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keep strong

Aku harap, kau terus bertabah. mengharungi ape yg mendatang. sebab kau xboleh nk kawal setiap pergerakan. But Allah does. percayalah pada Dia. tetapkan hati. kuatkan iman. percaya dgn janji2 Dia. kalau tidak sekarang, nanti pasti ada jalan keluar. pasti ada. Allah tak akan membebankan hambaNya. Allah Maha kaya. segala2nya. Maha mendengar. Maha melihat. Maha mengetahui segala isi alam. Maha penyayang. Dia tahu apa yg menanti kau di depan sana. Sedangkan kau tidak. Tabah dan terus lah bertabah. walaupun hati kau berkali2 hancur. diri kau berkali2 rebah. kerana kesakitan yg tak dapat lawan. kerana kesakitan tak mampu kau tolak. ia akan datang. datang dan datang tanpa kau pinta. 

Hurting someone & telling them later on that this life is a test and the strongest are tested the most is a very cheap blow! Everyone will go through some hard times at some point. Life isn't easy. Just something to think about. Did you know the people that are the strongest are usually the most sensitive? Did you know the people who exhibit the most kindness are the first to get mistreated? Did you know the ones who take care of others all the time are usually the ones who need it the most? Did you know the three hardest things to say are I love you, I'm sorry, and help me? Sometimes just because a person looks happy, you have to look past their smile to see how much pain they may be in.

Do not underestimate your conversation with Allah.
Every Doa counts.

i have loved. i have lost and i have changed. It has been difficult but i have learned so much from it. I have learned that people can hurt you so deeply and not even worry about you. i learned that good people can change in a minute when their hearts have been broken. I've met great people, but mean people as well. But d most important thing i have learned is that every person in this world is strong enough to let go. People come and go and that's life! The most important thing is to stand up and realize that you deserve something better than a person who gives up on you.Life is like a coin, pleasure and pain are the two sides. Only one side is visible at a time, but remember other side also waiting for its turn.


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