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kite yg buat die..

"kite yg buat dia.."

sejak ak keje cni.. ayat ni la yg slalu senior2 sebut. hahaha. cth kalo ak stress keje ke ape, dis words is like as a motivation utk ak abeskan keje tu. susah. renyah. payah. bluerghh.. rs nk mengamokk jer! kahkahkah~ tp bila siap, 

"i cant believe it!"

"wow.. m feel like im a superwoman. bhahhahaha"

ok. yg neh ak nk cter psl company program. ikutkan, dis is not my task. not even my job scope. mase ak d briefing interview dulu, bos kata keje ak senang.

"senang je keje kamu nnt. jaga sy. jaga personnal sy. ade ckit2 je la involve opis matter yg berkaitan dgn sy.."

"kalo sy xde kt opis.. kamu xde keje pon. relax jer.." and dats y ak accept jer even d salary is not meet my expectation. huh!

itu kata dia! bila dh keja, hari demi hari, ak rs dh mcm jd 'dia'. sume ak kna amik tau. itu ni. begitu begini. kalo xtau, mau sentap jiwa raga kena smash. ngomel2an sinis. wording jgn berkira kerja dis n dat berkumandang. sedikit sebyk tempias2 keje die, keje ak. (-.-)

well, im positive. TAPI bila ak too much n too mainstream to act my role, ade yg xsenang duduk. seolah2 sailang keje org. sampai ada yg kata ak shareholder no 4!! well, never hate people who r 'jealous' of u, but respect their 'jealousy'. dey r people who think dat you r better than them. kahkahkah. bos kata im d bos kalo dia xde. kahkahkah. tp people dont understand. dh lah naik bernanah telinge bos skolahkan ak, so biarlah sape2 yg xsuke tu. yg penting, ak deliver n convince d owners. n i guess itu yg terbaik.

kite yg buat die..

ak nk jadikan tmpt yg ak cari rezeki ni jd BESTTT! difahamkan.. sebelum ak join dis organization, xbyk event2 besar. mase tu pon, company masih lg kecil. overall staff dlm 30-40 people. time to time, d company growth well. n nasib baik ade sumone(s) yg excited, cetusan idea yg menarik, n yg paling penting willing to  do nk buat tu nk buat ni. bersungguh2 wat proposal, cari info dis n dat n at d finishing line asked my help as org kanan bos to convince d management body. good combination gitu.. hihi. for me, xpelah layan kan aje adhoc task ni sbb ak dh letakkan guideline "kite yg buat die.." kalo kite xbuat? sapa lg nk buat? even susah. renyah. payah. sakit hati sumtimes tu.. tp im satisfied when looking my colleagues enjoy n happy. and opkoz ak pon happy. benda ni ak buat, dapat kt ak balik kn.. :DD cumenya yg xbest kena tahan2 benefit yg ak ptt dpt. bkn ak xley gune kuasa, tp ak xsuka isu double standard kluar. xpelah. nnt junior2 buat, bg akak ni special plak yer. *demand gitu* (kalao masih berthn d cni la.. X))

even something happened on my latest program, im still happy coz what id done to d organization left a great memories for them.

"kite sebok jaga org, tp org belum tentu nk jaga hati kite.."

hmm. thnx for understand what i felt. even thou ak xckp, tp hg boleh kata mcm ni. so, apetah lg ak yg hadapi nye kn. dlm setandan pisang, pasti ade yg busuk. kan. dunia dunia.

one of my great experiences & memories to reminisce! <3 


 thanks a lot for d surprise. im so touched. literally. tq.
 slalu surprise kan org jer.. now kena balik. (-.-)

last but not least, thanx my lovelies..! <3 <3 
antar n teman me pg2 buta at airport.

 and and pick me up wif d whole family members for celebrate my bestday. hihi. 
i know u guys miss me lottsss especially c gedix feeya.. X)

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