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ok, sbb xboleh tdoq, and sdg merencanakan resolution baru.. saje mengenang kembali resolution yg lps..

10 years after school, what's my achievement.. hmm.. 

1. Further Study

After school, i wish to continue my study in architecture course. alhamdulillah. in July 2005, id been selected 1 of thousands applicant (who need to go through interview and drawing test conducted by uitm). i am d 1 of only 90 selected students. fuhh. have to really convince dat we're worthy to be chosen.. (o.O) kena speaking bagai. n present something to d interviewer.. *ntah ape ak membebel dat time ak xingat!.haha* dan bile difikir2kan balik.. rs impress jgak, bile lecturer always remain on d selected thingy when kitorg down mse crit session. hihii.. and id been located at Seri Iskandar. (60 of us to be placed at Seri Iskandar, d remains 30 students at Shah Alam)

 ni sume gmbr kt uitm shah alam.. yg dekat seri iskandar terlalu comot utk ditayang.. hihii~

2. New Environment

At d middle of journey to b an architect (hahaha), im feel unhappy n down. i juz wanna be near to my family. d homesick begin. mase tu kna sindrom alahhh you know kan when we're teenager feel down becoz of what.. tee hee~ (-.-!) . and what's a surprise news! suddenly my lecturers said all of us (students only :p) will be transfer to shah alam on d final year. 
yeay huu! it is because, my course had been upgraded to Sarjana Muda Sains Senibina (Bachelor of Science Architecture) instead of Diploma Senibina masa interview dulu. My lecturers said they're fight for dat thing for many years with uitm academic mgmt due to our course takes 4years to grad and some sort of academic issue raise up. so, since dat year (2006), uitm DO NOT offer Diploma of Architecture for any longer yer adik2.. xpe. even ill b transfer to Shah Alam in 2008, but i can wait. sy kn penyabar orgnyer.. haha. Seri Iskandar isnt bad place for me pon.. i juz want to be near wif my family.. 
dats all..

3. Grad on time

huh.. study life in d university isnt easy. bkn xboleh buat.. tp.. it's some sort of konflik diri. bile dari kebudak2kn nk jadi dewasa..all thing need to be done by urself n independent.. konflik kwn2.. konflik keluarga.. hmm. my supplication on dat time.. oh please.. Allah.. pls takdirkan ak utk grad on time. dh xlarat nk layan sume mslh ni. i need to break myself from dis unknown feeling n situation. n Alhamdulillah. i made it!! no more stuck in exam thingy. kertas sangkut buat ak stress! study mcm nk mampuih..balancing dgn crit session thingy..huh. masa tu dh rs architecture have no life. :'( even xgrad dgn flying colours or ANC thingy but im grateful. sorry to my buddy, coz xdpt grad same.. uh huu~

Officially graduated on 15th October 2009. 
Alhamdulillah. thanx Allah for dis opportunity. :)

4. Menjejakkan kaki ke negeri/negara luar

yeahhh. d best part study archy ni..sbb setiap sem ade aje trip ke sane sini sinun.. hihii. yup. setiap sem yer uolls! xmcm course lain. setiap sem kitorg ade trip plg minima 2 trip kot. weeeweeeweee~ sbnrnyer utk site study and all.. alaah.. smbil menyelam minum la air kn..~ 

1st year xbest. asik p Lumut - Pangkor, Pangkor - Lumut. haihh.. dr tmpt tu tgh construction, smpi dh siap. situuu je la tmpt kitorg p melukis, site study, and mengenyeh.. opps.. x..tu ak xterlibat. :p Adoy.. i cant remember exact time we go, tp sepanjang study, tmpt ak p:-

1. Sabah - Kota Kinabalu
2. Sarawak - Kuching
3. Cameron Highlands
4. KL (fuhh.. kena jln kaki sekitar KL d bln puasa..what d ?? haih..mls nk ingat)
5. Penang - cover area chowrasta road and nearby
6. Perak - Gua Tempurung/Lumut/Pangkor/Bota 
7. Melaka - Jonker Street
8. Selangor - PJ, yes, petaling jaya.. haha.site study near to Digi Mall.
9. Putrajaya - rs biase jer sbb byk kali p.. :p
10. Indonesia - Bali! yeahh.. trip ni plg ak suka.. sbb ak mmg p sane utk jln2 cuci mate semata2 yer. ikut studio (group/class) org lain. tp at last lecturer ak suh buat and present some sort of presentation of Bali utk studiomate. sbb dorg xp, only me n other 2 of us..  (-.-!) but its ok. gua xde hal.

Bali beach twilight scenery.. im lovin' it.!

wif balinese.. students form udayana university. 
seblah kiri me is Ria, vokalis Nero Band (local band in Bali)
and opkoz yg bertudung tu sume kwn2 uitm ak yer.. hehe

huhh.. ade lg ker? serius xingat.. i cant recall all. sbb byk sgt moment.. :p

and last 2 years ago i had a great time with my colleagues at Jakarta and Bandung and past 3 years and last year, i had a precious moment wif family at Langkawee, Penang, JB and Singapore. :) so, i hope my new resolution to go to Mecca will b answer soon, perhaps.. insyaAllah.

wilujeng sumping! mean selamat datang.. X)
kenangan trip ni yg best mase celebrate besday staff bln 1.. tajab, syakir n lg sorg xingt. :p
weolls buat surprise utk dorg, kuar dr dapur restoran sambil nyanyi lagu besday in indonesia version,
 d tour guide, bapak joseph (ketuk botol dgn sudu) n adita (ketuk tudung periuk), waiter n waitress ketuk periuk, kuali, pinggan n cawan besi, while me n bos' s wife bwk cakes. *malu plak join ketuk periuk bagai.. :p*

5. Wear a bracess

Pls.. jgn gelak.. mmg mcm nth hape2 punye resolution kn. ya i know.. tp im sure sumeorg ade reso yg pelik2 jgak kn.. :p i wanna wear a braces since school ages. tp my mom xmau layan. :'( sbb die ckp unneccessary thing utk buang duet. huwaa. xpe.. i made it for my own, mummy. after got my 1st job. suddenly d opportunity came. id planed sumthing n gigih kumpul duet kot.. haha. (at dat time braces price started from RM4k n above) tp.. dpt peluang lg baik dr ape ak plan. mean xkuar duet much. thnx to my dear buddy for d helps.

erkk.. jarang amik gmbr nmpk braces. segan pasaipa xtau.. :p

6. Can drive and get a car!

After 2 years dpt license, baru berani bwk keta.. haha. hmm.. i got sindrom penakuit nk mampuih like my mom.. yeah.. exactly. tp kirenye ak berjaya la mengatasi ketakutan tu compare wif her! hihii. and i own a car. :) even it is not my dream car.. but im grateful. tu pon rs mcm nk mampuih byr bulan2. (-.-!)

what else? huh.. kna tgk balik resolution yg lps2.. rs terlalu mengantuk plak d kala ini.. almost 3 am kot.. hahadoyy~ ok, sekian saje entry utk kali ni. (^.^)

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