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Ceria Popstar 2: The Best of Masya

adoyy.. xtau la mcm mana boleh terjebak tgk ceria popstar ni. but budak ni mmg best! congratz! 1st place, n u deserve it! :D

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Si Putih Si Merah

*kalau lah..~

Ku bukannya berdrama ku bukannya pelakon
Yang boleh membawa watak setiap gerak geri
Ku hanya insan pencinta namanya
Yang tahu warna putih dan warna merah
Ku persembahkan semua yang tersirat di hati
Bila dikumpulkan semua menjadi bentuk hati
Ku hanya insan pencinta namanya
Yang tahu warna putih dan warna merah

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my socalled spouse dok mengaji lg ka niiee? (-.-)
how long to wait anymoreee for d precious momentsss of life....~

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its a LIFE would be..

indeed.. huu~ *feeling meh*

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awk yg sdg diuji..~

Awak yang sedang diuji Ilahi,

"sometimes we must get hurt in order to know. Sometimes our vision clears after our eyes are washed away with tears"

Apa yg awak perlu, bangun & teruskan hidup terlebih dahulu.. Hikmah itu akan tersingkap bile tiba masanya..
And dat time... Awk akn rase betapa beruntungnya terpilih untuk diuji...

Juz remember,
...and once the storm is over, u wont remember how u made it through, how u managed to survive. U wont even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain, when u come out of the storm, u wont b the same person who walked in!-harukimurakami-

Apa sahaja ujian ( kerja, psgn, anak, harta, kesihatan ) jalan penyelesaian hanya satu!


Allah is always there.



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hectic week!

"akak nmpk ceria arini.."

hahahahaa.. tentulah!!! sebabb.. xpelah.. juz leave me n Allah jer tau. X)


what a hectic week!! shifting aka ber HIJRAH mmg memenatkan. n plus to handing over current task to d very WANTED newcomer really challenging. kdg2 rs berkire plak is like xmo 'tlg' die.. sbb ak dulu sume setel sendiri. hmphh. tp i wanna leave my workplace n tasks nicely. before she move in, byk bnda ak kna workout utk die. hihuuu~ it's so tiringgg sbb patut belah diri ni jd 2 mahupon tiga atau lebihhh utk buat keje kiri kanan dpn blkg ats bwh.. huwaaa~~ but wat to do.. i juz wanna make sure d things gonna be easy for everyone. i cant simply hand off 'my' daily tasks, or even, dey (people who always seek my helps) still looking for me, n i am still doing it becoz i love and care on my organization. seems like everyone nowadays full swings for d organization even tired, fedup n feel like !@#$%^&*() but i can see dey r committed to fulfill d tasks n requirements wif mumbling. hikhik~

im shoo excited n cant wait to workout on my 'new' tasks too. i know i can handle dat things. insyaAllah. wish me luck! n pray for my best! yeeehaaawwww!~

 all brand new. *demand sgt* hihihuhu

thanx a lottssssssaaaaa awk awk awk semueeee yg melayan kehendak saye nehhh. whoops~

it is a cup of courage! pemangkin semangat gituu!

oh n not to forget.. for whom yg buka ruang n peluang for me utk majukan diri ini selangkah ke hadapan dlm menempuhi kehidupan yg penuh liku ni.. n make me feel relief after a bluerghhhh thingysss happened in my life as you can see.. dramatik x hayatttku~ huhuu~


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everythings seem perfect to me.. for now. thanx for d opportunity!.. hat lain yg mintak.. hat lain yg dpt.. Allah know best for us kn.

Allah swt says in Surah Yousuf, “Surely He is the Knowing and the Wise”. It means that Allah Knows every single thing with the most perfect and complete of Knowledge, and He has the most perfect Wisdom.

So whenever you make dua to Allah then remember these two Names. Because Allah Knows how desperate we are in need of what we are asking for. Allah Knows our need more than we ourselves know it. He is also Wise in that He Knows when is the best time for Him to give us what we are asking for.

Remember that in justice and in fairness, if you were in any way deserving of what you are asking for, and if what you are asking for is truly what is best for you then In sha Allah you will get it. But you will get it when Allah Sees it fit for you to have it. When He Sees that you are serious about having it. Allah Knows and we do not know, Allah is Wise and we are not.

May Allah help us to realize this! May He help us to always remember these Names of His (swt) whenever we call out to Him

-Sister Zakia Usmani

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its only a matter..

hurghh.. adakah tahun ini tahun mengeluh? bukan ak sorg jer merungut.. pls life lah..psl keje lah.. all of my close frens kot.. ade jer cter msg2. siang layan mslh keje.. mlm layan mslh peribadi. elok la kan.. siang malam.. mslh.mslh.mslh. hurghhhh!~

well.. in my current situation,  ak cube meletakkan diri ak kt tmpt sumone ni. ye, ak dulu pon cmtu. xtahu apa2. budak mentah. apa pon xfamiliar. plus ak keje BUKAN BIDANG AK BLAJA. lg lah! everything is new for me. tapi ak rs ak xde lah annoying, setiap 5 min tanya 'senior'.. begitu begini..mcmtu mcmni. graduated kan. jgn tunjuk kelemahan. its ok to be humble, tp show dat u're educated enuff. seiring dgn education background awk.

even, i did show my anger to everybody. tp lg pressure ak rs. dorg ingat ak buat klakar ke? ckp laju2 mcm bertih jagung. show xpuas hati. bising2 mumbling dis n dat. pls lah rs menyampah dgn gua, so dat ak aman sbb xdiganggu melayan keje ak skg ni. pleaseeeelaaahhhhhhh!!!! i have no time to entertain people. is like jd baik n 'ramah' pon salah.

hurghhh!! sapa xhangin, bila org yg akan kite berkerjasama is like xsabar2 utk kite join team die.. tp kat blkg berbakul2 ko mengumpat canang cter xbaik psl ak. halo! my NEW TASKSSS nnt tu kerja2 yg AK SEDANG BUAT SELAMA INI! and selama ni my immediate superior letak burden keje tu 100% kat ak.. yg die nak tau only the RESULT. tp yg hat skg ni, sensitif sgt bila dpt 'INSTRUCTION' dr ak sbb ak kuli die katenye. MY CURRENT INSTRUCTION IS COMING FROM YOUR BOSS. OUR BIG BOSS! sile lah faham flow keje SEKARANG ni. jgn pndai ckp tapi xguna otak. BOSS is always right. skrg ni persoalanye ak macai sapa? sorg xlepas.. sorg dah tarik.!

i can feel dat sumthing will be happen. n ak xsabar2 sbnrnye nk benda tu terjadi. kalo makin baik, baguslah. if not.. we will see, who gonna takes a first move.

hi org yg tgh baca entry. eager to know bout me huh?

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be there..

Be there for somebody today and feel the goodness such selflessness brings.
Hold someone close and allow them to feel that everything will be alright.
Share someone's sorrow and know that you have lessened it somewhat by simply listening.
Don't underestimate what being there for others can do.

would you be there for me?.. be my shoulder to cry on.. coz im facing my hard time at dis moment.. (T____T)

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d one who knew everything..

"d one who knew everything"

kelmarin, im enjoy watching CSI channel at Astro. d story regards d Malaysian banker yg dibunuh di Hong Kong China. if xsilap dat case happened in 1984. selama 17thn kes berlangsung. tapi dh xde makna dah.. keadilan xdpt juga ditegakkan. last scene of dat story, isteri arwah kate..

"i think d case is closed. isnt it?"

"xperlu lah lg cerita.. semua nya dh berakhir.."

how sad.. anak2 yg kehilangan ayah. isteri yg kehilangan suami at younger age (at dat time). Suami hanya menjalankan amanah yg diberikan. dgn cara yg btul.. dgn cara yg halal. tp DIBUNUH oleh syaitan yg bertopengkan manusia. ak pon xreti nk ulas pjg2 cerite ni. just click at d below link to know d story. tp lg best if u can watch d ASTRO CSI Channel : The One Who Knew Everything.



"d one who knew everything"

gelaran tu ak dapat mase zaman U. n mgkn skrg ni pon? ak pon xtau nape org ckp cmtu. mgkn ni ujian Allah buat ak. knowing too much info sumtimes burden ur life. INDEED. kite xtau sapa kwn n sapa lawan. n for me, myself, i didnt know my socalledenemy. dpn nmpk baik, tp hakikatnye TAK. ak xpndai baca org. sbb bg ak sume org yg ak kenal baik. even msg2 ade perangai yg annoying.

"kalo ko nk tau dgn lebih byk psl company ni..ko tanye umi. sume benda die tau."

ak pon xpasti..motif beliau berkata mcm tu. adakah satu pujian sbb looks like ak ni tersgt lah BAGUS (alhamdulillah) or kata2 sinis sbb ak mmg tau ape saje yg terjadi kt company ni. halo. mmg xmsutahil ak tau, sbb ak org kanan org plg atas dlm dis organization. dan bkn sbb ak yg SEBOK2 nk amik tau ye tuan2 puan2.. people out there yg mai habaq begitu begini, mcmtu mcmni. mcm2 cerita. negatif positf.

"dorg tguu masa jer nk boom ko ni mi"

nk boom? silakan.. ak pon xsbr nk BOOM org org org yg berkenaan. tak sabar btul nk split out KESEMUANYA kt hgpa hgpa hgpa sampai bernanah telinge. pls lah sudi dgr dgn HATI YG TERBUKA n  KINDLYYYYYYYY TAKE ACTION! it is a MUST!! WAJIBB!!! sebelum arwah GM TFSB meninggal pon, sepatutnya ada satu perjumpaan diadakan utk setelkan masalah ni, tp.. ntahla.. dat event asik tertangguh2. mgkn Dia xizinkn benda tu terjadi.. dan Allah lg sygkan dia..

"d one who knew everything"

hmm.. adakah nasib ak satu hari nnt akan berakhir mcm arwah Jalil Ibrahim?..

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boss vs leader

"nk yg full time bkn part time.."

ni jadi 'rebutan' *sgt* sbb bagus cara bekerja ke or sng dibuli? hempokk sume keje sbb tau boleh setelkan any taskSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS immediately tanpa tunjuk ajar.

boleh tak nk bangga atau perlu keluh sbb jd mgsa keadaan??


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boleh jadi..~

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cherita hari ini..

i love to read fynn jamal notes. kata2 die tulis mmg menusuk kalbu btul.. so here we go..~
as her notes, in my words.

d satu angle..

die budak baru.. die xtau ape2 psl tugasan die. die bertanye itu ini dgn senior die. die bersmgt untuk menggalas tugasan. die excited. tapi..

di satu angle..

die nmpk annoying to his senior. mgkn kerana soalan demi soalan. begitu begini. mcmtu mcmni.. smpi  dh xlarat nk jwb. 

"weyyy. boleh x jgn kaco ak! sebelum aku mengamok n naik antu. baik ko dok diam2 sane! n lets me focus on my taskSSSSS. nnt2 ak free, ak ajar lg k!!! ok?!!"

"ok.. sorry senseii"

die akur.. die duduk. die diam.


di satu angle.. 

"arghhhhh!! serabut. dh amik org baru. tp masih lg hempok sume kt ak!! hurghhhh!"

"haloo.. ye bos A.. ok2.. sy akan setelkn. ye.ye.. by today. ok"

"yes bos B. baikkkk!. sume nye dh buat. tggu itu n ini aje. then i setelkn.."

"bos C. ada2.. benda tu sy dh follow up. tggu next arrangement"

"arghhhhh!!!! serabut btull!!! i have to do so many tasks yg xrelated pon dgn job scope pon!. kang bsg2, tolak keje kata calculative la. itu ini.!! hurghh"

"haloo.. weyhh.. mak dh bsg blik lmbt. ko lmbt lg ke nk blik ni? dh pukul bape ni. bos xbg blik lg ea? byk keje??"


di satu angle..

 "huhuuu.. anak2 ape cter kt umah. dh makan ke blom tu.."

"lmbt lg ke adek ak ni.. nk msg tnye cian plak.."

"halo.. ye mak.. ok2.. tgh tggu adek la ni. die xsetel keje lg. jap lg kitorg balik la.."


di satu angle..

"makin ramai org, makin serabut organization sy!! ape yg dh berlaku ni?"

"even sy duduk ofis satu hari, satu benda keje xjalan. masa abes mcm tu jer. penat nye sy!"

"kesian la sama lu org. kena drag sama stay back. apa boleh buat.. haihh"

"arghhhh!! rs mcm nk lari kejap dr sume ni. SERABUTTTTT!!"

 "it's good! mcm2 keje kite dpt nowadays.. tp tu la.. mengah nk swing sne sni. tp $$ kena gain jugak."


cheritenye.. kite bekerja bagi pihak A utk gain $$. pihak A hire kite utk setelkan keje die. at d same time, kite ade life sendiri. yg org lain TAKKAN FAHAM!! permintaan family member yg sometimes dh TAK LARAT NAK LAYAN tp we have to. desakan diri sendiri yg nk mcmtu mcmni.. hmm~

ini lah kelangsungan hidup.

dan.. ak masih di sini.. menunggu dgn penuh 'setia'. kalo xtggu serba salah pula. mcm2 jugak nk kena tanya.sebelum die menghilang semula *td kan die habaq nk lari jap dr semue ini. hikhik*.

setiap yg berlaku ade hikmahnye. kan.

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comey angatt~


tapiiii.. zaman skg, buat sambal belacan pon pki blender.. dh xpakai dah lesung batu.. hikhik~

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Selamat Hari Ayoh!

hmm.. i have so many fathers.. but my biological father has been passed away 2 years ago. Kalo ayah masih ada.. i will find something for you. ia hanyalah simbolik.. to show my love for you. coz i love to pamper d one(s) dat i love n care much. i hope u know.. my LOVE for you more expensive than that 'something'. 

as always, doa adalah hadiah terbaik isnt it.. semoga ayah baik2 di sana. im sorry if im hurt you n i know i am.. i does. even now? my sin yg ayah masih lg tanggung coz im still not married yet..

my dad is a nice guy. and i hope i will find a nice guy like you very soon. you treat us (me n sis) well. you know what we want n desire. you try to fulfill our needs eventhou you know it's impossible. you make it possible as you can. you read me well. you know how bad im feel when im not in line wif ur wife. you know how to make me feel better.  Mazlan Zulkifli Bin Mohd Noor. you are a great dad ever! Al Fatihah. we will reunite again soon. insyaAllah.

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paN!c MonDayy!

huhh.. wat a panic monday!! bukan sbb monday blues.~~ tapi, suddenly i was shocked by my colleague. elok2 jer ak smpi opis..parking kereta dgn penuh gaya. *hikhik* and ak masih dlm kereta.. cover2 cun *sgt* sambil cari heels bwh seat, tetibe tingkap kereta ku diketuk bertalu2. huh. tanjat kite..!! (-.-!) my colleague jerit2 suh buka pintu cpt.. 

"mii cpt mii!! buka pintu!!"

"nape ni weyh.. awk ok x?" ak pon mula cemas tgk die kalut2.

"kite nmpk.. *bout to cry* ade org buang bayii!!!" she hugs me and her body is shocking.

"hahh?? biar btul weyyy."

"btul.. jelas kite nmpk td die pegang kain putih..kendong mcm bayi.. pastu tanam kt situ haa.. org tu naik kete myvi putih.. die pakai hoodie. cpt2 die blah lepas die letak benda tu bwh pokok tu."

"weyhh..awk d sne.. awk kt mana? mai kt parking ni sat. kwn kite nmpk ade org buang bayi. tapi xtau la sahih ke x.." i immediately call my socalledbradah, kebetulan he ade kt KL today. *feuh*

then he with my socalledabah ran quickly from office up there n lead us to d place where d 'baby' has been buried. 

socalledabah took down d plant n we saw there is a white blanket in there.. aduhhh.. harap2 bkn lah bayi. im bout to cry too. socalledbradah n abah seems like afraid n shocked. msg2 xbrani nk buat apa2. suddenly ramai plak saksi2 kejadian yg nmpk ade org tanam dat thing tampil n helps us.

"huh.. bnda ni berat..Ya Allah.. harap2 bkn lah seperti kite sgka.." one of uncle said. He recite some ayat al Quran and open d white blanket. 

"hmm ade uri.. tp rs nye KUCING kot"

"seriusly? btul ke.." im afraid to look at dat thing. dlm hati lega n feel funny. tp rs nk gelak pon xsmpi hati. panik jugak weyh.. berpeluh ak tahan diri dr pengsan. *drama sgt. hihuu* slalu dgr jer isu2 cmni.. jd dpn mata, mau panik ak 10thn! (-.-!)

"betul.. kucing jer.. tp pelik gak org tu. buat suspen jer gaya dia td."

"tau xpe. gaya die mencurigakan btul! huhh"

"xpelah.. at least kite berjaga2. kalo btul bayi td. kesian dia."

everybody feel relief i guess. but ade la org (yg xde kena mengena pon mse nk investigate bnda td. sekadar tgk dr jauh) buat lawak bodoh bangang ape ntah. n i guess dorang mabok todi kot!! kemain lg tease bout dat.. kena kt ko nnt pdn muka!

annoying people. everywhere. isnt it?!

kami warga prihatin. Anda??


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isnt it..

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d momento..

org kata.. "buat baik berpada2.. buat jahat jgn sekali!!" so kena buat byk kali kee?? *sarcasm*

sbb tu la, yg suke sgt buat jahat akan repeat dat thing over n over again kn.. even die dh tau kesan dan akibat. biarlah.. apa lagi nk kata. akal fikiran Allah dh bagi.. kalo dh jenis xsedar diri? rs diri lebih hebat dr Dia. apa lg nk ckp. buang air liur je nk habaq. resam dunia. apa yg kite buat, setimpal dgn apa yg kite dpt. *take it or leave it. xpercaya sudah!*

manusia ni mcm2 ragam. barulah happening dunia ni kan.. *hurmm* mmg menjengkelkan kalo deal dgn annoying people. tp wat to do. mereka hadir dlm hidup kite atas izin Dia. dh nasib badan to face all dis. hidup mmg xslalu indah.. langit xslalu cerah.. dan xjugak slalu mendungg~

"soba je la yob" kata dia.

nk sabaq lagu mana lg dh. tapi.. ak ok je.. mgkn ak suke mumbling tu nmpk mcm serabut. padahal sebenar nye im juz fine yaww..! hikhik~

rezeki ade dlm pelbagai cara. kite nmpk jer org tu sng, tp kite xtau ape yg die hadapi. masalah ape yg die tempuhi.  so, bersyukur dgn apa yg kite dapat. im blast wif my life. thanx Allah utk apa yg seadanya.. i know You have so many great plansss for me. sumtimes, mmg rs xlarat nk hadapi sume ni.. but i know im strong enuff. bkn a cengeng girl yg xtau berdikari n hidup sendiri. im juz hoping dat segala urusan yg mendatang akan dipermudahkan olehNya. n im looking forward for my future happiness life n peoplessss. :D n im blast wif current people in my life. you guys rockin' my world!!*waaiiniee*

what a funny thought from a fren..

" frozen & maleficent; disney is actually telling us that nowadays there's just no prince charming anymore. — feeling funny. "


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what a sexyyy ever..!! but why la dis colour xde dlm market malaysia.. (T__T)

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bosan gila baq hang.. dh mcm keje site plak kena standby here.. nk claim OT boleh x?? mcm org2 site dok claim tuuu~ tp.. nnt ade isu psl calculative plak kannnn..~ (>.<)

oh.. mula la kn harsh word nk kuar.. im honest wif my words. xkuasa ak nk hide dis n dat. haihh.. apelah nasib kan.. xpelah.. i believe Allah hear me. like i always sayyy..

" yg benar tetap benar..yg salah tetap salah.."

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Al Fatihah..

DaripadaNya kita datang.. dan kepadaNya kita kembali..

Our condolences message to Perak Royal Family.. - NSTP, 3rd June 2014.

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Alhamdulillah.. another milestone of my life..

im not expected it at all. literally. at first, its juz only a 'temporary destination' which is i guess juz a pit stop utk ak menarik nafas selepas peristiwa2 yg ak mls nk ingat. im still feeling childish at dat time.

and now.. here i am. im not feeling proud or stuck up on my achievement or what did i got. it's juz.. i wanna immortalize my blissful moment and thought for my own good and IN my track. if in case im down wif my life, i love to read what's happened in my life before. d cheerful moments n events make me feel blast. yeah, im feeling so blasttt! :D thanx Allah for d opportunity.

oh well, 1st of all.. im still remember sumone told me.. im in d comfort zone. Dia suruh ak keluar dr 'sini' n tgk dunia luar. die kata ak terlalu selesa di sni.. n xkan berkembang.  at dat time ak mumbling psl earning yg ak rs xmeet apa yg ptt ak dpt even ak stated dat i love to be here.

ak sahut cabaran dia xlama lps tu. and actually sbb dia pon ak bertindak mcmtu. ak rs jelek utk stay here sbb dia. i tested my market. i got so many helps from frens.. here n there.. penat! feel bad! n asked myself.. "why i need to go through all dis at dis moment coz currently im still feel COMFORT to stay here?" . i insisted to challenge myself to see d world in a 'new n different view'!.. But, Allah has a plan for me. which is to be here.. still stay and standing here.. but in different challenges. 
(i conclude as diff than before) i dont know.. maybe for a while? or a long term? i have no idea. im juz living my life as people does. im d survivor on my own war! to d infinity and beyond!

even it is still unofficial promotion & transfer (coz im still doing d current + add on d new role n responsibility tasks) but alhamdulillah im earning d new challenges ka-ching!. thanx so much coz realize n concern on my effort towards growth of d organization.

yes.. im a meant person. i will fight for what i deserve.

halo peeps. please meet my team.
CAD on d go!~

and i cant wait for d another happy moment dat will be coming real soon!. :D
no words dat i can say anymore except, thanks Allah for dis kind of opportunity. 


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Feeya turns 2!


My baby girl turns 2! cepatnye masa berlalu..  Happy Birthday Feeya! semoga membesar dgn baik dan menjadi anak yg solehah. dh terlalu ramai manusia yg xberkualiti zaman sekarang ni.. pls dont be d one of 'em. i will raise you up to be a better muslimah, InsyaAllah. i hope i wont fail. ILoveYouDeepDeepDeep. My SweetNottyAnnoyingMucukMashamBachin baby girl.. hihuu~

Sambut lewat sehari.. sorry.. id been so busy on ur big day. (T__T)

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