even my job scope. mase ak d briefing interview dulu, bos kata keje ak senang.

"senang je keje kamu nnt. jaga sy. jaga personnal sy. ade ckit2 je la involve opis matter yg berkaitan dgn sy.."

"kalo sy xde kt opis.. kamu xde keje pon. relax jer.." and dats y ak accept jer even d salary is not meet my expectation. huh!

itu kata dia! bila dh keja, hari demi hari, ak rs dh mcm jd 'dia'. sume ak kna amik tau. itu ni. begitu begini. kalo xtau, mau sentap jiwa raga kena smash. ngomel2an sinis. wording jgn berkira kerja dis n dat berkumandang. sedikit sebyk tempias2 keje die, keje ak. (-.-)

well, im positive. TAPI bila ak too much n too mainstream to act my role, ade yg xsenang duduk. seolah2 sailang keje org. sampai ada yg kata ak shareholder no 4!! well, never hate people who r 'jealous' of u, but respect their 'jealousy'. dey r people who think dat you r better than them. kahkahkah. bos kata im d bos kalo dia xde. kahkahkah. tp people dont understand. dh lah naik bernanah telinge bos skolahkan ak, so biarlah sape2 yg xsuke tu. yg penting, ak deliver n convince d owners. n i guess itu yg terbaik.

kite yg buat die..

ak nk jadikan tmpt yg ak cari rezeki ni jd BESTTT! difahamkan.. sebelum ak join dis organization, xbyk event2 besar. mase tu pon, company masih lg kecil. overall staff dlm 30-40 people. time to time, d company growth well. n nasib baik ade sumone(s) yg excited, cetusan idea yg menarik, n yg paling penting willing to  do nk buat tu nk buat ni. bersungguh2 wat proposal, cari info dis n dat n at d finishing line asked my help as org kanan bos to convince d management body. good combination gitu.. hihi. for me, xpelah layan kan aje adhoc task ni sbb ak dh letakkan guideline "kite yg buat die.." kalo kite xbuat? sapa lg nk buat? even susah. renyah. payah. sakit hati sumtimes tu.. tp im satisfied when looking my colleagues enjoy n happy. and opkoz ak pon happy. benda ni ak buat, dapat kt ak balik kn.. :DD cumenya yg xbest kena tahan2 benefit yg ak ptt dpt. bkn ak xley gune kuasa, tp ak xsuka isu double standard kluar. xpelah. nnt junior2 buat, bg akak ni special plak yer. *demand gitu* (kalao masih berthn d cni la.. X))

even something happened on my latest program, im still happy coz what id done to d organization left a great memories for them.

"kite sebok jaga org, tp org belum tentu nk jaga hati kite.."

hmm. thnx for understand what i felt. even thou ak xckp, tp hg boleh kata mcm ni. so, apetah lg ak yg hadapi nye kn. dlm setandan pisang, pasti ade yg busuk. kan. dunia dunia.

one of my great experiences & memories to reminisce! <3 


 thanks a lot for d surprise. im so touched. literally. tq.
 slalu surprise kan org jer.. now kena balik. (-.-)

last but not least, thanx my lovelies..! <3 <3 
antar n teman me pg2 buta at airport.

 and and pick me up wif d whole family members for celebrate my bestday. hihi. 
i know u guys miss me lottsss especially c gedix feeya.. X)

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what a funny moment. ok, i called its funny coz everybody is like feel guitly coz cant answer my question well.

i asked one of my collegues;

me : babe, ape rukun iman ke 4??
she : er..er.. ape eh.. beriman pd ibu bapa? eh2 bkn.. err.. ape yer.
her : aduhaiii.. lupa la.. malunyee~
she : sape yg tnye ni wey? bakal mertua tnya ke ape? hahaha.
me : xlarh, sbb ak suka tanya diri ak sebelum tido ker ape, tp kna google untuk tau jawapan yg sebtulnya. buku dh abes campak mana dh. (-.-!)

and everybody laughed. adoyy. syg2ku.. ok2 i understand. kite semua ni lagha dgn dunia.. jd bnda ni rs mcm remeh jer nk ingat. ni apa yg kite belajar masa sekolah dulu. kite tahu jer bout dat cume xingat ikut turutan dan sebagainya.. what an ilmiah conversation. X) jd sesiapa yg drop by my blog, herewith the RUKUN IMAN & RUKUN ISLAM untuk bacaan bersama. :D

so how bout rukun negara? rukun NIKAH?? (bab ni tnya bakal pengantin yg sorg tu lajuu ja jwb!!) hahahaaa.

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Feeling Bless

i dont know whats happenin.. TAPI xperlu la kot bagi senyuman sinis atau apa. 
yg benar tetap benar. yg salah tetap salah. skg ni dunia bayar cash. lebih baik dpt kt dunie dr kt sana. (for those who is believe akhirat tu wujud; rukun iman ke 5). setiap perbuatan ada balasan nya, dapat lambat atau cepat hanya Dia yg tau. jd xperlu lah risau kalao xbuat salah. 


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becoz of ONE simple reason..

kalao lah sng kan.. juz like dat. one day!. for sure. insyaAllah. i know Allah will grant me wif sumone who is very much more better than YOU n lead me to jannah.

"i believe when Allah took away dat something we think it's nice for us, He will grant something greater soon. Some are juz nice to see but NOT to hold."

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11th May 2014 in memory. 

HAPPY BEST DAY TO ME and dis is so PRECIOUS GIFT i ever had!

sape jangka.. tarikh yg sama setahun lps merupakan hari yg plg best dlm hidup, dan tarikh yg sama hari ini merupakan hari yg worst yg penah ak hadapi. sengaja atau tidak, im so hurt wif dat moment. seolah2 ak ni xde perasaan lgsg untuk rs sedeyh dan marah! ak dpermainkan secara terang jelas dan nyata! rs mcm xde harga diri! kalo rs dr awal xmampu nk commit n xde intention to share d future life, xpayah nk convince apa2 dulu. some said im taken for a granted.  mgkn juga at dat time tgh rs seronok, mcm dpt bnda baru. suma ok. lama2 baru sdr, 

"dont force a relationSHIT dat doesnt fit!" 

" sayang.. ak ingin.. putusssss.."

"BIADAP! time ko nak ko tatang. time ko dh buang ko hina." dis words is not from me . and its really make me to tears.

n it's really so embarrasing me. im feel so ashamed n regret to b wif u before. kata xcter psl relationship in public.?kot ye pon nk release tension sbb stress keje or wif ur life pon, berSERONOK ada batasnya. jgn smpi nk merosakkan mood  org lain yg seeking dat intention too. plus dh lah kena berkerja to make sure everything going smooth. mcm lgsg xde otak nk pk. tanpa rs bersalah dan rasa sgt bangga sbb dpt kena dan mainkan ak. thanx a lots! you really done your job very well. suh ak b professional, tapi how bout u? wif ur childish attitude. it is not a wish. but not only me, lots of people said.. one day u will get ur reward. and im for sure, you are aware about dat too. TERIMA KASIH kerana sengaja masuk dlm hidup ak untuk memuaskan hati sendiri n as ur achievement record mempermainkan perasaan perempuan. bangga kan. hot gitu. ada rupa ada gaya ada some attraction buat girls melts. *puii!* sekali petik, girls come n go. Alhamdulillah, you shud thanks to Allah and pls lah bersyukur byk2 sbb Dia jadikan kau mcm ni. so anyway, ak ni rank no bape?

Alhamdulillah. even im feel so down n in bad condition today, im blast coz still have a lots of lovely people who are always in front, besides n behind me. to share my happiness, tears and commitment. they are my eternity loves.
you probably forget, dat im a human being dat can thinkable and can be hurt just like you too.
you probably forget dat i have brain and heart. im a person dat born and die..just like you too.

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kelebihan bekerja d 'tempat' sendiri.. 


and it is benefit for ourselves n organization. ;)

utk diri sendiri, opkozzz;

1. dkt dgn rumahkusyurgaku, family.(yeahh,immommy'sdotter<3) 
2. feel 'safe' coz tmpt rutin harian bermain2, bergaduh dgn kakak kt jalan mase pergi/balik dr pasar malam XD,berjalan2, berlari2 sampailah dh memandu kereta; melalui kehidupan dr kecil smpi besar, even dis area dh xbape safe dh pon. :'( 
3. save money, dgn salary yg bolehlah survive; no need to pay toll n spend more on petrol.

and in organization; 

1. jadi part time 'rescuer'. (-.-!)

2. in a management team, know the nearest location /or how to come over to our office is a very important for the management personnel; in terms to deliver d information to the external people, especially foreigner(s).

dgn tahap speaking n writing in english yg biasa2, ku gagahkan jugak menjawab soklan cepuk dahi.  sbb yg len2 xconfident nk ckp/bg direction to d them. (>.<!)

and..nasib baik sejak boleh drive, so tau la jugak jln2 utama from KL/Shah Alam/ Klang dan sekitar dan sewaktu dgnnya ke Gombak yg permai ni. X)

d story is, there is a Managing Director from Korea (oppa KPOP! XD) will visit our office next week. haihh.. baru nk amik cuti rehat. ingt mkn angin kt oversea nnt xpenat ke? :p He asked me regards how far our HQ office from Dowtown KL. errkk. uptown ak familiar la. downtown celah mana plak.. hahahaaha. so, bertindak rs2 bijak sket, mule tnya org.. tp dat person(s) xsure plak dah.. so google plak. stated DT sumwhere at Jln TAR.but ak pon xsure traffic sne mcm mana on dat day. biasanya area ctu, jammed tahap dewa ke 19. jadi, buat2 pandai je la bg estimated minutes-hours n email back to him. dh la cc dkt bos2. sure kena gelak kt blkg ni nnt. (-.-)

hi uolls. MMG! im PURE KLian but im not really know the place in KL area. tp harap dgn sedikit knowledge ak ni, dptlah bantu anda yg berkenaan yer. sekian. X)

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dis moment happened last week. my socalledfutureboss asked me to follow him and brought our interior designer(ID) to do d site visit at our new office. im really so excited when i asked dis n dat n give some idea to d ID, he always said..

"dats a good question."


"nice idea." 

"dats awesome!"

"im agree wif u."


adoyy.. encik. terima kasih kerana membuka kembali minat sy terhadap senibina ni. seriusly im so so so excited n looking foward for the design outcome nnt! hihii.
tp xtaula kan.. design approval by our GMD. im looking for fun environment layout. :DDD i suggest d layout in our working place is like boiler environment which is dat we (management) can 'feel' as operation people does. kah3. if skema badak punya style is a lil bit boowwrringgg..~ (-.-)  d constraint we have is limited height between floor n ceiling. :'( luas rsnya xjadi masalah coz we bought 6 units (2 units x 3 floors). mmg luas gila baq hangg~

 ok.. maybe dis is too much.. bhahaha~
 meeting / discussion area

workplace area

  and dis is one of my dream house. kalao ak kaya..hari2 hari rayaa~

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miles awayy~

wuuhoo~ counting d daysss.. tiktoktiktok (>_<)

sejak kebelakangan ni.. asik berjalan jer keje ak.. ke utara, ke selatan.. timur barat jer x pi lagi.. uh huu~

2013 -2014 : daddy's + mommy's hometown, Penang + Perlis! JB Baby! Singapore! Jakarta! Bandung! shud be Istanbul+Mecca+Madeena but.. :'( *sobsob* dan x dilupakan.. Manjung! :p

then nowww.. HaLoo Ho Chi Minh! ho ho ho.. here i come, insyaAllah. 

fly miles up up awayyy, againn~

Hope everything will goes smooth. and i really really really hope there is NO MORE issue before/on/after d day. im really so exhausted. boleh dpt heart attack la gini.. (-.-)

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