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i loves dis girl so much. walaupun kekadang tu annoying yg amat. haihh~ annoy sbb buli mama ya dukung all d way. penatt tau tak. mcm pikul guni beras.. (T__T)

now dh bsr skit, sng to handle her. die pon pandai, kalo naik kete, duduk diam kt seat. what a good girl! same goes to abg actually, cuma abg sumtimes agak ketegaq la, xmo dok diam2. sebok nk tgk keadaan luar. but both of them really make my life happening. tgk keletah dorg, im feel blast. oh, i have learn dat anak lelaki mmg lagi manja dr perempuan. mcm smlm, i make a milk for both of them. sama jer kuantiti air panas for each. tapi abg come to me, sambil merengek.."hek hek hek. anasss" adoyaii. yg adek relax jer minum sambil silang panggung tgk tv. seb bek comel, kalo tak malas haku nk layan. :p

they're one of rezeki yg Allah kurniakan buat my family. 

my partner in crime. dah ade lekuk n calar2 dah. sape buat nii?? hurghh!

 hover tau budak ni.. setiap org yg lalu, sume nk lambai sambil say byee.. hyee.. (^^.!!)

haha. dh boring la tuu~

hmm.. die yg letak sendiri khazanah2 die dlm beg ni. 
beg ak dh mcm beg die plak. sume benda nk sumbat.  kemain lagii.

dis picture taken a day before im going to Mekah. masa ni im feel so bored. so, xtau nk buat apa, i plan to wash my partner in crime. Suddenly dis girl dr mamai2 nk tdoq, terjaga n sebok nk ikut kluar. so, ok, jom je la.. (even i know my saham akan tergugat la ckit since muka die seakan2 aku. sure org ingat she's my dotter. hurghh) people, mostly my relatives said muka die sebijik mcm ak masa kecik2 dulu. n MMG pon!. i can realize dat. since baby dh ikut muka ak. dh mamaya ni yg bela cheq since you're 2 days kot. im still remember, im too panic when have to take care her n her brother alone. their mom admitted at hospital for 2 weeks, and their nenek n asshuu ( or actually paksu, cara depa pronounce yg tak tahan) busy uruskan itu ini. so tggl kami ber3 kt umah. dgn newborn baby, n abg die yg nakal. huwarghh.. sampai menangis2 la ak dodoikan depa 2 ekoq ni suh tdoq! haihh~

anak2 ku.. membesar lah dgn sihat, kebaikan, dan hidup berlandaskan syariat Islam ok. xbest pon buat jahat. nnt menyesal. life just once, gunakan peluang kt dunia ni sebaiknya. akhirat nnt ada ganjaran nya. ada rezeki, kita buat umrah slalu ok. wif dat, kita akan rs hidup ini hanya utk Dia. and our point of view regards life will be different a bit by a bit. hope i have a lots of money in d future. biar mamaya jer tanggung all of us. 


is that my kids always know how much i love them, and they walk through d rest of their life knowing i'll always be there for them anyway i can.

me loves you so muchy!

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