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cikgu senget

Thanx babe, for cheer me up. Dah lama rasanya tak spend weekend mcm ni. a productive weekend. Sebenarnye ak nk kuar sorg2, shopping my monthly stuffs and having a cup of coffee. berangan abes dh ni sebelum nk kuar umah. hihi. ;p Suddenly i got a call from dis lady asking me out. sebok jer nk ikut. haha. tp bagus jugak. if dulu, ak agak penakut la kluar alone, but now depends on mood la. lg prefer kluar menikmati udara yg xbaper segar di luar sane tanpa buddy. ntahlah.. mgkn Dia tak izinkan ak kluar without guardian weekend lps? hihu~

d things make me laugh loudly when she told me dis story. sampai org kedai makan tu mcm bg perhatian kt kitorg, like if we want to add on menu and bills. lajuu jer pndg kitorg. haha.

cMa : babe, aritu i panik giler kot. tgh ak mengajar, tetibe ade bdk ni menanges. beriya pulak tu. ak pelik la. ape ak dh buat or ckp sampai teresak2 die nanges. huhu.

Me : abes tu, ape ko buat?

cMa: ak p kt die, tanya, "why are u crying?" *since my fren teaching at elite school. even primary, but all of them speaking in british/american accent*

that boy : my family want to go a vacation in China next week. i dont want to follow them. i will be bored on board, cant play my fav games, no wifi at all!!.

cMa : "why? vacation is interesting what. now, snowy season. u will have fun there. "

tp ak rs nk terburai gelak dgn reason die. hahahaaha. ade plak mcmtu. pastu sambil2 pujuk die, ak siap ajar la, p download games kt google play. boleh main game offline. then bdk tu berenti nanges, n ckp ok2. fuhhh~ seb bek dgr ckp ak. mcm2 la bdk zmn skg ni. ko tau la kan, isu2 skg, nk sentuh bdk pon siap main court bagai. ni ak xbuat ape2 pon, bdk ak nanges.. huwarghh!

HAHHAHAA. adoy.. xpe. depa dpt cikgu senget mcm ko, sure ok punye. ko boleh handle. chaiyokk! :p 

bride to be, really2 soon. huhu. another one of my partner in crime left me behind..

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