k a w a n
maafkan ak..
di mana. selama kita berkawan..
diri ini terkasar bahasa
diri ini mengguris hati
diri ini tersilap bicara
diri ini melampaui cara
diri ini melawan tak semena
diri ini menyusahkan tak terhingga
diri ini hanya insan biasa. yg xlepas dr membuat dosa..
we all have that friend that we may not talk to everyday, but they understand us more than anyone else in the world. You know they're always there for you in your time of need. to that friend, i just want to say THANK YOU.
i love all my frens so much.
THANK YOU for being there for me when i need sumone to talk.
THANK YOU for helping me to going through d upside down of life moment.
THANK YOU for calming me down when im drowning to no where.
THANK YOU for accepting me as i am.
THANK YOU for accepting my bad.
THANK YOU for being my friend.
im glad i met and be friend with you guys.
Every 23rd is my 'cantwaitdate' to wish a special word or quote to my special friend. but i believe, he forget it at all. there is nothing left for him. there is only me and my feeling dat not yet fade away.. even its has been past a year! time takes so slow to heal everything. i still cant forget everything. THIS is evil. it is so evil to me. why i have to face all dis? why im d only who feel dat bad? why im d only who feel dis way? alone..
i hope, if i have fate to get marry wif my soulmate, i will easily forget him and what he had done to me. but if im not get a chance to have a family in dunya, i hope i have a beautiful life dat makes me forget everything that i had before. i dont eager to have even an enemy. i dont looking for a problem wif human. im juz.. dont searching all dat at all. no i dont. im sorry for my out of control emotional. literally.i didnt meant to hurt anyone feeling.. is it worth to say all dis..?
life is a challenge. and it is so challenging me..
It's a good thing to remember about the person you hated. Remember them as the person you don't want to be.
left untold
im not blaming d qadr. it is just.. hmm.
thanks for d calm word. thanks coz trying hard to convince me it is worth.
it is just a shadow~
takut pada bayang2 sendiri? atau segan dgn diri ini? is it all this you expected and wanted so much? Nah amiklahh. hadam cukup2. sampai rs puas. still not enough?
Satu saat
Bila hati tak mampu lagi menampung saratnya luka.
Dengan sendiri akan mengalir takungan jiwa.
Tiada lain yang aku harapkan,
Selain Tuhan.
Berkali aku jatuh ke luka yang sama,
Tuhan tetap beri aku nyawa.
Dan moga hati mampu taubat seikhlasnya.
why people always complain?
bout d things dat not belong to theirs.. dah laa pinjam brg org, tp merungut xbagus la, itu ini. kenapa xbeli mcm tu mcm ni? so why not you buy your own instead of borrow others?
why people always complain?
bout d things dat they do not have it.. if org tu ada something, demoralized dat people sampai benam die dlm2 dlm tanah. ape kau rs pilihan kau tu hebat sgt ke?
why people always complain?
regards d things they want so much. but not reach yet. bukankah janji Tuhan tu pasti. keep patience. as what everybody does. grieve doesnt make anything unless people will annoy wif you.
and why me complain regards dis yet? duhh~
complain is an express of dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.
is it acceptable? (-.-)
11 October 2014.
i dont know why i dont like him in childhood time. he seems annoying to me. (-.-)
he is my angel..
i think he feel me when i down for d things dat i dont want to say it anymore even thou he gave me a book instead of advise. maybe he shy to talk bout dat as we are not so close. but.. thanks adeq. makes kakak feel relief a bit.
he is d only man left in my life..currently.
since ayah left us.. there is no man i can rely on except him. even thou he is doesn't show dat he protected me well. but thanks for everything you'd done for me. hey! i love you much more than you do. always.
a very Congratulations to my one and only lil brother. (2 has been passed away since baby) im so proud of you. you deserve for your hard work.
- Hilal Asyraf.
Hanya nombor..
Waktu baik.. semuanya indah.. semuanya manis. Bila dh buang.. semua nya buruk. semuanya pahit.
Be with someone who are proud with you. Lesson learn.
word wisdom
Thanks coz let me found dis. Bukankah Dia sebaik2 perancang? Thanks make me relief, holder of my heart. Ak hanya hamba yg kerdil punyai hati dan keinginan sama seperti manusia yg lain..
BAHAGIA tu bukan bila kita dapat sesuatu yang buat kita senyum. tapi bila kita boleh terima apa jua ketentuan dengan hati yang lapang.
jangan takut dengan masa hadapan. orang yang tak beriman saja yang takut dengan sesuatu yang tak pasti. kita manusia. kita punya Allah. serahkan pada DIA, dan yakin serta percaya DIA akan beri yang terbaik buat kita.
moga apa jua yang menimpa kita, mengajar kita menjadi insan yang mengerti maksud kebenaran dan kesabaran. kerana dengan mengenal kebenaran dan kesabaran, kita akan lebih mengenal DIA, inshaAllah.
Tuhan tahu apa yang terbaik buatmu. jangan mengeluh bila satu pintu tertutup. kerana DIA mungkin sedang membuka pintu lain, yang lebih baik buatmu. dan kau tak dapat lihat itu, sebab kau terlalu menyesali dan menangisi pintu yang telah tertutup itu.
melangkahlah walau hati hancur. kerana dalam setiap serpih itu ada DIA.
Belajar hidup memang penuh dengan air mata.
Tapi sampai satu tahap, mesti kita semua akan rasa, menjadi matang untuk kuat dan berani berhadapan dengan masalah..
Hasbunallah wa nikmal wakil, nikmal maula, wa nikman nasir.
(Cukuplah ALLAH sebagai penolong dan sebaik-baik pelindung)
Ada orang, Allah uji dengan kesihatan.
Ada orang, Allah uji dengan kesedihan.
Ada orang, Allah uji dengan perasaan.
Tidak kiralah apa jua ujian yang datang kepada kita, cuma satu, Dia ingin kita dekat dengan-Nya.
belong to us!
Alhamdulillah. thanks Allah coz gave dis opportunity to us and to me ofcoz. ingat senang ker nk received dis award? org yg involve dgn PAKSA RELA jer tau azab. dari awal penglibatan, seremeh2 benda, cari form, isi form, gather info dari org tu org ni. kena komen mcm kambing (coz have to senyum even kena sinis. spend time di kala org bersenang lenang. presentation. site visit (part ni jer ak xinvolve sbb PPE xde, pastu ade birokrasi issue. so what ever.. eh2, byk pulak ak merungut kan. HAHAHAHAHA. human being. sorry) and at last, im feel so blast! i conclude dat, dis is my personal achievement. being back bone mmg sakit, but im prefer to b d side line rather d front one. im happy to see people happy. literally. :D
dugaan2 kecil pd ari kejadian (ape kejadahnye la organisasi yg GAH buat keje mcm har. X(!!) buat ak tersenyum sendiri. sbb menjadi heroin even bukan watak utama, mmg meggelikan hati. melihat mereka yg agak 'senior' dari diri ini is like a children mengadu pd ibunya. (err sapelah agaknye tu) hahahaaaa. ok, im 'umi' for everyone.
p/s : cube bc dgn laju. dis is so me aiyte. hahahahaaha~
and thank you my external 'frens' yg sudi membantu ku. kalo takk, xsmooth keja cheq. huhu~
thank you ENCIKs and CIK Supplier; Cik Media & team, and colleagues yg berkenaan regards PR, PO, Payment and d bosses for good cooperation as well! yehawww!~
on d track.
HAIII!! IM BACKKK on d track! again. muahahaha.
Lama xhupdate blog coz im so busy wif my dunya activities and probs. mcm2 nk luahkan smpi tak terungkap lah dgn kata2.. X(
so whats happen in a few days ago? TOO MANY THINGS. sumhow im feel like give up and drowning to nowhere. huh. drpd berkata benda yg bakal (CONFIRM) menyakitkan hati, lebih baik diam kan. hidup masih perlu diteruskan dan diperjuangkan!
im still me and always be me wif a 'NEW' me. an upgrading purpose lah kirenye. oh whatever.