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my 1st.

Kalo nk diikutkan.. events that i had handle, sumenyer adalah kali pertama dlm sejarah company. it is a growth organization.. mase ak baru join dlu..around Jan 2011, overall staff ade dlm 40 cmtu jer.. skrg ni..dkt HQ saje dh ade 30 staffs. total all regional and subsidairies dlm 100++ permanent staffs. what a rapid growth. so.. as a catalyst to make d company firm in d future, penat 'skit' la to be d 'acting'.. 

well, you name it d event(s) dat id handle, teambuilding, openhouse for raya (involve clients,suppliers, bankers & others external), annual dinner, company trip, family day.. and last but not least, my baby project and actually my 1st experience too.. corporate exhibition! 

mase study dlu, id always got involved in archy day and workshop. lebih kurang la.. ade exhibition, ada program dis n dat. tp.. alam kerjaya punya agenda is a lil bit different.. tambah2 lg bile dh involve dgn dunia korporat.. so cetusan idea pon kna la matang dan lebih progresif katenye.. (-.-)

alhamdulillah.. dlm mase xsmpi seminggu, sempat lagi ak curi time utk berjalan2 ke sane sni sinun.. *hihii* my 1st baby exhibition berjalan dgn lancar walaupun ade sedikit mslh berlaku.. alhamdulillah i have good team mate! thank you so much on your, your and your helps buddies! and make d thing going smoothly. yeayy for everyone! 

thanx also for d trust given, sir! without your trust, i cant reveal my capability kn.. haha. merungut keje byk tu bese la kn.. :p tp dr sudut positive, i accept it as a challenge anyway! so dat, if lps ni dh melangkah kaki dr sni..i have a bunch of experience and idea dat i can share n give. and as a credit for my career too. tee hee~

and what's so surprisingly me, 

colleagues  : mi.. jom p depan skit.. clear ckit amik gmbr boss nnt..
me              : ok, jom..
emcee         : ".... Anugerah Kontraktor G7.. THYTHORN (ke ape ntah nama dia..yg pasti bkn technofit)"
me              : errr.. ak rs segan dh ni.. 
colleagues  : err.. tula. xpela mi.. kite amik je la gmbr winner ni.. cover2.. adoy (gelak2)
emcee         : dan inilah masa yg dinanti2kan.. mcm akademi pula rsnyer.. Anugerah Perdana Kontraktor Terbaik G7 
                     2013... TECHNOFIT!"
me              : ok.. ni dh x rs malu dh.. jom p depan lg weyh.. hahaa  

*tepukan gemuruh gilerr.. dan opkoz terutama dr team technofit yg diketuai en Azri.. semangat btul.. :D* 
after dat.. d minister and all VVIP came n visit our booth. 

my company won d prime award on dat day. nmpkla boss happy skit, even thou on dat day he suffered with d bell palsy symptom again. 

and what a bless too, we got a compliment regard d booth. alhamdulillah.. d last minute design for d booth xmengecewakan aiyte.. :p a good start for d year 2014! 

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