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haha.. while my family members sibuk nk p beraya, im enjoying myself by watching muvie at cinema.. trukk btuii! :p :p :p 

today is not really a bad day to me.. ;) even several bad thing happened suddenly n make me pissed off, but im still enjoy my day. :) the road is super duper clear. easy to get parking. and even ramai giler beratur nk bli tix, but i manage to get my seat rite on time before the movie start. :D and and i manage to grab the thing dat i seeking for too. weee. xsia2 tawaf 10x. alhamdulillah :D :D :D

oh well.. RIPD review.. cerite yg x terjangka dek akal.. ade kaitan dgn dunie akhirat.  the story begin by a policeman (Nick Walker) had been murder by his colleague (yg sbnrnye dh mati jugak). before d judgment day, Nick have a chance to join d Rest In Peace Department. i guess sbrnyer motif die nk balas dendam dkt pembunuhnye, but suddenly, berkait plak dgn misi roh2 jahat bersembunyi di antare manusia yg ingin melarikan diri dr judgement day. they all need to build some monument by  pieces of gold to make a medium pembalikkan dunie, which is org2 mati ni akan hidup semula dan opkoz la dh name jahat..misi dorg nk menakluki dunie dgn kuase jahat dorg. as a newby, Nick berganding dgn veteran sheriff, Roy ape ntah nme die. credit to action and hilarious scene. *thumbs up* And as usual muvie ending, at last both of them manage to save d world. 

rupe veteran Sheriff Roy and Nick d dunia manusia

i dont believe the story at all.. juz enjoying my day with d movie dat i most wanted to watch before start to work tomorrow. oh my holiday will be end in a couple of hours..~ (=.=!) oh nooo!~

hallo mr monday ! pls be nice to me ok..*hugs*

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