people dont really understand, exactly how you feel till they have the same feeling as yours. before do and say anything, put yourself in their shoe.
oppss..sorry, im mumbling again! ;p
arini.. p PPUM pon i drive all d way gak.. :D sbb ayh ckp die dh xlarat drive anymore..ok2. fine.. ;(
mula2, kna antar mommy p skool dlu..*sigh. dh bsr pon, kna p skola lg..harharhar..pastu, trus shoot p PPUM.. OMD! (oh mak datuk!) *thee hee hee.* keta byk gila!!~ org suma rushing nk p keja. rs cm racing, ape lagi..i pon pecut la gakk..huahahaha~ alhamdulillah..slmt pergi n balik..feuhh~~ sipi2 excident la tapi, d sepanjang perjalanan.. huu~ seperti besa, ayh dok pot pet pot pet kt seblah..uwaaaa.. stress la gini..~ ;(( bkn nk bg smgt..dh la i ni penakut..cube la, bg encourage skit.. ni asik dok komplen jaa. heLLo!! ayah pon bru ja smlm p bergeser ngn kete org k.. terbang RM300! *haihh!~ :p
hmm..i fail la parking 90 hampir2 mencacatkan penampilan baby-v..sorry baby-v.. i xsengaja.. naseb baik almost jaa.. feeuhhh~~ me lap you vewy2 much. i will take a very good care of you, as i can.
so, based on plan, basically, i have 3 weeks more to wear braces.. xsbr gak nk debond coz dh mls ulang alik p PPUM.. lps ni, naik LRT je la..sbb, mls nk dgr bebelan ayah spjg perjalanan pergi n balik. uh huu~ *touching (T_T)
agak rushing la gak blik dr PPUM, sbb ofismate kt office dok call,msg psl hal itu n ini..uwaa..wat i xtenteram jer.. so, patut masuk ofis after lunch, tp xjd, lepas drop ayh kt umah, trus shoot p ofis plak.. n d best part is, bile masuk ofis, everything dh settle dh pon..NICE kn!~
what a tiring day..~ (+_+)
today bwk mum n dad p care4, wangsa maju. i drive all d way u know~ XD ok la..dh xnebes sgt dh..but my dad dok pot pet pot pet, klo i ter wat mistake. *sighh..mcm la die bwk elok sgt..:p
best gak, jd anak tungguL arini..:p mummy pon layan jer i nak itu ini..huahahaha~ jgn jeles yer adeq n kakakku..~ ♥
baru jer feel relief dr insiden sebulan lepas..dh dgr sumthng yg menggerunkn balik.. my fren@neighbourhood disamun d dpn rumah pg td!! mse tu die bru blik dr keje..its happen around 1am.. astagfirullahal'azim.. mesti cuak giler, sbb die sorg, a gurl pulak tu.. naseb baik die bertindak pantas cpt2 msuk ke dm kete semula..d thief siap hentak cermin kete, sbb geram la kot, xdpt ape2. cett.. n polis kata kemungkinan besar, d thief akan cuba menyamun die balik atas motif dendam. WTH?? keje nk mudah jee..xnk berusaha sendiri cari rezeki halal, nk samun harta hasil keringat org lain!! urghh! marah benar la saya!~
**uwaaaaa.. nowadays, rs xselamat di tempat sendiri. risau keselamatan family n kwn2.. (T__T)
Want an increase in salary? TRY THIS... (^^,)
In thi$ life, we all need $ome thing mo$t de$perately. I think you $hould be under$tanding of the need$ of u$ worker$ who have given $o much $upport including $weat and $ervice to your company.
I am $ure you will gue$$ what I mean and re$pond $oon.
Your$ $incerely,
lILY $hih
NOw the newspaper are saying the world`s leading ecoNOmists are NOt sure if the United States may go into aNOther recession. After the NOvember presidential elections things may turn bad.
I have NOthing more to add NOw. You kNOw what I mean.
Yours truly,