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every story have 2 sides.. well, its good to be neutral.. but sometimes people say d person is talam bkn setakat due tp bermuka2. well, human being.. like to make assumption & prediction. tp byk negatif dr positif. only He know d truth. 
people can talk dis and dat.. tp kebenaran hanya org tu (yg berckp) sendiri jer tau..

i'd experience on dat. xsemua org mcm 'kite'.. yg betul2 maksudkan ape yg dipertuturkan.. yg betul2 jujur dgn apa yg diperkatakan. d best word. "ckp xserupa bikin." dan "ibarat janji bulan dan bintang" (nonsense desire). mulut kata ya, tapi hati kata x. at d end, nmpk kite plak yg bersalah. memaksa die utk berkata dan berjanji begitu?? dis is sad. dan SGT menyakitkan hati! Announcement!  i NEVER EVER FORCE ANYBODY to do wat dey dont want to do for my own good! 
oii, kejam nyer ak?! (o.O)

ak rasa ak ni manusia jugak. punya hati dan perasaan. same je mcm ape yg Allah bg kt manusia yg lain. ak xkata ak baik. TERSGT la baikkkkk. tp setakat ni, hingga saat ni, ak btul2 sincere n mean dgn ape ak ckp.. xde terlintas nk menipu dgn ayat2 manis kalah gula batu. apa benefit yg dpt dr menipu or cter nk kona baring baik punya?? hidup dh lebih 2 dekad, mcm2 experience dh dpt tp still mcm tu? didnt learn from wat's goin' on dan xpercaya dgn janji tuhan?karma exist.

other side, d things will be complicated if not settled down by now. semakin bsr, semakin byk mslh timbul. sbrnyer bnda xde ape kalo xamik serius too much. but bile msg2 ade rs ego dan sikap yakin diri (always rite) yg sgt tinggi.. membuatkan bnda remeh menjadi temeh. 

well.. dis thought based on keadaan sekeliling yg telah berlaku.. harap fahamlah if u're concern on dis. *tetbe rs emosi plak mlm ni..* damn! 8 of 365 days of 2014 didnt treat me well!

"it's funny isnt it, how one moment can change a million after it."

i just need a good sleep  and healthy life without thinking too much on sumthing dat unwanted but suddenly happened. 
till now, i still dont get it.. is there sumone /sumthing can help me to get me out from dis cancer?

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