haahahaaha. tergelak2 aku buat keje arini. sure bos ak ingat ak dh gile. sbb lately nmpk ak moody, sedey. arini gelak mcm hape, n suddenly join me to watch d video! ;)
dis is a part of my task. syok kn. online. tgk fb. tgk youtube time ofis hour XD . oh well, currently im doing d task - to update d website information. new layout to be launch in couple of hour from now!! so ade la nk share technofit's videos to d public. this video really make me feel blast to be a part of technofitian's family. :')
everybody mase ni, sporting gilers! dr top management yg look serius jd gila2. yg warak jd mcm mabok todi. yg muke nmpk cengey senyum manis sekali. yg xkenal jd ngam. yg xkwn jd kwn! yg pemalu ala2 kucing jd xtentu arah. yg menari mcm kayu, ibarat tgh mop lantai (refer to minit ke 7.49, d guy in 2nd row XD) pon blasah asal boleh. yg menari mcm org sakit jiwa pon xpeduli ape org kata. sume ada. and we all enjoy dis moment SO MUCH kot!
mmg teambuilding mase ni, teambuilding paling byk main! bos ckp frust ckit sbb xmeet objective katenye. tp bg ak OK la! sbb everybody release tension kot. dr serabut2 hal keje, kite bw dorg p pulau, dok diam2 sne!!! lupe abes keje sume. n family too! :p sbb line xdpt! huhu.
anyway, my group ade praktis menari ala2 hindustani. me n one of owner is d main role. tp lagu tu xkuar. slmt der!!! ak pon malu sbnrnye, tp tebal muke la mse praktis layan la team mates ak request suh ak act like dat. kah2. mse praktis lg lawak. every team eager nk wt terbaik. menari belakang partition la, praktis at every ceruk pulau tu, konon2 xnk bg team lain tgk. xsurprise katenye!
ak xdela nk agungkan dis organization :p tp ni antara kenangan yg best sepanjang alam kerjaya. mana tau lps ni, rezeki ak bkn kt cni lagi. or ak jd fulltime housewife ke. huh, cita2.! :p ahaks.
ak xdela nk agungkan dis organization :p tp ni antara kenangan yg best sepanjang alam kerjaya. mana tau lps ni, rezeki ak bkn kt cni lagi. or ak jd fulltime housewife ke. huh, cita2.! :p ahaks.
i hope Youtube xremove dis video. biarlah jd kenangan hari tua nnt. ank cucu kami boleh tgk perangai tok nenek moyang mak ayah depa ni. X)
"we were young once! and this is us. :p"
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