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9 Zulhijjah 1436H prepration

Its d day!!! 

Alhamdulillah, after several incident happened in Mecca recently, my mom is just fine. Mau xworry, xboleh tdoq kitorg 3 beradek, waiting mak to online and communicate with us. d incident of crane collapse happened at 1030pm (Malaysia time) Msg, call sume xberjawab. (T__T) kakak siap try to call TH to get d news of our lovely lady over there, but cant reach d line.

Then pg2 after subuh (Malaysia time), mom reply d msg and confirmed she is just fine. she was at d hotel when d incident happened. dat time my mom xsedap hati go to masjidil haram, and decided to perform Asr prayer at d hotel, seem d weather also is not really 'convenience' to go through too.

A few day later, mom said people seem paranoid, aware for another incident. bayangkan, tgh2 nk solat subuh, semasa azan dilaungkan, people bertempiaran lari left d sejadah, and their things behind sbb suddenly terasa habuk2 yg dibawa angin kuat masuk dlm masjidil haram. then, mom pon agak ketaq dgn keadaan tu, lps selesai solat subuh, xsempat nk baca doa, cpt2 terus kuar dr masjidil haram. 

"Mase kt luar, suasana elok jer mcm xde ape.. hmm, nk tergelak pon ada. tp, andai masa mak dh tiba. mak redha. korang pon sama."


Hope everything will just fine today. 1pm (Mecca time), all pilgrim will going to wukuf (keep in silent, and just doing akhirah thingy like zikr, read quran and talbiyah) at Arafah.

Here some info regards perjalanan rukun haji. 

بَّيْكَ اللَّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ لَبَّيْكَ لاَشَرِيْكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ إِنَّ الْحَمْدَ وَالنِّعْمَةَ لَكَ وَالْمُلْكَ لاَ شَرِيْكَ لَكَ

 “Labbaika Allahumma labbaika, labbaika la syarikalaka labbaika, innal hamda wan nikmata laka wal mulka la syarika laka.”

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ITS FUNNY. im not really like dis type of song. evergreen katenye. like jiwa2 lama, but terpengaruh plak dgn pengaruh rakan sebaya dlm 'gua' ni. i lebih prefer to turn on Hotfm, tp depa 2 ketul ni suke SINARfm or THRgegarfm. layan jela.  then, one of d song, asyik dok ulang  sehari suntuk. haa, amik ko, penangan die, since that moment, mmg resah la tak dgr lagu ni satu hari. (-.-) 


SATU hari, im asking, "ape tajuk lagu ni ea.? sehari 5 6 kali ulang. resah plak ak nk tau"

they laughing on me and said, "haa, abeslaah.. dah suke la plak lagu jiwa2 ni mie."

"itulahh, korang la niii!! cpt google lirik die.. hihi." *blushing.malu*

"hmmph, patutlah resah. tajuk die mmg resah pon!" 

d song is RESAH by Hetty Koes Endang. 

THEN, everyone here is like, "ehhh td xde pon dgr lagu resah arini. cpt pasang!! resah plak jiwa kite" hahaha. gila!

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unSEEN moMent~ (^^,!)

When d picture speak..d momento. 

"hmmph. okay2. susun cmni la kot. tiptop baq hang" (>_<)v

"cantik gak ak susun cake ni kan." *mood SS* XD

                        "aikk. event blom start, dh rasmikan dlu?"
                        "errr.. err. im juz rasmikan pose with d cake jer bos. but im not d 1st okayy :p                                       meh cni, sy amikkn gmbr bos plak. (amik hati. hihi) "
                        "hmmmph, ye la tuuuuuuu"
                        "amboii, pjg bonar tu itu.. maaf." (--.!!) 

"yayyy, boss dh beredar. come n lets snap some more pics!! :D" 

hihi.. someone seem like really excited huh. :p
im just cherish d moment LOL.


d duplication of d building. 
TQS to kak jane deary for d awesome, trying hard to fulfill our-demand-cake. hihii. nice attempt! and d cake so delicious too!

supposed nak mcmni.. tp tak padan plak dgn bajet (-.-!). 
Lagipon tuan2 penasihat ckp xsesuai, sbb..
"ni offshore, more to oil and gas industry. technofit onshore..! blaa2 mcmtu mcmni.. blaaa2"
"ok2.. tqs so much for d comment. YOUUU(s) can shut up ur mouth now!! werkss~"

"EVERYONEE!! kecikkn bdn sume. tahan nafas..", ngomel si photographer (self shot camera XD)
punye la nk masuk dlm frame kn. hihi~

17th years of establishment. kipidap! dongibap!

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oldies pt2

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oldies pt1

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Last time i'd join the Merdeka's celebration back to 20 years ago i guess.. fuhh lama gak kan. mase kecik2, arwah ayah rajin bwk kitorg satu family.. perarakan merdeka, perarakan tentera, bunga2 kt putrajaya la.. haha. tu rsnye last moment that we went. then, sejak masuk uni, ak jrg balik umah, busy dgn assignment as an architect-wanna-be. (--.!) sum more, ak mls nk join, berpanas terik. hoho.

Tapi, smlm, disebabkan kwn ak sorg ni ajak p, sebok nk tgk jet terbang dpn mate katenyee, so teman je la.. SESAK! PANAS LIT LIT bak hang.! anyway, best gak tgk formasi jet, perarakan and kawad kaki. Remind me to d old times. i really love kawad. rindu giler kott, n im glad penah join d marching satu ketika dulu. tang formasi yg best. lg blast sbb ak la mastermind yg perah otak pk formasi yg best2. hihi. penah la  2 3 kali menang 1st & 2nd place. 2nd place tu sbb byk sgt kepala and  kononnye ade 'kaki' bgtau xley buat formasi angkat2 org. tp yg menang 1st place sbb angkat org kot. sabotaj nii!! hmm, sape yg join kawad fhm la kot ape ak bebel ni. hahaha. n thats why im a bit tanned. :p berjemur jer kan. mak ak bsg gak sbb ak dh mcm 'workaholic' mse zmn skolah dlu. xlekat lgsg kt umah. hikhik. now pon rasenye.. eh.?

skg ni..teringin gak rsnye join d march, or b a part of event organizer. i dont know why i love to b a part of them. sbb tu la kot Allah buka jalan utk ak tunjuk bakat dlm kerjaya skg nii. :D xsgka jugak bile bos serap ak msuk dept. ingatkan akan jd PA smpi tuaa. :p mase p S/U course dulu pon, ade jer PA to one of Tan Sri ni served her bos up to 28 years! then, lps dat Tan Sri pencen, jadi PA anak die plak. (--,!) then ak terbyg2 if im in dat condition, rs mcm xsanggup jer and sbb tu ade seek another job. tp sebenarnye post yg same cume mcm nk try new work environment since mcm xley blah nk msuk line archy back or b a cikgu as mom's dream.

"Sy tgk CV awk ni, lebih sesuai join CRM. (Corporate Relation Management). ill make d appointment for u. nak tak?"

Mungkin tu hint dr Dia yg nk bagitau talent ak kt mana, n Dia gerakkan hati bigboss, suddenly revamp d organisation. im juz thinking n wondering d moment back. (^^,!) tapi ofcoz, sume benda ade suka duka. i think i can handle d task se max mgkn skg ni, cuma... hmmph.

Harap d grieve won't so long.


Sekitar event semalam.. funny things mase tembakan meriam, ade makcik seblah ak melatah.

"Subhanallah, wallahamdulillah." setiap kali meriam meletup. adoyy. dlm berasak2, org ramai, space limited, ak rs nk terburai gelak.

starting with d heli formation..

 my anak2 favs. 
best la bile sume org ikut nyanyi lagu tema ramai2. 


kete kebal. rare la kn. jarang tgk. :p

 ak suke tgk unit ni. perisik negara. all black. 

antara peluru berpandu yg dipasang dkt jet.

d best part. heart of d celebration!!
ak yg rs mule2 tak rase excited pon teruje tgk. hihi.

tak sempat snap d video sbb teruja sgt, tp can watch here!! :D
Copyright, credit to d owner. hehe 

Last but least, we-time.!
messy giler rs. (-.-)
meet my buddy, cik raihana aka roy (nama jer ganas, org nye ayuu). 
my buddy, bff, gossip, rowdy partner. :D

i love n proud to be malaysian! 
Hargailah kenikmatan hidup yg dikecapi oleh nenek moyang kite.
Peace No War. :)

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