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ingatkan dah abes..

i couldn't understand d situation.. shud be ME feel bad for dat thing. not YOU.

apelah perasaan awk.. when you eager to have that 'thing', you are willing to share it wif d stranger that you are SUDDENLY fallin' into and in d mean time, you has been convinced that you are in that way to get it.. but in d end.. you has been BETRAY. has been FOOLED. not enuff wif dat.. add on with 'joking session', laughing bagai nak gila is like mentertawakan yourself (even xberniat begitu pd awalnye) and seolah olah it is show that you are stupid enuff /fool/ bangang tahap dewa ke 19, PERASAN NAK MAMPUS (T__T), coz easily believe that people.

they are laughing at your dream!

they are teasing wif your desire!

they are making fun on your serious matter!

Is that my feeling was wrong for that incident? i juz cant.. stand for that anymore. i didn't mean to seek other's attention and sympathy. NO, I DONT!

juz take a minute to think what you had done to that people life and desire+dream by put d situation in your shoes.. at least for a while. feel deeply what is exactly d people going through. if you feel that .. ahhh it is not your matter, so kindly keep shut up and pleaseeee keep away from that problem instead of you put MORE burden to d 'victim' life. ARE YOU evil enuff  eager to make people feel bad n suffer for d rest of their life?

Dont expect i will be okay. and i either DONT EVEN EXPECT YOU TO CARE!! but I AM BEGGING TO YOU.. PLEASE.. kindly dont make me feel bad of my life. APA SALAH AKU? WHAT I HAVE DONE TO YOU sampai ak diperlakukan mcm ni? dendam apa yg kau nk balas dkt ak? you are lucky enuff coz i realize that i live my life based on Allah's plan.. and maybe if He want me to know why all this happen, He will let me know someday.. and maybe i will understand why. so at dis moment, i have no intention to get out of my mind to do something crazy like 'you' maybe.

i think im patient enuff to face this situation. But if im still not meet that level, i really beg to You, my holder of heart, to make me reach d highest of sabr.

and i have no intention to be an enemy to anyone secara sedar. ak xnk cari kamu kamu kamu kt akhirat nnt. i really mean it.
"sebelum bahagia menjelma.. kita terpaksa menempuh kekecewaan. selalu ianya bersifat sementara"

"make peace with your past. make it easier"

 i hope i will be d happiest woman in dis earth real soon and insyaAllah till my eternity life.

- a lament from peacelover.

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