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i need a shoulder..

MY MOM always remind me..

 "Dekat mana mana tempat, ade jer mslhnye. d things is Nadia pndai tackle atau tidak."

Tahap kesabaran pon ade limit kan. bkn xboleh nk sabar. but enough is enough!

i love to be here. and im glad to b apart of d team. belum puas rsnye nk share knowledge and tunjuk bakat dkt cni. some more, people here is lovely. (refer to my buddies and cliques only. yerks!) seem like, by year to year, mcm2 kekangan ak hadapi. and ak rs ak 'berjaya' tempuhi, KERANA ak masih di sini.! bertahan dan terus bertahan. walau pernah kecundang berkali2. Lari dr masalah bkn cara terbaik utk menyelesaikan mslh tersebut. 


sungguh ak dlm dilema. xtau mcm mana nk ckp.. atau buat. hanya berserah pd Dia. ak xnk menyerah kalah. ak xnk tunjuk ak lemah. ak masih dgn sikap kedegilan ak, DO IT WHAT I FEEL RIGHT for d sake of everybody. even tak disukai oleh org atasan ak. but im supported by d others high level people. you think, did i too much? im not selfish or arrogant. im willing to help others to make d things goes smooth. and SELALUnye, benda tu disalahertikan. tp, kalo ade some people (high level) bg teguran yg sama, ko boleh terima pulak?? pokok pgkalnye, ko yg xpuas ati dgn ak kot. and menafikan hak ak sebagai middle manager? 

some said might be dey r jealous. but im not think like dat until i heard by myself, d way dey talk to me, ade la terpacul dr mulut seseorang compare what i got n what dey have. hmm.. skrg ni mgkn rezeki ak, so pls dont be like dat. im also dreaming what u have also what.. but i told to myself to be patient. what decree to me will come to me no matter what n vice versa.


it is hard to be one of it IF you have a leader like **IT. He/She not really support what r you trying to do. some more, dey r looks down on ur capability, ability, knowledge, skill AND anything bout u coz dey feel dey r too great. with d experienceS, ageS and all dat. Nak ubah org bawahan, tp kalo diri sendiri taknak berubah mcm mana? Nak suruh org bawahan learn itu ini, master bagai, but if compare wif themselves, "oh.. dh cukup tua. bkn mse lg nk blaja". 

SO WHAT? TAK perlu la nk influence or touch hidup org, nk aturkan itu ini, kalo diri sendiri pon taknak kluar dr zon selesa. GOT IT? KAU pon tak disukai oleh kebanyakan org. BERUBAHLAHH!!!  haihh penat dh gaduh mulut. last2 ak yg sakit hati. pls bear in mind, im not always right but when d things in my side, skali ak bg smash right on ur face, jgn ckp ak kurang ajar plak. enough is enough!

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