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Perkara paling malang dalam hidup,adalah bila kita mula buka ruang untuk orang lain menapak sama dalam perasaan kita. Sedangkan,kita tak tahu penghujungnya bagaimana.

Ditengah tengah ya,kita tahu ianya tak mudah dan berliku. Banyak hal hal perlu kita pertimbangkan,dalam masa yang menjaga hati hati lain agar tiada yang terluka walau seorang.

Pada awalnya,kita yakin dengan segala keputusan kita.

“Takpe,aku yakin kuasa doa.”

“Takpe,ini ujian biasa biasa.”

“Takpe,sabar kejap je.”

Tak tak. Ianya tak semudah yang kita rasa. Menanggung suatu beban rasa yang kita sendiri berat memikulnya.

Allah,aku terduduk dibuatnya.

Kesilapan kita,adalah kita salah letak orang orang dalam hidup. Yang seharusnya,kita bina dinding tebal dengannya – kita letak hampir disebelah.

Kita salah letak orang orang dalam hidup kita.


Akhirnya,salah satu dari kita perlu berundur.

Ini tarbiyyah dari Allah.
Ini laluan kita mengejar dewasa.

Fitrah dan fitnah.

Kita tak perlu jadi orang lain,untuk mempertahan seseorang.

Jadilah diri sendiri,yang tak bisa mematah hujah. Jadilah diri sendri yang lemah. Jadilah diri sendiri yang perlu banyak sabar.

Jadilah diri sendiri.


Ini tarbiyyah tuhan untuk kita.


Sebab saya pernah minta syurga.
Sebab awak pernah minta syurga.

Sebab kita pernah minta syurga.

Ini cara Allah beri.

Pejam mata,telan duka.

Moga kita tidak sendiri sendiri lalui ini.

Tuhan ada. Tuhan ada.


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it's F R I D A Y !


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i need a shoulder..

MY MOM always remind me..

 "Dekat mana mana tempat, ade jer mslhnye. d things is Nadia pndai tackle atau tidak."

Tahap kesabaran pon ade limit kan. bkn xboleh nk sabar. but enough is enough!

i love to be here. and im glad to b apart of d team. belum puas rsnye nk share knowledge and tunjuk bakat dkt cni. some more, people here is lovely. (refer to my buddies and cliques only. yerks!) seem like, by year to year, mcm2 kekangan ak hadapi. and ak rs ak 'berjaya' tempuhi, KERANA ak masih di sini.! bertahan dan terus bertahan. walau pernah kecundang berkali2. Lari dr masalah bkn cara terbaik utk menyelesaikan mslh tersebut. 


sungguh ak dlm dilema. xtau mcm mana nk ckp.. atau buat. hanya berserah pd Dia. ak xnk menyerah kalah. ak xnk tunjuk ak lemah. ak masih dgn sikap kedegilan ak, DO IT WHAT I FEEL RIGHT for d sake of everybody. even tak disukai oleh org atasan ak. but im supported by d others high level people. you think, did i too much? im not selfish or arrogant. im willing to help others to make d things goes smooth. and SELALUnye, benda tu disalahertikan. tp, kalo ade some people (high level) bg teguran yg sama, ko boleh terima pulak?? pokok pgkalnye, ko yg xpuas ati dgn ak kot. and menafikan hak ak sebagai middle manager? 

some said might be dey r jealous. but im not think like dat until i heard by myself, d way dey talk to me, ade la terpacul dr mulut seseorang compare what i got n what dey have. hmm.. skrg ni mgkn rezeki ak, so pls dont be like dat. im also dreaming what u have also what.. but i told to myself to be patient. what decree to me will come to me no matter what n vice versa.


it is hard to be one of it IF you have a leader like **IT. He/She not really support what r you trying to do. some more, dey r looks down on ur capability, ability, knowledge, skill AND anything bout u coz dey feel dey r too great. with d experienceS, ageS and all dat. Nak ubah org bawahan, tp kalo diri sendiri taknak berubah mcm mana? Nak suruh org bawahan learn itu ini, master bagai, but if compare wif themselves, "oh.. dh cukup tua. bkn mse lg nk blaja". 

SO WHAT? TAK perlu la nk influence or touch hidup org, nk aturkan itu ini, kalo diri sendiri pon taknak kluar dr zon selesa. GOT IT? KAU pon tak disukai oleh kebanyakan org. BERUBAHLAHH!!!  haihh penat dh gaduh mulut. last2 ak yg sakit hati. pls bear in mind, im not always right but when d things in my side, skali ak bg smash right on ur face, jgn ckp ak kurang ajar plak. enough is enough!

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Just Give Me A Reason - P!nk - Drum Cover

randomly found tis. im falling in love with tis song on first time when i heard it. ohh.. keinginan nk men drum membuak2. (-.-!!)

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Handsome dad with handsome approached. #melting

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dats why..~

Lokasi jerawat di wajah anda mungkin disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor berikut:

1&2: Sistem pencernaan - Kurangkan makanan segera, lemak & tingkatkan pengambilan air suam.

3: Hati - Kurangkan makanan berminyak dan bahan tenusu.

4,5&7: Kurang minum air - Tingkatkan pengambilan air suam

6: Jantung – Jaga tekanan darah. Kurangkan makan pedas dan daging. Tingkatkan pemakanan kaya Omega-3

8: Buah pinggang - Anda mungkin kurang minum air. Lebihkan minum air masak dan kurangkan garam dan kafein.

9&10: Pernafasan – Elakkan badan dari menjadi terlalu panas, kurangkan gula dan banyak bersenam.

11&12: Hormon – Stres dan hormone punca utama. Pastikan tidur yang cukup, lebih minum air & tingkatkan sayuran.

13: Usus – Lebihkan makanan berserat, banyakkan minum teh herba.

14: Penyakit – Badan anda mungkin sedang melawan bakteria untuk elakkan dari sakit. Banyakkan berehat dan berfikir positif.


BUT sumore.. ak xdpt zat yg cukup mase baby dlu. zat dr kecik lg mmg penting utk tumbesaran baby dan kesihatan akan dtg. ianya kesan jangka panjang yg dpt di lihat dlm jgkamasa a few years and more nnt. n dis thought has been agreed by doctor pakar. (hasil kajian ku with several frens yg dh jd parent. :p )

mak cter, mase tahun ak lahir, negara alami kemesorotan ekonomi. so mmg bg impak bsr pd family ak. parent xmampu beli susu tepung, so ak diberi minum susu pekat yg dicairkan.. tak mcm sibs yg len dpt beli susu berkualiti lg. sadis! nasib hg la nadia.. (T__T) 

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My supplication for starting d day. Hope it will cure my inner soul.
 Allah. Please guide me. Please bless me. Please heal my wound.

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cool! rasa mcm nk men drum jugakkk!!

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Saat Bahagia

Untuk kamu..,

Perancangan Allah adalah yg terbaik.. ingatkanlah ak selalu.. kerana mungkin terkadang ak alpa.. hanyut dlm kenangan dan fantasi dunia.

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bisnes dgn Tuhan?

"i dont know wat to do. i do good deeds as well. but nothing change on me."

"u ingat u tgh berbisnes dgn Tuhan ke? harini invest, harini u dpt?"


ibarat kena lempang sedas. sakit.

Sebenarnya.. benda boleh jadi mudah.. apabila berhadapan dan berbincang dengan jujur dan telus. tp.. manusia tak sama. some of people maybe fear to tell d truth face to face. and d things will getting worse. deep down. 

Dia pemilik hati manusia. Moga Dia menggerakkan hati manusia yg kita pinta utk berhubungan tetapi tak kuat untuk berhadapan.


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sindrom mak2

Im feel so blast when looked back at d past, where im raised d kids. dari syamir umur setahun lebih, and feeya umur 2hari. semakin hari, semakin pjg akal. ade je idea or benda nk buat.

ANAK yg nakal tulah sebenarnya yg menghiburkan. ade je keletah die buat ak ketawa sendiri. dan dia seakan tahu, keadaan mama die mostly bile sedih or down.. mule lah nk buat something sweet. seakan memujuk hati yg sedang bergelora. AND im melting! love u both syamirsafiyyah.

it is also happened to me eventhou im not an 'officially mother' yet. yerkss

dont left ur phone here and there. keep it safe. nnt bukan2 die tekan. like call someone or click gmbr org itu ini. HAIHHH~

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keep strong

Aku harap, kau terus bertabah. mengharungi ape yg mendatang. sebab kau xboleh nk kawal setiap pergerakan. But Allah does. percayalah pada Dia. tetapkan hati. kuatkan iman. percaya dgn janji2 Dia. kalau tidak sekarang, nanti pasti ada jalan keluar. pasti ada. Allah tak akan membebankan hambaNya. Allah Maha kaya. segala2nya. Maha mendengar. Maha melihat. Maha mengetahui segala isi alam. Maha penyayang. Dia tahu apa yg menanti kau di depan sana. Sedangkan kau tidak. Tabah dan terus lah bertabah. walaupun hati kau berkali2 hancur. diri kau berkali2 rebah. kerana kesakitan yg tak dapat lawan. kerana kesakitan tak mampu kau tolak. ia akan datang. datang dan datang tanpa kau pinta. 

Hurting someone & telling them later on that this life is a test and the strongest are tested the most is a very cheap blow! Everyone will go through some hard times at some point. Life isn't easy. Just something to think about. Did you know the people that are the strongest are usually the most sensitive? Did you know the people who exhibit the most kindness are the first to get mistreated? Did you know the ones who take care of others all the time are usually the ones who need it the most? Did you know the three hardest things to say are I love you, I'm sorry, and help me? Sometimes just because a person looks happy, you have to look past their smile to see how much pain they may be in.

Do not underestimate your conversation with Allah.
Every Doa counts.

i have loved. i have lost and i have changed. It has been difficult but i have learned so much from it. I have learned that people can hurt you so deeply and not even worry about you. i learned that good people can change in a minute when their hearts have been broken. I've met great people, but mean people as well. But d most important thing i have learned is that every person in this world is strong enough to let go. People come and go and that's life! The most important thing is to stand up and realize that you deserve something better than a person who gives up on you.Life is like a coin, pleasure and pain are the two sides. Only one side is visible at a time, but remember other side also waiting for its turn.


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Arghh!~ rindunyee..!! even almost 5 months. im still reminisce dat place. d moment.. d people.. tqs Allah coz gave me d opportunity to come at Your place. dlm di usia sekarang ini. 

AND im really wish i have more opportunity soon, in future. i hope i can reach dis place several time before i see You. #syurgadunia.

Makam Nabi Muhammad, Madinah

Rumah Allah, Mekah

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not weird

"Abg cuma fikir 5 minit je utk lamar Anis. Untuk miliki Anis tak la sukar, tapi untuk memahami Anis, banyak cabaran dia..!" 


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11th MAY 2015

im turn to 17+11. Alhamdulillah.. for the

#soul. im still alive!!
#healthy health!
#loves around me!
#anything i couldnt tell 1 by 1 (^^,!)


kematangan di ukur dari segi apa? percakapan, perbuatan atau pemikiran? not only one of, but all of them!.. TO ACT like matured is not hard but.. to be matured.. yes is it. Its hard to be matured while you cant simply take all d problem with heartily. 

"think wise and act wise." katenye..

there is a lots of problem occur recently, and i think i CANT handle it as much as matured person deal with. somehow, sometimes, im collapse. im drowning in my emotion. have a kind of unhealthy heart feeling matter. i dont wanna be childish, but i just cant tackle d problem as a matured people does. i dont know how to deal with d annoying people, who is always always and always put me in a hard situation. ill down. ill be sad. ill be stress. ill be moody. ill be d hot tempered person. ill be rude. ill be annoying to them too! (kah3.pdn muke!) 

AND it is not so me. it is NOT! i love to care people. i love to do good deeds to others. i love to support others. i love to appreciated others by give a present or something sweet things. i love to make people cheer and happy. i love to concern on others. i love to be around people that i knew. i love to spend time together, sharing experience and thought.  coz in return.. ofcoz i want them do d same for me. if not you, maybe someone else. i wanna be a good people. im juz wanna get Allah's redha.


sempena d ulangtahun hari kelahiranku.. 

i pray, i hope. and i wish.. Allah send me his slave as soonest. as my soul who's always make a time for me, to hear my mumbling and understand how, and what i feel as ill lend my ear to hear all his problem. who's always take care of me, as ill take care of him. who's always trust me, as ill trust him. who's always loyal with me, as ill loyal with him. who's always trying to know me, as ill always try to know him. who's always concern on me, as ill concern on him. who's always support me, as ill always support him physically, emotionally and financially. who's always respect me as ill respect him. who's always guide and wanna bring me to Jannah as i wish to do that so. who's always love me as ill love him without any doubt.

#muchlove #melting

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