Tahun 2015
all brand new. weehuuu!
Harini im feeling excited. Keadaan ofis baru sgt mengujakan kuuuu~ Looks like so exclusive for me. Tak gunapakai idea ak utk buat tema ala2 dlm boiler, (ceyh) tapi its good in corporate look! So marilah wahai clients2, supplier2, consultant2 dan visitor2, oh dan tak lupa rakan2 cawangan plus ank2 syarikat yg lain utk dtg to our new crib!
Lepas ni, sapa yg rasa2 malas nk balik umah, tdo lah di opis dgn keadaan yg sgt selesa! (kalo komplen gak, taktau lah ak). Siap ada blik mandi woyy! (khas utk org2 project yg dok pulun tender tu yer. hihi)
even masih lagi tak siap sepenuhnya, mgkn dlm 85% jer dlm pengamatan ak (dr kaca mata seorang arkitek pencen awl), but so far so good! d progress a bit delay, coz shud be we all dah pindah masuk mggu ni. (-.-!)
Herewith beberapa gmbr suasana ofis baru.. bercampur2 tingkat 1 dan 2 and ak xbaper ingat location gabungan department setiap floor. Nampak agak padat, but when you stand over there, its juz nice. kot la kalo mereng kejap dgn keje, bolehla hgpa nk melompat, pusing2 360* atau berlari ke sana sini.. all built in cabinet + everyone got their own mini cabinet in their workstation.
ade dept yg bakal dikurung (hahahaha) atas tujuan P&C i guess. lihatlah pintu2 kaca itu..
hah! ni mmg buat khas utk satu dept tu yg rajen bebenor buat meeting nye. harap dah xberebut2 bilik bermeeting dating hendaknye..
bilik-bilik manager yg slalu outstation.. kawasan yg mgkn agak sunyi sepi skali sekale.. huhu~
view from abah's room. syokla die.. ;)
for me.. ni pon d best part of architecture dat our contractor had implement in dis renovation project. i like his idea on double volume store room. gunapakai seluruh ruang yg hado sebaiknye. sebagai ex archy uitm, im so proud of you super seniorku! hihi. hmm, but some people dont like it in terms of safety katenye. ala2 penjaga keselamatan la sgt, but you SHOULD NOT split out d harsh word!!! kot nnt, kata2 ko mkn tuan. nauzubillah min zalik. hurgh!
yg ni bilik GMD. opcoz super duper nyummy! ade own mini bar, modern toilet appliances and bilik suluk (ke ape ntah nama die ;p) kalo bos tdo kt opis, so kite taulah kenapa. hehe.
ni plak, lobby area.. siap 60% jerr. (-.-) so, cant share how exactly it will look like. dalam 3D drawing perspective cntik giler. modern type, siap ader water element. (^^,)b Hope, yg existing lagi cantikk laaa hendaknye.
dis is d water element will be located. you will see d mini fountain before you enter d conference room or if you wanna go to d upstair. fengshui la kire ni? huhu~
dis is conference room. can occupy till 30 pax. so, seminar/awareness program etc will be in house starting next year. katenye laa. salah angle plak amik.. nmpk kecik here but actually ruang mmg besaq la baq hang. siap acoustic wall lg. (n tahan bau skali i guess.. (^^,!) sebab seblah conference room, btul2 kedai mamak.)
and last but not least.. my dept! one and only department in dis floor! sombong kan kitorg tak nak bercampur dgn org. nk kwn dgn visitor yg dtg jer.. bahahaa.
hish, sebok jer si gemok ni nk jd ala2 contractor explain d progress. :p eventhou, bos said you'd failed to handle dis project coz of d slow progress, but then surely dey will appreciate your effort and contribution in dis 'project' after all in order. ;) surely i bet!
my bos's room. xsiap lgsg! puikk. takde meja, glass wall. ape ni SO. lembs sgt ni.. :p
next to my bos's room is discussion / interview room. bakal2 'jenazah' eh, tak.. bakal new comer sekalian.. :) welcome in advance! ;) more recruitment will be coming in soon. terutama my budak! hey boy, come faster. lots of work to do. (-.-!)
oh..another one lupa plak.. dis is our facade. signboard jer tak naik lg. so dari jauh, can see wording TECHNOFIT at Duke highway from KL to Karak.
beside TECHNOFIT is Fit Wheels (House of DP Sdn Bhd) one of our subsidiaries. mai la pakat ramai2 tukaq tayaq moto hgpa n buy motor's accessories di sana, okayy.. harga kautim2 la dgn bos. ;)
sampai2 jer ofis lama :p, i cant wait to pack my things! hihuu. since nk bercuti pjg dah ni, better kemas awl2. (hahaha. alasan munasabah kn kn..)
Ni dah masuk kali ke 3 berpindah tahun ni. from PA's desk to CA Dept. 'gadoh' dgn bos, kuar blik dok meja luar plak. hehe. then, move out to Selaseh Commercial Centre. ofis baru nnt, kalo hangin xbaik dtg, ak bwk kusi meja dok kt kedai mamak seblah. boleh tgk org kuar masuk gym. usha abg2 sado. erkss. :p
tahun dpn, rumahku dgn ofis bukan ala2 tepi hidung dh.. jauh skit, hujung2 kaki mgkin.. hakhak. tp time balik dekat jer rs. itu yg kite mahuuu!! tak menyabo nk balik umah. wehuu~
tadaaaa. skit jer kn. (^^,) hadoyy.. mcm mana laa agaknye time ak nk kluar trus dr company ni nnt (lalalaa), mcm pindah umah ak ghaser. :p hak2.
oh, tqs in advance for d helps (for whom yg angkat brg2ku nnt. huhu)..
Sekian saje laporan dr sy untuk anda.. zass~
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