MissyMe. Powered by Blogger.


seriously.. xterlintas lgsg pon nk bertanding tempoh hari.. but, kemenangan berpihak to me, coz xde pesaing.. xhangat la cmtu..!~ :p thank you very much la awk2 suma coz menambah bebanan kerja sy.. *sigh. ;p ape2 pon, thank you for trust me to be a part of our club committee. insyaAllah, sy akan memikul tggjwb yg diamanahkan sebaik2 baiknya..

and, what a best trip..even penat, tp rs berbaloi la, sbb dpt jalan2 n shopping for family.  and d another best part is, trip di sponsor tanpa dirancang.. hahaa..thank you la kepada pihak2 penaja.. terima kasey daun keladi, *ayat blkg u pk la sendiri.. ;p slalunya p sne, juz balik hari.. dpt penat n got another new task to b done jer..~ :p lalalalaa~~

waa.. what an another suprise..dpt vacancy offer from an establish archy firm.. thank you very much sir.. but, i think, dis is not a right tyme for me to move on in another job.. n plus have no confident to work in 'that' line yet..or anymore? ;( im in dilemma rite now..(T__T) but i really2 appreciate your kindness and offer juz now..~ **what unexpected huh..~~

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Chronicle said...

I liked hearing about all of this, I read somewhere that you needed something to talk about because you had lots of free time? My friend just posted videos to Youtube, is there any way that you could talk about it? They're pretty funny, here's one:
Maybe post it or share it among friends? I know its a lot to ask, but please? There anything I can help you out with???


MissyMe said...

hye F.F. thnx for dropping by here. :) but, did u understand what i wrote? coz actually my english is bad. :p sorry coz i rarely blogging..its depends on my mood. ;p btw, do keep in touch. ;) oh, not to forget, nice to know u.. ;D