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Pagi 12 Ramadhan

Happy Birthday to me!! XD

11 May 1987 : 12 Ramadhan 1407H

and yup.. iolls dilahirkan pada hari Isnin.. so, say NO to Monday blues for today okayy! hehe

Alhamdulillah. masih lagi bernafas di saat ini, atas kurniaan Ilahi, melewati bulan tahun gregorian dan bulan tahun Islam. Wishes! Wishes! May Allah ease everything for me. Sempena birthday kuu, nah, iolls blanje lagu. Pagi Ramadhan. (^^,)

Penuh pasrah kupanjatkan 
Doa penuh kuaturkan 
Hanya kepadaMu Tuhan 

Ya Illahi Rabbi 
Terimalah amal kami 
Pada bulan suci ini
Ku kembali fitri

Klip Video yg ni best, tp kalo lagu, iolls lagi suke versi asal.

Versi asal. :)

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Ok. dis is cute! nnt nk train anak2 main gitar! XD

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| Kun Anta |

Kun Anta tazdada jamala
Be yourself and you will increase in beauty.

InsyaAllah. :D

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Baby's first LOL

i cant stop from laughing too!! :')

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A fear of heights is called acrophobia. Acrophobia can range from fear when on the top floor of a tall building, to fear of standing on a chair. People with acrophobia feel a sense of panic when they're at a certain height and often become unable to trust their sense of balance.


yaikkss! yes i am! hurghhhh! im a lil bit panic and feel wanna to pengsan! when d client personnel bring my team and cidb panel to visit Tanjung Bin Power Plant #unit20 level 12. (d highest level of d plant) huhuu~ luckily my colleagues were there too to assist us. both of them take care of me when i said..

"weyyyhhh! ak gayat nehh. angin kuat gilerr. rs nk tumbang!! arghhh!!'

"adoyaii.. ko gayat ker me.. lek2 jer.. buat mcm xde ape. jgn pndg bwh! anggap ko ade kt ground"

"erkk.. mslhnye ak dh terpandang bwh! huwarghh! jalan dgn ak pls.."

"kah3. ko ni sengal laa me.. yela2.. ak jln dpn. zul ko jln blkg die."

"alahaii.. gayat ke cik umi. mangkok btul."

"mangkok ko kte?? choii siap ko pinggan. turun nnt, tau la ape ak nk balas. sampai hati mentertawakan kekurangankuu" sobsob


eeeiiii!! gelak la puas2. huhhh. ak mmg nervous gila baq hang!!.. smpi terketaq2 kaki kot.. kah3.

nmpk tak..nmpk tak.. xlps pegang dat ladder or any railing. hahaha. nak dok kt tepi railing mcm dorang sume tu, taklaa kan! lg la seramm rs. ade sorg cidb panel tu (Pn dannia if not mistaken) siap selfie2 lg. she's QC engineer. dh bese la kot dok tmpt tggi2 ni.. huhu. ak nk ambik gmbr pon, rs bagai nk terbang fon ku ditiup angin. 

luckily, wan, d safety supervisor volunteer to take d picture on behalf me because im so nervous, terketaq2 nk amik gmbr pki dslr camera. thanx wan kerana memahami! :D (p/s: hope bos ko tak meroyan sbb ko buat keje ku. :') shhh)

thanks koranggg. dh smpi bwh, bru lega rsnye.. fuhhhh~ :D

dis is d great experience for me. i believe, even im acrophobia, but i had challenge myself to beat d fear! salute d people who is working here. u guys rock! :D

ohh.. tak lupe juge.. thanx my driver.. eh.. abg ku! XD for helping me to assist d cidb panel to d plant. manja btuii depa nih.. kna jemput dr legoland hotel siap. (^^,!!)

and also thanx for melayan karenahku. hikhik. 

"halo puan. puan kt mana? sy dh sampai kt dpn lobby hotel ni.. nk jemput puan.."

"alahaaiiii. yeke.. ok2. iolls tgh selfie ni.. jap2. (^^,!)"

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halo Johor!

Long time no see. last time i came here mase attend my cousin's wedding and having a sweet escape at Singapore last year. but i have no much time to explore either Johor or Singapore. sheesh. susah la kn, bwk anak2 jalan2 ni. byk ceritenyee. ibu diorg nmpk enjoy jerrr, yg mama diorg ni penat nk layannn karenah anak2.  (-.-!)

AND dis time, i come here,  spend 5 days in Johor, since last saturday, FOR WORKKKKKKK! but im enjoying really much. pretty cool huh. best jugak kerja + jalan2. hihii~ feel exhausted, bukan psl keje, but travel!. but im trying (and i am! :p) think positive, and everything is just fine. kihkihkih

My mission to be here actually for d CIDB site visit - MCIEA Awards '14. from 3 award's categories we had submitted, one of them we has been nominated as one of award receiver. walaweyh! kah3. we compete with giant company, IJM Construction if im not mistaken. d other one, i have no idea. so i hope, we will win for dis category : BUILDER OF THE YEAR! which is last year, we lost with Sunway Corporation for dis category.

and im waiting for d another 2 categories, Best Project & Best Contractor of the Year. masih  lagi xdpt khabar berita. sobsob. dis award actually, not really for my department only, or d bosses. but actually for d people, whom is working at office and site. dgn hasil kerja tgn anda, we convinced to d public n d world regards our works is excellence beyond everyone expectation.. :p yahh.. really. be proud. sekurang2nye, a credit to u, when u want to work at another place, cv dh cantik. from establish company, i guess ur cv will be laku compare org lain? at leasttt.. ;D so when u guys done ur part, now is my part to establish our track record and work experience to this industry or even country. instead even early dis year, we menang award at myanmar ok. d best engineering company in Asia Pacific! :D

Disebabkan ak agak susah jugak nk atur jadual kerja sendiri.. so ble ade kesempatan to travel, i used dis opportunity very well. amik peluang utk utilize masa dgn sebaiknye. ececeyy. my clique from southern region pon dok sinis2, asik turun manjung jer, xnk pon tgk dorg kt hujung dunie ni.. err. mmg pon!! kah3. so, now.. im here!! see, if i say ill come, i come kn. (^^,) but KORANG plak busy nauzubillah. haihhh. dtg salah timing la ape la.. pls laa make a time for me ok.!bkn senang iolls nk mencemar duli ni. :p bwk daku jalan2 here!!!

Alhamdulillah for dis opportunity. i feel near to my cliques from regional. i can feel d pain and exhausted to be here. to work for d same organization as me but they are having their day with tiring and pressure with d work environment. somehow im feel sleepy here, (-.-) when looked them go here n there, tapi sempat plak tu dok join bergosip n bahan ak baik punyaa.! thanks korg. best sgt rs. puiik!

today agak relief skit, when my '2nd bosses' (sbb ade 2 org. huhh) asked me to stay at d SR office, and helps them to prepare some document for tomorrow award's site visit. halo, i join d site visit to take d picture only kannn. kah3. almost 6.30pm.. xde tande2 pon nk balik. nk jalan2 malam niiii. hurry la!! (>.<!)

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|D O A|

I think it's kinda sweet when people doakan kau lepas solat. It's like the greatest gift yang orang boleh beri kepada kau.

AMIN. Thanks doakan sy.. eh.  :')

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6th seNse

Sixth sense makes a sense. and i do believe d sixth sense. patutlah rs semacam. Rupa2nya ade something to ponder. and Allah nk tunjuk mungkin.. kalo tak masakan tergerak hati nk buat itu and ini..

Allah kurniakan deria ke enam, untuk kite rs dari hati. d feeling is like butterflies in my tummy.

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when i have no one..~

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“Do not concern yourself with things about which you have no knowledge. Verily, your hearing, sight, and heart -- all of them will be called to account" (Quran 17:36).

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Manusia ni pelik. Orang yg kondem seseorang tu bagai nk gila, boleh plak stay in buddy relationship.. org yg seseorang tu depend on mase susah, dijadikan musuh. pelik. pelik. TERKADANG tertanya2. apa yg dh berlaku sebenarnya? everyone make a mistake. semua org tak terlepas. DAN atas dasar apa kau hukum org yg be there utk kau. tapi kau boleh buat baik / keep in touch dgn org yg lgsg xfikir ape kau rs mase tempelak kau dulu.

Maybe dis is tarbiyah dr Allah. REMOVE d negativity people from being a part of d life?



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