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11th May 2014 in memory. 

HAPPY BEST DAY TO ME and dis is so PRECIOUS GIFT i ever had!

sape jangka.. tarikh yg sama setahun lps merupakan hari yg plg best dlm hidup, dan tarikh yg sama hari ini merupakan hari yg worst yg penah ak hadapi. sengaja atau tidak, im so hurt wif dat moment. seolah2 ak ni xde perasaan lgsg untuk rs sedeyh dan marah! ak dpermainkan secara terang jelas dan nyata! rs mcm xde harga diri! kalo rs dr awal xmampu nk commit n xde intention to share d future life, xpayah nk convince apa2 dulu. some said im taken for a granted.  mgkn juga at dat time tgh rs seronok, mcm dpt bnda baru. suma ok. lama2 baru sdr, 

"dont force a relationSHIT dat doesnt fit!" 

" sayang.. ak ingin.. putusssss.."

"BIADAP! time ko nak ko tatang. time ko dh buang ko hina." dis words is not from me . and its really make me to tears.

n it's really so embarrasing me. im feel so ashamed n regret to b wif u before. kata xcter psl relationship in public.?kot ye pon nk release tension sbb stress keje or wif ur life pon, berSERONOK ada batasnya. jgn smpi nk merosakkan mood  org lain yg seeking dat intention too. plus dh lah kena berkerja to make sure everything going smooth. mcm lgsg xde otak nk pk. tanpa rs bersalah dan rasa sgt bangga sbb dpt kena dan mainkan ak. thanx a lots! you really done your job very well. suh ak b professional, tapi how bout u? wif ur childish attitude. it is not a wish. but not only me, lots of people said.. one day u will get ur reward. and im for sure, you are aware about dat too. TERIMA KASIH kerana sengaja masuk dlm hidup ak untuk memuaskan hati sendiri n as ur achievement record mempermainkan perasaan perempuan. bangga kan. hot gitu. ada rupa ada gaya ada some attraction buat girls melts. *puii!* sekali petik, girls come n go. Alhamdulillah, you shud thanks to Allah and pls lah bersyukur byk2 sbb Dia jadikan kau mcm ni. so anyway, ak ni rank no bape?

Alhamdulillah. even im feel so down n in bad condition today, im blast coz still have a lots of lovely people who are always in front, besides n behind me. to share my happiness, tears and commitment. they are my eternity loves.
you probably forget, dat im a human being dat can thinkable and can be hurt just like you too.
you probably forget dat i have brain and heart. im a person dat born and die..just like you too.

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