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oppss..sorry, im mumbling again! ;p

arini.. p PPUM pon i drive all d way gak.. :D sbb ayh ckp die dh xlarat drive anymore..ok2. fine.. ;(

mula2, kna antar mommy p skool dlu..*sigh. dh bsr pon, kna p skola lg..harharhar..pastu, trus shoot p PPUM.. OMD! (oh mak datuk!) *thee hee hee.* keta byk gila!!~ org suma rushing nk p keja. rs cm racing plak..so, ape lagi..i pon pecut la gakk..huahahaha~ alhamdulillah..slmt pergi n balik..feuhh~~ sipi2 excident la tapi, d sepanjang perjalanan.. huu~ seperti besa, ayh dok pot pet pot pet kt seblah..uwaaaa.. stress la gini..~ ;(( bkn nk bg smgt..dh la i ni penakut..cube la, bg encourage skit.. ni asik dok komplen jaa. heLLo!! ayah pon bru ja smlm p bergeser ngn kete org k.. terbang RM300! *haihh!~ :p 

hmm..i fail la parking 90 deg..uwaa..td hampir2 mencacatkan penampilan baby-v..sorry baby-v.. i xsengaja.. naseb baik almost jaa.. feeuhhh~~ me lap you vewy2 much. i will take a very good care of you, as i can.

so, based on plan, basically, i have 3 weeks more to wear braces.. xsbr gak nk debond coz dh mls ulang alik p PPUM.. lps ni, naik LRT je la..sbb, mls nk dgr bebelan ayah spjg perjalanan pergi n balik. uh huu~ *touching (T_T)

agak rushing la gak blik dr PPUM, sbb ofismate kt office dok call,msg psl hal itu n ini..uwaa..wat i xtenteram jer.. so, patut masuk ofis after lunch, tp xjd, lepas drop ayh kt umah, trus shoot p ofis plak.. n d best part is, bile masuk ofis, everything dh settle dh pon..NICE kn!~

what a tiring day..~ (+_+)

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